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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez =PiT=

  1. 0. Gry z PS1 - najlepsze gry na PSP ;b

    1. Monster Hunter Seria

    2. DJMAX Seria

    3. Guilty Gear AC+

    4. MGS PiS Walker

    5. Patapon Seria

    6. Motorstorm

    7. Burnout

    8. Dissidia

    9. GoW

    10. Wipeout

  2. gole iso, bo i tak pat(pipi)esz co chwile nowym patchem, wiec oplaca sie je miec (podobno spatchowanego nie spat(pipi)esz again). Co do przetlumczonych questow to mam to samo ;b nie wiem o co im chodzi z tym ze przetlumaczyli... moze o same itemy z tych questow chodzilo ;b dunno

  3. Wielkie dzięki Kazub. PIT- mi się ciągle "Requerying orbital mesh" robi, i nic poza tym.


    EDIT- ciekawe, gdy wysłałem tego posta kai się włączył...


    wez nic nie mow... ja dzis pol dnia walczylem z tym ;s tlyko po to zeby sie okazalo ze to przez lagi xD ale wyczyscilem sobie neico kompoa dzieki temu ;b


    ale teraz juz loguje sie bez problemu (pomijajac te irytujace akcje z tym ze ktos nagle kogos nie widzi ;;;; MASAKRA)

  4. a ja robie armor z niedzwiedzia zeby pojechac lwa z okladki (spoiler alert) na warningu u buldroma , bo mnie w tym podstawowym 2 strzalami zabija xD


    Yano daj linka do softu ktorego uzywasz do skrinow, bo nie ogarniam tematu.


    -mało nowych zagrań dla broni, np LS czy GS w ogóle nie zmienione



    LS ma dodatkowy atak na koniec z R i nowe kolory paskow (i dash), wiec sporo zmian, a GS w sumie ma malo zmian, zgodze sie, ale trzeba trafic teraz w moment najwiekszego charge'a



    Pit, dzięki za tłumaczenie skilli, jeszcze tylko ekwipunek, materjały i itemy i będzie git, jest już coś w necie ?



  6. No, sniegowa.


    maly pomocny spoiler:



    毒 Poison
    匠 Artisan
    笛 Horn
    麻痺 Paralysis
    睡眠 Sleep
    気絶 Stun
    気配 Sense
    体力 Health
    体術 Constitution
    剣術 Fencing
    達人 Expert
    反動 Recoil
    攻撃 Attack
    防御 Defense
    加護 Protection
    広域 Wide Area
    運搬 Backpacking
    運気 Fate
    耐暑 Heat Res
    耐寒 Cold Res
    耐震 Tremor Res
    風圧 WindPress
    採取 Gathering
    採取+1 Gathering +1-> Increases the number of items at gathering spots
    採取+2 Gathering +2-> Greatly increases the number of items at gathering spots
    採取-1 Gathering -1-> Decreases the number of items at gathering spots
    底力 Potential
    食事 Eating
    捕獲 Tranquilzer
    逆境 Survivor
    速射 Rapid Fire
    抗菌 Antiseptic
    砲術 Gunnery
    本気 Determination
    狩人 Huntsman
    痛撃 Severe Blow
    重撃 Heavy Blow
    KO KO
    KO術 KO Negated-> Disables KO-ing monsters(?)
    納刀 Sheathe
    隠密 Sneak-> Makes you being less targeted by monster
    挑発 Taunt-> Makes you being more targeted by monster
    体力+20 Health +20-> Increases max HP by 20
    体力+50 Health +50-> Increases max HP by 50
    体力-10 Health -10-> Decreases max HP by 10
    体力-30 Health -30-> Decreases max HP by 30
    体術+1 Constitution +1-> Decreases stamina usage on rolling/stepping
    体術+2 Constitution +2-> Greatly decreases stamina usage on rolling/stepping
    体術-1 Constitution -1-> Increases stamina usage on rolling/stepping
    体術-2 Constitution -2-> Greatly increases stamina usage on rolling/stepping
    業物 Sharp Sword-> Sharpness level drops slower
    心眼 ESP-> Weapon will never bounce. but the damage produced by bouncing stays the same
    耳栓 Earplug-> Immunity to small roars
    採取+1 Gathering +1-> Increases the number of items at gathering spots
    採取+2 Gathering +2-> Greatly increases the number of items at gathering spots
    採取-1 Gathering -1-> Decreases the number of items at gathering spots
    幸運 Good Luck-> Increases chances of getting increased reward
    激運 Luck Booster-> Greatly increases chances of getting increased reward
    不運 Bad Luck-> Increases chances of getting decreased reward
    不屈 Fortitude-> ?
    災難 Calamity-> Greatly increases chances of getting decreased reward--
    探知 Detect-> Tracks monster location at start of the quest and gives detailed icon on painted monster
    鈍足 Flat Footed-> Increases stamina usage rate
    罠師 Trap Master-> Fasten up traps and bombs placements and 100% success rate on combining traps
    集中 Focus-> Fasten Bow/GS/Hammer charges
    雑念 Distraction-> Slows Bow/GS/Hammer charges
    散弾LV1追加 Pellet S LV1 Add-> Allows you to use Pellet S Lv1 shots
    見切り-1 Reckless Abandon-1-> Slightly decreases weapon's affinity
    見切り-2 Reckless Abandon-2-> Moderately decreases weapon's affinity
    見切り-3 Reckless Abandon-3-> Greatly decreases weapon's affinity --
    見切り+1 Reckless Abandon+1-> Slightly increases weapon's affinity
    見切り+2 Reckless Abandon+2-> Moderately increases weapon's affinity
    見切り+3 Reckless Abandon+3-> Greatly increases weapon's affinity
    攻撃力DOWN【大】 Attack Down (Large)-> High decrease to attack power--
    攻撃力DOWN【小】 Attack Down (Small)-> Slight decrease to attack power
    攻撃力DOWN【中】 Attack Down (Medium)-> Moderate decrease to attack power
    攻撃力UP【大】 Attack Up (Large)-> High increase to attack power
    攻撃力UP【小】 Attack Up (Small)-> Slight increase to attack power
    攻撃力UP【中】 Attack Up (Medium)-> Moderate increase to attack power
    貫通弾LV1追加 Pierce S LV1 Add-> Allows you to use Pierce S Lv1 shots
    納刀術 Sheathe Technique-> Sheathe faster(?)--
    毒無効 Poison Negated-> Immune to Poisoned
    毒無効 Poison Negated-> Immune to Poisoned
    毒倍加 Poison Doubled-> Poisoned duration doubled--
    毒倍加 Poison Doubled-> Poisoned duration doubled--
    連発数+1 Rapid Shot +1-> ?--
    雷耐性 ThunderRes
    雷耐性【大】 Thunder Res (Large)-> Moderate increase to Thunder resistance
    雷耐性【小】 Thunder Res (Small)-> Slight increase to Thunder resistance
    龍耐性 Dragon Res
    龍耐性【大】 Dragon Res (Large)-> Moderate increase to Dragon resistance
    龍耐性【小】 Dragon Res (Small)-> Slight increase to Dragon resistance
    防御力DOWN【大】 Defense Down (Large)-> High decrease to defense power--
    防御力DOWN【小】 Defense Down (Small)-> Slight decrease to defense power
    防御力DOWN【中】 Defense Down (Medium)-> Moderate decrease to defense power
    防御力UP【大】 Defense Up (Large)-> High increase to defense power
    防御力UP【小】 Defense Up (Small)-> Slight increase to defense power
    防御力UP【中】 Defense Up (Medium)-> Moderate increase to defense power
    腹減り Hunger
    氷耐性 Ice Res
    氷耐性【大】 Ice Res (Large)-> Moderate increase to Ice resistance
    氷耐性【小】 Ice Res (Small)---> Slight increase to Ice resistance
    散弾全LV追加 Pellet S All LV Add-> Allows you to use all kinds of Pellet S shots--
    水耐性 Water Res
    水耐性【大】 Water Res (Large)-> Moderate increase to Water resistance
    水耐性【小】 Water Res (Small)-> Slight increase to Water resistance
    心配性 Worry-> Decreases attack power when health is below 40--
    装填数 Loading
    装填数UP Load Up-> Adds one extra bullet on a bowgun clip and increases max charge level on bow--
    早食い+1 Quick Eating +1-> Fasten up eating animation
    早食い+2 Quick Eating +2-> Greatly fasten up eating animation
    調合数 Combo Plus
    斬れ味 Sharpness
    千里眼 Psychic
    破壊王 Ruiner-> ?--
    砲術師 Gunnery Master-> Increased damage of Ballisia S and Cannon S
    砲術王 Gunnery King-> Increased damage of Ballisia S and Cannon S, Gunlance's Shelling, Crag S and reduces Gunlance's WF cooldown time--
    火耐性 Fire Res
    火耐性【大】 Fire Res (Large)-> Moderate increase to Fire resistance
    火耐性【小】 Fire Res (Small)-> Slight increase to Fire resistance
    回復量 Rec Level
    対防御DOWN Anti Defense DOWN
    広域化+1 Wide Area +1-> Spreads the effect of recovery items to teammates by certain percent
    広域化+2 Wide Area +2-> Spreads the effect of recovery items to teammates by higher certain percent--
    抜刀術【技】 Critical Draw-> Allows unsheathing attacks to be critical attacks--
    抜刀術【力】 Punishing Draw-> ?--
    拡散弾LV1追加 Clust S LV1 Add-> Allows you to use Clust S Lv1 shots
    研ぎ師 Sharpener
    観察眼 Perception
    鉄面皮 Impudence-> ?--
    こやし Dungmaster
    め短縮 FastCharge
    減気攻撃 Fatigue Attack
    高級耳栓 High Grade Earplug-> Immunity to all kinds of roars--
    高速設置 SpeedSetup
    高速収集 High Speed Gathering-> Increases carving & gathering speed--
    高速収集 HiSpdGathr
    貫通弾全LV追加 Pierce S All LV Add-> Allows you to use all kinds of Pierce S shots--
    耐泥耐雪 Mud/Snow
    毒瓶追加 PoisonCAdd
    力の解放+1 Unleashed Power +1-> ?
    力の解放+2 Unleashed Power +2-> ?--
    榴弾追加 Crag S Add
    麻痺無効 Paralysis Negated-> Immune to Paralyzed
    麻痺倍加 Paralysis Doubled-> Paralyzed duration doubled--
    反動軽減-1 Recoil Reduction -1-> Heaves recoil level by one
    反動軽減-2 Recoil Reduction -2-> Heaves recoil level by two
    反動軽減-3 Recoil Reduction -3-> Heaves recoil level by three--
    反動軽減+1 Recoil Reduction +1-> Lightens recoil level by one
    反動軽減+2 Recoil Reduction +2-> Lightens recoil level by two
    反動軽減+3 Recoil Reduction +3-> Lightens recoil level by three
    散弾追加 PelletSAdd
    散弾強化 PelletS Up
    暑さ無効 Heat Cancel-> Immune to stage heat
    暑さ倍加 Heat Inc-> Increases stage heat damage--
    睡眠無効 Sleep Negated-> Immune to Sleep
    睡眠倍加 Sleep Doubled-> Sleep duration doubled--
    拾い食い Picky Eater-> Gives chances of increasing maximum stamina by eating recoveries--
    弱点特効 Weakening Effect-> ?--
    自動防御 Auto-Guard
    装填速度-1 Reload Speed -1-> Decreases reloading speed by one level
    装填速度-2 Reload Speed -2-> Decreases reloading speed by two level
    装填速度-3 Reload Speed -3-> Decreases reloading speed by three level--
    装填速度 Reload Spd
    装填速度+1 Reload Speed +1-> Increases reloading speed by one level
    装填速度+2 Reload Speed +2-> Increases reloading speed by two level
    装填速度+3 Reload Speed +3-> Increases reloading speed by three level
    精密射撃 Precision
    徹甲榴弾LV1追加 Crag S LV1 Add-> Allows you to use Crag S Lv1 shots
    剥ぎ取り Carving
    効果持続 LastingPwr
    通常弾全LV追加 Normal S All LV Add-> Allows you to use all kinds of Normal S shots--
    特殊攻撃 Status
    捕獲達人 Carving Expert-> Immune to disruption by small attacks when carving
    捕獲名人 Carving Celeb-> Allows to carve once more and immune to disruption by small attacks when carving--
    爆弾強化 BombStrUp
    風圧無効 Wind Breaker-> Immune to small push-back winds
    寒さ無効 Cold Elimination-> Immune to stage cold
    寒さ倍加 Cold Increase-> Stamina decreases faster due to stage cold--
    火事場力+1 Adrenaline +1-> Greatly increases defense power when health is below 40
    火事場力+2 Adrenaline +2-> Greatly increases defense & attack power when health is below 40
    回復速度-1 Recovery Spd -1-> Decreases red gauge regeneration speed
    回復速度-2 Recovery Spd -2-> Greatly decreases red gauge regeneration speed--
    回復速度 Rec Speed
    回復速度+1 Recovery Spd +1-> Increases red gauge regeneration speed
    回復速度+2 Recovery Spd +2-> Greatly increases red gauge regeneration speed
    回避距離 Evade Dist
    回避距離UP Evasion Up-> Increases evade distances by rolling/stepping--ブレ抑制+1 Accuracy +1-> Reduces shots being off-center
    回避性能 Evasion
    回避性能+1 Evade +1-> Increases invulnerability time when rolling/stepping
    回避性能+2 Evade +2-> Greatly increases invulnerability time when rolling/stepping
    回避性能DOWN Evade Down-> decreases invulnerability time when rolling/stepping--
    属性攻撃 Elemental
    属性耐性 Blight Res
    抜刀減気 PunishDraw
    抜刀会心 Crit Draw
    拡散弾全LV追加 Clust S All LV Add-> Allows you to use all kinds of Clust S shots--
    気力回復 Willpower RecoveryActivated Skill Translations
    気絶無効 Stun Negated-> Immune to Stunned
    気絶倍加 Stun Doubled-> Stunned duration doubled-
    気まぐれ Whim
    盗み無効 Anti-Theft
    盗み無効 Steal No Effect-> Immune to theft--
    聴覚保護 HearProtct
    スタミナ Stamina
    なまくら Blunt-> Sharpness level drops faster--
    ブレ抑制-1 Accuracy -1-> Increases shots being off-center
    ブレ抑制-2 Accuracy -2-> Greatly increases shots being off-center -
    ブレ抑制+2 Accuracy +2-> Greatly reduces shots being off-center
    まんぷく Filled Up-> Gives chances of increasing maximum stamina by eating fish
    ランナー Runner-> Decreases stamina usage rate
    減気瓶追加 FatigueCAdd
    貫通弾追加 PierceSAdd
    貫通弾強化 PierceS Up
    泥&雪無効 Mud/Snow Resistance-> Immune to mudman/snowman status--
    毒ビン追加 Poison Coating Add-> Allows you to use Poison Coatings--
    胴系統複製 Torso Up-> Replicates skill points on Torso armor
    雷耐性弱化 Thunder Res Weaknd-> Reduces Thunder resistance
    雷属性攻撃 Thunder Attack
    龍耐性弱化 Dragon Res Weaknd-> Reduces Dragon resistance--
    龍属性攻撃 Dragon Attack
    麻痺瓶追加 ParalyCAdd
    腹減り無効 Hunger Negated-> Maximum stamina will never drop
    腹減り半減 Hunger Halved-> Maximum stamina drops 2x slower
    腹減り倍加【大】 Hunger Increase [Hi]-> Maximum stamina drops much faster--
    腹減り倍加【小】 Hunger Increase [Lo]-> Maximum stamina drops slightly faster
    体力回復量DOWN Recovery Down-> Decreases recovery item effectiveness--
    体力回復量UP Recovery Up-> Increases recovery item effectiveness
    氷耐性弱化 Ice Res Weaknd-> Reduced Ice resistance--
    氷属性攻撃 Ice Attack
    散弾・拡散矢UP PelletS/ScattrBow Up-> Increases damage from Pellet S/Scatter shots--
    水耐性弱化 Water Res Weaknd-> Reduces Water resistance--
    睡眠瓶追加 SleepCAdd
    水属性攻撃 Water Attack
    食いしん坊 Gluttony
    運搬の達人 Backpacking Expert-> Allows you to move faster when carrying eggs/ores--
    笛吹き名人 Flute Expert-> Increases duration of Hunting Horn's buff and decreases chances of breaking Flutes--
    絶確率半減 Stun Halved-> Stunned duration cut by half
    接撃瓶追加 ClsRngCAdd
    精霊の加護 Divine Protection-> Gives chances to reduces damage taken by an attack
    調合成功率-10%% Combine Success -10%-> Decreases combination success rate by 10%
    調合成功率-20%% Combine Success -20%-> Decreases combination success rate by 20%--
    調合成功率 Combo Rate
    調合成功率+20%% Combine Success +20%-> Increases combination success rate by 20%
    調合成功率+45%% Combine Success +45%-> Increases combination success rate by 45%
    斬裂弾追加 Cutter S Add-> Allows you to use Cutter S shots--
    斬裂弾追加 Cutter S Up
    徹甲榴弾全LV追加 Crag S All LV Add-> Allows you to use all kinds of Crag S shots
    最大数生産 Combo Expert-> ?--
    通常弾追加 NormalSAdd
    通常弾強化 NormalS Up
    火耐性弱化 Fire Res Weaknd-> Reduces Fire resistance--
    火属性攻撃 Fire Attack
    強撃瓶追加 PowerCAdd
    悪霊の加護 Demonic Protection-> Gives chances to increases damage taken by an attack--
    拡散弾追加 ClustS Add
    ガード性能-1 Guard -1-> Increases stamina usage and push-backs when guarding an attack--
    ガード性能 Guard
    ガード性能+1 Guard +1-> Decreases stamina usage and push-backs when guarding an attack
    ガード性能+2 Guard +2-> Greatly decreases stamina usage and push-backs when guarding an attack
    ガード強化 Guard Inc-> Allows you to block certain attacks that was unblockable--
    ガード強化 Guard Up
    スキルなし No Skill
    減気ビン追加 Fatigue Coat Add-> Allows you to use Fatique Coatings--
    貫通弾・貫通矢UP PierceS/PierceBow Up-> Increases damage from Pierce S/Pierce shots--
    麻痺ビン追加 Paralysis Coat Add-> Allows you to use Paralysis Coatings--
    睡眠ビン追加 Sleep Coating Add-> Allows you to use Sleep Coatings--
    神の気まぐれ Divine Whim-> Decreases chances of breaking pickaxes/bugnets
    接撃ビン追加 ClsRngCAdd-> Allows you to use Close Range Coatings--
    斬れ味レベル+1 Sharpness +1-> Increase maximum sharpness level by one--
    剥ぎ取り達人 Carving Expert-> ?--
    通常弾・連射矢UP NormalS/RapidBow Up-> Increases damage from Normal S/Rapid shots--
    捕獲の見極め Tranquilizing Guru-> Painted monster icon on map will turns yellow when it's ready to be captured--
    風圧完全無効 Wind Anchor-> Immune to all kinds of push-back winds--
    属性攻撃弱化 Element Attack Down-> Decreases abnormal status value on weapon/shots--
    属性攻撃強化 Element Attack Up-> Increases elemental value on weapon/shots
    強撃ビン追加 Power Coating Add-> Allows you to use Power Coatings--
    状態異常攻撃+1 Abnormal Sts Atk +1-> Increases abnormal status value on weapon/shots
    状態異常攻撃+2 Abnormal Sts Atk +2-> Greatly increases abnormal status value on weapon/shots
    オートガード Auto-Guard-> Automatically guards an attack if possible--
    こやし玉名人 Dung Bomb Expert-> Increases effectiveness of dung bombs--
    スタミナ奪取 Stamina Drain-> Increases stamina draining attacks effectiveness(?)--
    スローライフ Slow Life-> Slows down eating animation--
    ハンター生活 Huntsman's Life-> ?
    雷属性攻撃弱化 Thunder Elemnt Atk Down-> Decrease damage done by Thunder elemental attacks/shots--
    雷属性攻撃強化+1 Thunder Elemnt Atk +1-> Increases damage done by Thunder elemental attacks/shots
    雷属性攻撃強化+2 Thunder Elemnt Atk +2-> Greatly increases damage done by Fire elemental attacks/shots
    龍属性攻撃弱化 Dragon Elemnt Atk Down-> Decreases damage done by Dragon elemental attacks/shots--
    龍属性攻撃強化+1 Dragon Elemnt Atk +1-> Increases damage done by Dragon elemental attacks/shots
    龍属性攻撃強化+2 Dragon Elemnt Atk +2-> Greatly increases damage done by Dragon elemental attacks/shots
    氷属性攻撃弱化 Ice Elemnt Atk Down-> Decreases damage done by Fire elemental attacks/shots--
    氷属性攻撃強化+1 Ice Elemnt Atk +1-> Increases damage done by Ice elemental attacks/shots
    氷属性攻撃強化+2 Ice Elemnt Atk +2-> Greatly increases damage done by Ice elemental attacks/shots
    水属性攻撃弱化 Water Elemnt Atk Down-> Decreases damage done by Water elemental attacks/shots--
    水属性攻撃強化+1 Water Elemnt Atk +1-> Increases damage done by Water elemental attacks/shots
    水属性攻撃強化+2 Water Elemnt Atk +2-> Greatly increases damage done by Water elemental attacks/shots
    自動マーキング Autotracker-> Automatically shows monster's location for entire time--
    精霊の気まぐれ Spirit's Whim-> Greatly decreases chances of breaking pickaxes/bugnets
    砥石使用高速化 Speed Sharpening-> Fasten up weapon sharpening speed
    砥石使用低速化 Slow Sharpening-> Slows down weapon sharpening speed--
    火属性攻撃弱化 Fire Elemnt Atk Down-> Decreases damage done by Fire elemental attacks/shots--
    火属性攻撃強化+1 Fire Elemnt Atk +1-> Increases damage done by Fire elemental attacks/shots
    火属性攻撃強化+2 Fire Elemnt Atk +2-> Greatly increases damage done by Fire elemental attacks/shots
    属性やられ無効 Negate damage attribute-> ?--
    悪魔の気まぐれ Devil's Whim-> Greatly increases chances of breaking pickaxes/bugnets--
    悪霊の気まぐれ Spectre's Whim-> Increases chances of breaking pickaxes/bugnets
    状態異常攻撃弱化 Abnormal Sts Atk Down-> Decreases abnormal status value on weapon/shots--
    アイテム使用弱化 Item Use Down-> Decreases duration of buff items--
    アイテム使用強化 Item Use Up-> Increases duration of buff items
    スタミナ急速回復 Stamina Regen Up-> Increases stamina regeneration rate
    スタミナ回復遅延 Stamina Regen Down-> Decreases stamina regeneration rate--

  7. Panie i Panowie najlepsza EPka roku:


    Artist : Skrillex

    Title : Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites

    Genre : Electro House,Dubstep

    Label : Mau5trap

    Released Date : 22.10.2010


    Skrillex – Rock N’ Roll (Will Take You To The Mountain) (Original Mix) rulz

    Skrillex – Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Original Mix) rulz

    Skrillex – Kill Everybody (Original Mix) rulz w chuj

    Skrillex feat. Penny – All I Ask Of You (Original Mix)

    Skrillex, Bare Noize Foreign Beggars – Scatta (Original Mix) rulz

    Skrillex – With Your Friends (Long Drive) (Original Mix)

    Skrillex – Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (Noisia Remix)

    Skrillex – Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (Zedd Remix)

    Skrillex – Kill Everybody (Bare Noize Remix)



    jak cos to prosby o reupload na PM ;)

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