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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez rado

  1. moje 3 grosze, wady po kilku "szybkich" meczach:

    -zbyt wolne tempo, przesadzili, zamulona gra

    -najwieksza wada dla mnie to strzaly - precyzyjne bomby z nierealnych pozycji, przy takiej fizyce strzalow nie z tej ziemi zero satysfakcji z goli



    na plus gra w obronie, bieganie z wcisnietym X i R1 nie poplaca


    tylko te strzaly :/

  2. Alien Isolation - kupiłem w obecnej promocji w pakiecie z dodatkami, polecam, szczególnie miłośnikom pierwszego filmu. Ale mam mały problem - w dodatku Last Survivor nie mam dźwięku w intrze i outrze. Króciutkie filmiki, w sumie sam monolog Ripley, ale przeszkadza. Próbowałem ponownie ściągnąć i zainstalować grę ale ten sam problem. Ktoś coś? Help!

  3. dzieki, jest z czego wybierac, na razie stellaris mnie wciagnal i pewnie dlugo nie odpusci, gra nie jest turowa wiec zamiast "jeszcze jedna tura", jest "jeszcze chwilke, godzinke...", nie bez wad ale klimat jest, z recenzji wnioskuje, ze to "tylko" dobra gra, ciekawi mnie czy cos z tego gatunku wymiata, endless space wyglada ciekawie, dwojka na horyzoncie, master of orion kojarze...

  4. pytanie o stellaris - jakies podobne gry znajde? tj. kosmos, sf, nie hardkorowa strategia, itp., nie siedze w strategiach, jestę kąsolofcem, kojarze civ w kosmosie, cos jeszcze? dzieki


    ps, dobra rescka stellaris:

    "-Play as a Reptile race

    -Find Earth near my starting position
    -Build observation post 
    -infiltrate human goverment
    -annex them

    10/10 for realism"

  5. dzis wyprobowalem ds4 w sklepie, ps4 stoi tam na wystawce od premiery, glownie widzialem dzieciaki w demo fify graja na niej, ja w nic nie pogralem z braku czasu ale chcialem sprawdzic jak sam pad, wciski itd. i zauwazylem ze nakladki na analogi konkretnie wytarte, wygladalo to tak, ze polowa galki byla calkowicie wytarta, dolna czesc, tam gdzie "leza" kciuki, takze jak ktos sie wczuwal bedzie mocno to szybko te galki pojda, tak jak z sama koncola tak tez z padem - poczekam co tam beta testerzy odnajda ;)

  6. hej, podzielcie sie wrazeniami jak dziala ds4 z ps3, ktos uzywal? warto kupic pada jezeli ps4 dopiero za rok planuje kupic i caly 2014 bede zaleglosci na ps3 przechodzil? wiem, ze nie wszystkie gry dzialaja, ze nie wszystkie funkcje dostepne, ze kablem trzeba podpiac, ale jak juz dziala (np. killzone 3 sobie niedlugo mam zamiar przejsc) to skorzystam z tych wszystkich zalet nowego duala (trigery, analogi, ksztalt...?



  7. serial byl o tym, ze Walt sprzedal dusze diablu i sie oplacilo, odzyl dzieki temu, troche stracil... ale i tak byl najmadrzejszy, najsprytniejszy i w ogole wszystko krecilo sie wokol niego, a jak juz na koncu zaakceptowal ze jest zlem wcielonym, nie oklamywal sie sam, ze robi to dla jakiegos dobra, to w ogole poszlo gladko i w koncu moze zasiasc na tronie obok samego diablo i innych zlych, niech szatan bedzie z wami  :ninja:

  8. W zalinkowanym tekście Sepinwalla tego nie ma, to gdzieś z głębi komentarzy?


    tak, strona 13 komentarzy


    a co do rozczarowujacego finalu - po kolejnym seansie jest lepiej, w koncu to te same postaci, z ktorymi bylem tyle lat, mimo to, ze napisane pod publike to jednak byly momenty, pewnie za bardzo lubie ten serial i jednak znajde "cos" w tym zakonczeniu, na pewno brakowalo mi w ostatniej scenie jakis mrocznych ambientow Portera przygrywajacych umierajacemu Waltowi, ktory w ostatnim "cale zycie w jednaj sekundzie" momencie, przed wydaniem ostatniego oddechu, wpada w paniczny strach przed trafieniem do piekla :>


    innymi slowy, jest co interpretowac i tak, jak tu

  9. ciekawa opinia, sie podziele:


    Based on his post-finale interviews, Vince Gilligan revealed that he isn't an artist, he's a marketing director. 

    True, this is the norm for a TV showrunner, even for a cable show. But let's not start getting caught up in BB being much of anything of an artistic achievement. It's a Shake Shack burger - superior in its ingredients and structure to most of its competitors (McDonalds, Burger King, etc.) but nevertheless an assembly-line creation built to satisfy the masses; not even in the same ballpark as the haute cuisine that many of its fans blindly believe that they're eating, which is a truly creative and inspired endeavor. 

    Gilligan describes the production process very much as one would describe creating a theme park attraction: "What will satisfy the audience here? What will generate maximum impact here? Etc. An artist has a story to tell and he creates his audience by the way that he tells it. Some of the greatest films and novels have action that is downright mundane when stripped of their style and/or subtext. An artist knows the best way to finish a story, and the art is in taking this one and only way of doing things and presenting it in such a manner that it demands that the audience come to terms with it. 

    Gilligan and his team of writers created the final 8 episodes of this show to satisfy the results of a focus group. The latent theme of many of the published responses to the finale is that a person can take the events of the final three episodes and end the story where he/she wants and be satisfied with it. This whole season was about Gilligan trying to have his cake and eat it too. 

    The proof is right in the pudding. We don't really get the issue of whether or not Hank catches Walt or Walt escapes the law. Instead we get a whole episode devoted to Hank catching Walt (and have Walt temporarily lose all control of his higher-functioning mental processses to allow this to happen), AND having Walt escape the law. We have his family find out and reject him AND we have Walt getting a final teary goodbye to his wife and infant child. We wonder if Walt will die of cancer or die as a result of the life he chose. Instead, we get both: the cancer returned, was terminal, and Walt was obviously quite close to dying of it by the final episode... AND Walt is killed as a result of the Tommy-Gun shoot-out. We wonder if Jesse will kill Walt or if they will make amends. The writers tried their durndest to get both to happen as well, with both men repeatedly trying to kill the other before Walt ultimately decides to save him. 

    Walt's cancer return as well as the introduction of the Nazis in this season were the two big "outs" that the writers had to work with, and they milked them both to dissapointing ends, rather than doing something more substantial with the former and employing a more judicious hand with the latter. The whole final season was about manipulating the audience, not telling a story, and I maintain that this season will not watch well when viewed on DVD, because the cliffhangers and head-turns will look much more obvious and feel tiresome to most people than they did when there was a week in between them to digest what happened. These episodes had just the audience in mind when they were created, not the characters themselves, and the characters and the story suffered dramatically for it. 

    I do think the finale was a good one, in the context of the episodes leading up to it. But the season as a whole was ultimately disappointing, IMO, and I'm sorry that a show I had come to love came to this. Episodes 5 and 6 of these season were pretty wretched, and despite 7 and 8 being much better, some damage was irreversibly done.



  10. Breaking Bad skonczyl sie na  Ozymandias ... i Granite State. Felina rozczarowala. Ech Vince, nie tak mialo byc :(  Zgadzam sie  ogqozo - jakby nagle zmienili scenarzystow. Mialem wrazenie jakby nagle, wiedzac ze final ogladnie rekordowa publika, anulowali wlasciwe, genialne, mroczne, zakonczenie i wstawili to "perfekcyjne". Smutno, ze koniec i ze taki final rozczarowujacy. Dla mnie oczywiscie. BB i tak pozostaje genialne. Ale jak mogli tak rozczarowa :(( Czekam na plyty z muzyka Portera. Ta chociaz nie rozczarowala do konca. 


    ps w scenie na chacie pary z grey matter zalatywalo mi przez chwile mechaniczna pomarancza, myslalem ze rzeczywiscie milego Waltera White'a juz dawno nie ma i do akcji wkracza H. zaczynajac jatke od przyjaciol z mlodosci, zastanawialem sie jak bedzie ich dreczyl/torturowal/masakrowal itd :)

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