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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez hav7n

  1. To juz wiadomo na kiedy mam zaklepac ostatnie dni urlopu :) Na Swieta bede w Polsce to kupie brakujace tomy sagi o Wiedzminie (kiedys komus kilka pozyczylem I tyle widzialem) I ponure angielskie zimowe wieczory spedze w swiecie Geralta z Rivii :D

  2. Dead Rising jest IMO najlepsza gra startowa tej generacji :) Masa zabawy w coopie jak I samemu - na dobre wciagnelo mnie szukanie kolejnych blue printow I rozjezdzanie zombii walcem. Szczerze polecam. Jak bedziesz mial okazje wyrwac Ryse za dobra cene to tez polecam bo graficznie gra miazdzy. Gameplayowo ostrzegam - wydmuszka ale z zaskakujaco dobra historia I bohaterami :)

  3. Przedstawiamy Inge 






    Today we're excited to unveil our third Fable Legends Hero: Inga!


    Growing up as the tallest and strongest kid in the village, Inga had a habit of coming home brown with mud and black and blue with bruises after mud wrestling anyone who caused problems for her friends... 

    This was neither the behaviour (nor the colour scheme) her mother had in mind for her good daughter. Indeed her mother thought Inga would be much better off in pink with bows, or spending her time at dancing lessons. Inga though, much preferred her tomboy tussles and taking on the role of defender, protecting the smaller children in the village from the bigger ones. Everything seemed clear to Inga.

    Good and bad, weak and strong, until the day when Inga’s friend told her a bully had mistreated her. Arriving on the bully’s doorstep, Inga duly punched the boy to teach him a lesson about how to treat girls properly. The boy fell heavily, breaking his arm as he did. Neither knew it at the time but this injury would never truly heal, ending his dreams of becoming a blacksmith. To make things worse, Inga soon learned that the boy had done nothing but spurn the girl’s romantic advances.

    The girl had used Inga. Vowing never to let this happen again, Inga stepped aside from her chosen role as protector and attempted to solve disputes with words instead. However, bullies don’t disappear when childhood ends, instead they tend to get older and stronger. So it was, after years of eschewing violence* Inga came to be walking through the forest with some friends. There they came upon a band of outlaws looting the tomb of a Hero. These well-seasoned villains weren’t of a mind to listen to Inga’s words, preferring to indulge in their normal sport: villainy.

    Seeing her friends threatened, Inga was left with no other choice. She headed straight for the biggest of the outlaws and knocked him clean out. Taking the shield the outlaw had looted, she immediately defeated two more of the ruffians. The rest of the gang ran. Witnessing this battle, Inga’s friends realised the truth, Inga was a Hero. It seemed hard to deny, for not only was there Inga’s defeat of the villains to consider, but also the fact that Bulwark (the Hero’s magical shield) had taken to her.

    Pitflea is only a small hamlet on the edge of nowhere and the tomb of a Hero was a big thing for this small place, it put them on the map. Not literally, for there were few maps of Albion at this time, fewer who could read them and a general absence of tourism (so the old Hero’s tomb had become a matter of pride). Having their own live Hero, who was born and bred in Pitflea, well that was something to boast about. So it was that Inga found herself known and feted across the whole region. It also led her to the realisation that she was destined for bigger things. Throwing off the yoke of primula pink and instead donning spikes and leather crafted for her by the local blacksmith, Inga shouldered Bulwark and headed for Brightlodge. To learn how to hero properly. 

    Inga’s new shield, Bulwark, a huge piece made of timber and brass, was more than the sum of its parts. Having a shield with a name is rare enough, but the shield also boasted an enchantment bound into it that helped it heal and reform no matter the damage it took. Legend has it that the shield is dragonproof, but an inconvenient shortage of dragons means it hasn’t been possible to check the validity of this claim. Armed with her strength and country wisdom, as well as an enormous magical shield, Inga is a fast learner and good friend. If you’re stupid enough point a weapon at her companions she will ensure that you never threaten anyone again.

    * even agreeing to wear the odd bonnet to keep her mother happy.




  4. Ja wezme w przyszlym tygodniu jak wroce z urlopu. Brakuje mi troche takiej gry, a licze ze gameplay bedzie dobry i roznorodny. Grafa schodzi an drugi plan :)

  5. W nowym apdejcie chyba zmienią wygląd sklepu:




    Mam taka nadzieje :) Niestety ale w chwili obecnej sklep to tylko zbieranina kafli w roznych kategoriach. Zdecydowanie brakuje przejzystosci. Akurat o Dasha One sie nie boje, uptady na pewno wniosa duzo dobrego  :)

  6. Dynamika akcji w The Order:





    Niestety ale strzelanie przypomina mi to z Uncharted a wiec kapiszony. Nie czuje nawet klimatu Londynu bo znowu pokazali jakies zapuszczone kamienice jak w Łodzi. :confused: Nie da sie takze uniknac porowania do Gearsow ktore sa klasa same w sobie. Jezeli The Order zostanie opoznione na 2015 to naprawde nie widze sensu posiadania PS4 w tym roku. 

  7. CD Projekt RED has informed us about its E3 plans. According to the company, a 45 minutes gameplay preview event is scheduled for this year’s E3, in which the Polish company will show off a new scene/sequence from its title.






  8. You can now video chat while playing games on Xbox One, Skype finally adds support for the system's Snap feature.


    Joining the other features introduced in the latest Xbox One system update, Microsoft announced today that Snap support has been added to Skype.


    The system's Snap feature--which allows an app to be brought up on the right side of the screen while the remainder of the screen is used to continue playing games, watching movies, or whatever else--was of limited use with Skype before now. The only way to snap anything with Skype was by leaving Skype in the middle of the screen, something that was of very limited use.


    Thanks to this new update, though, the Xbox One can now realize one of the features Microsoft used to promote it prior to launch: Namely, the ability to play a game or watch a movie with a Skype video chat window on the side of the screen.


    This feature is of use even to those who don't video chat using Skype; snapping the app allows easy access to options while on an audio call, like inviting more users, turning your microphone off, and hanging up



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