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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Kre3k

  1. Po prostu poczekać jak gra będzie cała dostępna i wtedy kupić. Gra z tego co opisują ludzie grający w alphe zapowiada się na ogromny powrót do korzeni, ale mimo wszystko wydawanie 200 złotych za nieskończony produkt to głupota.

  2. A to nie jest na zasadzie teraz pełna gra(co twórcy sami mówili podczas E3, że to pełny, skończony i dopracowany produkt), a przez rok będą darmowe dlc, a potem tak jakby wyjdzie edycja goty? 


    W ogóle będzie w tej grze jakaś linia fabularna jak chociażby w Absolution czy po prostu pojedyncze misje?


    Dostaniesz powiedzmy przykładowo (bo nie wiadomo ile konkretnie niestety) 50% fabuły na premierę w grudniu, a resztę będą dawać w kawałkach mniejszycych lub większych na przełomie 2016 roku. W momencie kiedy oś fabularna będzie skończona gra trafi też do sklepów w pudełkowej wersji.


    A te dlc pokroju konraktów 48-godzinnych to pewnie będą dodawać nawet po 2016 roku.

  3. Polecam szczególnie obczaić wielkość tego levelu (jest to pokazane na ostatnim filmiku wyżej). W ogóle jak ktoś grał w drugą część to można odczuć wrażenie, że wzorowali się na "Invitation to a Party". 


    Wygląda świetnie, i już sobie daruję chyba oglądanie czegokolwiek do premiery fizycznego nośnika.

  4. Tutaj macie Q&A z ludźmi, którzy mieli okazję pograć w nowego Hitmana (w jedną misję w zasadzie)


    Questions asked and anwsered.
    - How many targets - Two.
    - Is there a mini map? - Yes.
    - Is there a satellite map - Yes.
    - Is Instinct back and how does it work? - Yes and it can only be used to locate targets and objects, requires no "mana".
    - Can you Lockpick - Yes you are able to lockpick doors again, and is one of the tools you can use to open doors with.
    - Is the QTEs still there - Yes and it works the same was as in Absolution.
    - Can you open and close doors? - Yes.
    - Is Posions and Sedatives back? - Yes, there are two kinds of posions this time around, one that makes the target sick, the other is lethal. 
    - Disguises how do they work? - Disguises works almost the same as in Blood Money, but this time around there are cheif personal that can see through your disguise.
    - Are there gloves? - Yes, but not in the mission we played (that might change) and they are back to the original design.
    - Is Diana Back? - Yes she is once again 47's I.C.A Handler.
    - Are there Mele weapons - Yes, Crowbars, Wrenchs, Screwdrivers, the tools have a secondary use. Can be used to tamper with envioment and distract NPC.
    - What happens with dead bodies? - Dead bodies will be removed in body bags and stored away.
    - How is the Inventory - You have limited inventory space, so choose your late out with thought.
    - How is the Weapon selection Weapon selection, works the same way as it did in pre Absolution.
    - Is Magic Pockets still there? - No 47 no longer possess bottomless pockets in his pans.
    - Is the suitcase/briefcases back? - Yes and it perfectly fits his sniper rifle.
    - Is the coins back and how do they work? Yes Coins are back, but they can no longer lure NPC away from their location, only make them turn around. Bigger objects is need for that. 
    - Can 47 fake surrender? - Yes.
    - Is there any evidence to collect? Yes.
    - Are there any plans for IO to open departments in New Zeland or Australia? - Yes the first IO Super HQ will open in Auckland in the year 2099.




    Ogólnie z tego co przeczytałem to  :banderas:

  5. Suteq


    "It is fully complete at launch but it is not finished," studio head Hannes Seifert told at E3 earlier today. "What we do is we start the journey on December 8 and what we put out there is going to be a big game. But over the course of 2016 we'll add more locations, more missions and we'll have things like targets that only appear for, say, 2 days. That's something you can only do in the live world."

    The game falls outside of traditional release models, launching as a full-priced $60 release but with additional content concluding the story rolling out in the months following launch. Once that content has been released, the game will be available to purchase on disc.

    We're not an Early Access game because Early Access games are unfinished by definition - you're part of the development," Seifert says. "Everything we ship on December 8 will be completely finished, it will be a very polished experience. It's also going to be a very big game. There are other products that sell a game for $60 and then try to sell you a Season Pass for another $40 on top, so you spend $100 or $120 for all the stuff that happens later on. We said no, we don't want to do that.

    "We think it's wrong to approach players like that because players want to be part of that experience but they don't necessarily want to be ripped off. What we're going to sell is all of that but it's for a one-price package."

    This is a full-fledged Hitman," Seifert promises. "Actually it's a bigger Hitman game than ever before, it will be more than Absolution. Our biggest levels are way bigger than anything we had in Blood Money. The AI entities, we have about 300 of them when we used to have 40 or 50 in the previous games. So it's a very big game [that] we will keep updating. It's $60, no dollar more, no DLC or microtransactions or stuff like that. You will buy it and you will have entertainment for a few months on top."




    Czyli gra kosztuje 60 dolców, 8 grudnia możesz kupić tylko wersję cyfrową, pudełkowa wyjdzie dopiero jak ukaże się cała gra. Wszystkie przyszłe misje, kontrakty, dlce będą za darmo.

  6. Tylko, ze do GG przyszło trochę nowych ludzi, min. od Fallout NV czy Wiedzmina 3. Budżet tez zapewne mają ogromny, uda się, wierze mocno.


    Nad takimi grami pracuje kilkaset osób, a Tobie się wydaje, że jak zatrudnili jakąś pojedynczą osobę z CD RED, to zaraz gra będzie mieć questy jak w Wiedźminie a scenariusz jak w grach Obsidianu. Prezentacja może się podobać, ale zejdźcie na ziemie, GG to twórcy średniej serii strzelanek, nic więcej.

  7. No właśnie konstrukcja tej gry to jakaś zagadka, premiera już w grudniu, ale co dostanę na premierę, parę misji? IOI piszę, że będzie systematycznie dodawać nowe misje po jakimś czasie, ale to się będzie łączyć w jakąś jedną fabularną opowieść?


    Nie wiem skąd ten pomysł z epizodami, ale ok, poczekam do konferencji Square Enix.


    BTW trailer im się wybitnie udał, mam nadzieję, że track lecący w tle to prosto z rąk Jespera Kyda.

  8. Skoro Bethesda ma swoją własną konferencję na E3 to chyba oczywiste, że to na niej pokażą gameplay, a nie teraz. Najbardziej istotne z dzisiejszego dnia pewnie będą platformy (czy gra jest crossgenowa czy nie) oraz ewentualna data premiery.


    NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--2K and Firaxis Games today announced that XCOM® 2, the sequel to the Game of the Year* award-winning strategy title XCOM®: Enemy Unknown, is currently in development for Windows-based PC. Developed by Firaxis Games, XCOM 2 transports players 20 years into the future, where humanity lost the war against the alien threat that has established a new world order. The secret paramilitary organization known as XCOM is largely forgotten, and must strike back to reclaim control of Earth and free mankind from the aliens’ rule. XCOM 2 is currently scheduled for release in November 2015. The game will also be coming to Mac and Linux via Feral Interactive.

    “Firaxis proved they could reimagine a beloved franchise with XCOM: Enemy Unknown, a Game of the Year award-winning title”

    In XCOM 2, the roles have been reversed, and XCOM is now the invading force. They are hampered by limited resources and must constantly evade the alien threat in their new mobile headquarters. Players must use a combination of firepower and stealth-like tactics to help XCOM recruit soldiers and build a resistance network, while attempting to expose the evil alien agenda and save humanity. XCOM 2 will introduce gameplay features such as procedurally-generated levels, which will make each experience unique to the player, as well as offer a much deeper level of modding support. Additionally, XCOM 2 will offer a variety of new content including five updated soldier classes, increased soldier customization, more alien and enemy types, evolved tactical combat and more.

    “Firaxis proved they could reimagine a beloved franchise with XCOM: Enemy Unknown, a Game of the Year award-winning title,” said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. “With XCOM 2, the team is breathing new life into the series by adding an epic narrative and challenging players to overcome near impossible odds.”

    “The feedback from the passionate XCOM community played an important role in the development of XCOM 2, driving us to push the visual, gameplay and replayability boundaries of what a strategy game can be,” said Jake Solomon, creative director of XCOM 2 at Firaxis Games. “We’re thrilled to implement long-time fan requested features such as procedural levels and modding support, as well as adding more of what makes XCOM great like new aliens, enemies and soldier classes.”

    For more information about XCOM 2, visit, where the game is featured as the IGN First title for the month of June. In the coming weeks, IGN will reveal exclusive details about XCOM 2, including gameplay impressions, in-depth analysis of alien and enemy types, new soldier classes and combat tactics, story-focused insights and more.

    XCOM 2 will be available for PC and is currently scheduled for release in November 2015. XCOM 2 is not yet rated by the ESRB. For more information on XCOM 2, please visit, become a fan on Facebook, follow the game on Twitter using the hashtag #XCOM2 or subscribe to XCOM on YouTube.

    *XCOM: Enemy Unknown was named 2012 Game of the Year by the following outlets: GameTrailers, GiantBomb, and Kotaku.

    Firaxis Games is a 2K studio. 2K is a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:TTWO).

    All trademarks and copyrights contained herein are the property of their respective holders.













    Gra ma wyjść w listopadzie 2015 WYŁĄCZNIE NA PC, co jest sporym zaskoczeniem, bo poprzednik wyszedł zarówno na konsole jak i PC.

  10. Nawet przez chwilę byłem zainteresowany przez ciekawy setting, ale od razu mi przeszło po obejrzeniu fragmentu rozgrywki.


    Dlatego dziwię się ludziom, którzy tak płaczą o feudalną Japonię - nawet jakby coś takiego kiedyś powstało to z pewnością nadal byłaby to ta sama drewniana gra co zawsze.

  11. Bez przesady kruku, nikt się raczej specjalnie tutaj nie ekscytuje trailerem, tylko samą zapowiedzią. Ludzie mają zaufanie do Eidos Montreal po bardzo udanym HR, stąd te pozytywne głosy, to wszystko.


    Jeśli mam być szczery to ten zwiastun mnie bardziej zniechęcił niż zachęcił - ten z HR robił dużo bardziej, muzyka też była lepiej dobrana, no a wizerunek antagonisty (choć to pewnie nie jest główny zły) stereotypowy aż do bólu - łysy, napakowany z ruskim akcentem.

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