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    Head of Xbox says plans to decouple Kinect from Xbox One began in April


    In an interview with Ars Technica, Microsoft's Head of Xbox Phil Spencer confirmed that efforts to offera no-Kinect edition of Xbox One began as soon as he joined the Xbox team five weeks ago and that today’s out-of-nowhere announcement was meant to “get the product and the choice in front of consumers as soon as possible.”


    Beginning June 9, Xbox One consoles without Kinect sensors will be available at retail for $399, dropping the system’s current retail price by $100. (Pre-orders of the new SKU have already gone live at Amazon and Best Buy.) Consoles that include Kinect will still be manufactured, and while Spencer couldn’t confirm what percentage of produced systems will be decoupled from Kinect, “we’re building as many of both as we can,” he said. “Over time, [the total percentage] will play out as consumers make their decisions.”


    When pressed about Microsoft’s repeated, stubborn statements in the past about Kinect being an essential part of the Xbox One, Spencer countered that consumer response proved more important. “We have spent thousands of hours in engineering to make sure voice, gestures, and even IR for TV work great, but when a consumer walks in the store—$399 is a point we hear from consumers that they want Xbox at,” Spencer said. “I wanted to make sure players were heard.”


    In August, Microsoft announced that the Xbox One would no longer require a constant Kinect connection to function, reversing course on the system’s original, unpopular plan in light of privacy complaints. Spencer says it was this long-ago move that set today’s announcement into motion.


    “When we made that decision last summer, engineering work had to go into the platform to make sure the box would run without Kinect plugged in, and that was an enabler for this decision,” Spencer said. “It’s been five weeks since I was made head of Xbox, and at that time, Yusuf Medhi and I—we’re running the program together as partners now—and we began spending a lot of time looking at the list of opportunities for us.”

    That list also included removing the Xbox Live Gold paywall for media apps like Netflix, Hulu, and ESPN and expanding the Xbox 360’s Games for Gold freebie program to Xbox One.

    Spencer insisted that Microsoft’s internal Kinect roadmap has not changed and that the small number of Kinect-heavy games launched or announced thus far did not factor into Xbox’s announcement today. He also cited a surge in Kinect-specific activity in Xbox One apps such as Skype and Twitch.


    “We want to continue to increase the sensor’s accuracy, along with an expansion of international voice modeling and the robustness of skeleton tracking and gesture control,” Spencer said. “That’s something we’re working on with developers who are focusing on gesture games because that can always get better.”


    Harmonix, the creator of the Kinect-exclusive Dance Central series, offered a statement in support of the decision as it continues work on the Xbox One Kinect-exclusive Fantasia: Music Evolved. “As avid gamers, we’re excited for fans to have more choices out there,” Harmonix told Ars. “As game makers, this platform change doesn’t affect our strategy—it reinforces that we must continue to focus on building innovative, compelling, and well-designed motion experiences to motivate consumers to buy our games.”


    The non-Kinect SKU will launch without any packed-in games or download codes, unlike recent Xbox One bundles that have included popular games such as Titanfall, but Spencer hinted at a “bundling strategy that you’ll see play out between now and the holiday season.” Spencer couldn’t confirm a release date for a standalone Xbox One Kinect, and that also goes for the previously announced Kinect coming to Windows.


    This decision in the long run will give more people a Kinect sensor,” Spencer said. “Now, people can join Xbox One sooner and add Kinect at a later time.


  2. Jak się okazało, że w BF4 grałem w 1600x900 i zmieniłem na fullHD (nie wiem czemu miałem tą niższą) to gra stała się oszałamiająco ostra i wyraźna w porównaniu do 900p. Więc po prostu obraz będzie ostrzejszy w 1080p.


    bo tak samo BF4 jak i WD na PS4 jest w 900p a to że sobie zmieniłeś na 1080p to jest tylko upscalowanie przez twój telewizor, gra jest zawsze w 900p...

  3. Crossing The Line unveiled for Xbox One - explore the land of the dead


    Zomboko Entertainment has announced that Crossing The Line, a CryEngine-powered "mystical" first-person shooter, will appear on Xbox One. Find screenshots below - notice that there isn't a gun in any of them. Not your average blaster, then.


    The game takes place in the present day, and stars a policeman who can switch between the world of the living and that of the dead - spend too long in the latter, and you may wind up becoming a permanent resident. Your objective is to save your wife from the netherworld, having lost her to a terrorist attack some years previous.


    Zomboko Entertainment is in fact just one person, Artyom Mironov, who lives and works in Moscow. Presumably, his game will be released on Xbox One by way of Microsoft's ID@Xbox program - there doesn't appear to be a publisher, at the time of writing.

    There's not much to add right now, other than the below screenshots. The art style was more abstract to begin with, apparently, but Zomboko ultimately decided that a realistic look would be best. Ta, DSOGaming.




    • Accumulating 'style' activates your Amps.

    • And i quote "[a] rush of sheer locomotive freedom"

    Overt rewards for playing fast and aggressive.

    No mention of resolution or frame rate... but it looks pretty HAWT to me.

    Fizzie is armed to the teeth - lol!

    The game's look will not be changed like Fuse was... MS is letting them make the game they want to make.

    Microsoft "We want insomniac to be insomniac"

    "Feels like a dreamcast game dragged 14 years into the future"


    The concept came from a lunch time conversation "If you could make any game, what would you want to make?" Sunset Overdrive is the answer to that question.

    Loads more in the article... don't want to post it all as I really think you should buy a copy.


    podobno ma być też zapka dziś od IGN :D

    • Everything was born from a lunch conversation a few years ago. It was never meant to be a real game at that time, but in the end they made it.

    takie coś właśnie prowadzi do powstania czegoś nowego, świeżego - szalony miks arkadowych gatunków, będzie fun coś czuję. hype na destiny opadł mi do zera, za to tu wzrósł znacznie.. czekamy na video









    I've read it... have to say, as an Xbox owner since the very first UK beta test of Xbox Live... I have never been so stoked for a game from the first preview. You really need to buy this magazine and read the whole thing.

    Insomniac didn't think they nailed the first pitch meeting.

    Their Burbank Studio is working on it

    "an open-world superhuman adventure"

    Plot is as per the NKTRNL leaks. (halo 2 here we come... whoop).

    "A crackdown degree of verticality"

    grind rails from ratchet and clank are IN.

    Press X to begin grind or wall run, press A on 'launcher' to head skywards.

    Street level is 'easy tier' - more challenges and stuff to so the more you make use of the city

    Every character is 40,000 triangles

    You can use 'amps' on weapons and sentry guns to change their ammo and effects.

    Thermonuclear rounds, ice ammo and 'firework launcher' all mentioned.

    The lighting in some of the screens is ridiculous - multiple coloured lights at night.

    Accumulating 'style' activates your Amps.



  4. Sunset Overdrive mixes platforming and shooting throughout, and places equal weight on both skills


    The hero can ride the city's spiderweb of telephone cables, from above or below, with a quick tap of X.


    "We wanted to take the shooter genre away from cowering behind cover. You'll be rewarded for jumping over that cover and taking the fight to the enemy"

    And its this that makes Sunset Overdrive feel new. If a trend is emerging at all from the new console generation, it's that wall running is the new cover, and attack is the new defence. We've spent the best part of a decade lurking behind bullet-chipped masonry. For Insomniac, it's time to come out into the sun.


    "In the early days, we were actually talking about the book version of 'I Am Legend'. He has free reign of the city, but at night has to hunker down and defend."


    The world transforms at night, along with the way the game plays. The 'zombies are more dangerous at night' gimmick is old, but Sunset Overdrive promises to offer new ways to deal with the after-hours onslaught, whether alone or playing with friends.


  5. Z mojej Leśnicy w tym roku Festiwal Dobrego Piwa przenoszą na stadion miejski, przynajmniej parku koło pałacu znowu nie rozyebią..


    Ale mnie nie będzie niestety nie posmakuje się nowości..

  6. nie patrz na polskie stronki, piątka to zbyt wielki i ważny tytuł, żeby wypuszczać go od tak we wrześniu i to z okazji wejścia do Japonii...


    ogłoszenie oficjalne to Halo on Xbox One


    więc jak wierzyć poprzednim plotkom to będzie Halo 2 Anniversary


    Xbox One will launch in Japan on September 4, Microsoft announced


    Upcoming Xbox One titles for Japan include Forza Motorsport 5Kinect Sports RivalsSunset OverdriveHalo on Xbox OneDead Rising 3Ryse: Son of Rome, and more.

    48 Japanese companies are registered to develop for the system, including:

    • 2K Games
    • Access Games
    • Acquire
    • Arc System Works
    • Artdink
    • Atlus
    • Bandai Namco Games
    • Bandai Namco Studio
    • Bethesda Softworks
    • BusinessPartner
    • Capcom
    • Cave
    • Codemasters
    • Cute
    • CyberConnect2
    • CyberStep
    • D3 Publisher
    • Electronic Arts
    • Experience
    • From Software
    • G.rev
    • Genki
    • Grounding
    • GungHo Online Entertainment
    • Hamster
    • Integrow
    • Kadokawa Games
    • Klon
    • Konami
    • Land Ho
    • Level-5
    • Mages
    • Marvelous AQL
    • Moss
    • Nippon Ichi Software
    • Sega
    • Silicion Studio
    • SNK Playmore
    • Spike Chunsoft
    • Square Enix
    • Take-Two Interactive
    • Tango Gameworks
    • Tecmo Koei
    • Triangle Service
    • Ubisoft
    • Warner Entertainment Japan
    • Yuke’s
    • Zoo

    Thanks, Famitsu.

    Update: Square Enix has announced its lineup of launch titles for Xbox One in Japan. From it Extreme Edges brand, the following titles will be available:

    • Call of Duty: Ghosts (Infinity Ward)
    • Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (Crystal Dynamics)
    • Thief (Eidos Montreal)
    • Murdered: Soul Suspect (Airtight Games)




    Xbox One Gears of War to Have “Best in Class Visuals,” “Bleeding Edge Rendering Techniques” and More


    Black Tusk Studios is quite evidently gearing up for the development of the upcoming Gears of Wars game for the Xbox One, and is currently hiring 13 new employees, with twelve of those positions offered in the last two weeks.

    What’s more interesting is that the competences and requirements listed in the career opportunity ads give us some hints on what we can expect from the game, which seems to come packed with some quite lofty goals.

    First of all, let’s start with the inevitable fighting words: almost all the ads include a high sounding mission statement that involves “forging the future of the IP and pushing the limits of Microsoft’s entertainment platforms and devices” and  ”delighting our fan base and shattering expectations of what is possible.”

    Now that we’ve paid homage to the marketing spiel, let’s delve into something a bit more specific:

    A post seeking a Senior Rendering Engineer, mentions that the game will utilize ”bleeding edge new rendering techniques to deliver best in class visuals for an AAA Console game.” The candidate will also be responsible for developing and optimizing “industry leading high performance real time graphics features and effects.” We also read about “major new features.”

    As we already knew Unreal Engine will be used for the game, and in fact experience with Epic’s middleware is considered desirable, together with experience with DirectX 10 and 11. This doesn’t really mean that the game won’t use DirectX 12 (there simply aren’t developers out there that have experience with it), and as a matter of fact the “Strong debugging and optimization skills in a multi-threaded environment” requirement indicates that it probably will, since DirctX 11 doesn’t really use multithreading for rendering. It’s one of the major features of DX12.

    Moving on to the art department, there is an ad looking for an Art Director that will work across Environments, Characters, Cinematics, Concept Art, Lighting, Animation, FX and UI. Interestingly the candidate will need to be comfortable “working with a broad spectrum of styles, from photo-realistic to highly stylized”

    This could mean a variety of things: Black Tusk may simply want a versatile art director able to work on a variety of styles for future projects. On the other hand the final art style of the nextGears of War might not have been decided yet. It’s also possible that it’ll involve different styles for cutscenes and gameplay (photorealistic for gameplay and comic-like for cutscenes, for instance). Finally, there could be more than one game involved.

    The last option combined with the second seems to be the most probable, considering that the candidate will be “Responsible for creating the art style of the Gears of War franchise moving forward.”

    The ad also mentions experience with ourtsourcing, meaning that Black Tusk will probably delegate part of the production to other studios.

    A post looking for a Gameplay Designer outs the fact that the studio is seeking to implement “innovative features.” Experience with Kismet (a visual scripting tool within the Unreal Development Kit) is also desired. On the other hand an ad for a Gameplay Engineer advertises the preference for experience in a co-op gameplay development environment, strongly suggesting that cooperative features are coming back to the series.

    Unsurprisingly cover mechanics are also making a comeback, as hinted by a post seeking aMultiplayer Level Designer. I seriously doubt anyone had any doubt here. Multiplayer definitely seems to be a focus for the game, as an ad for a Lead Multiplayer Level Designer involves creating an “industry-leading multiplayer experience.” Familiarity with “Gears of War gameplay and past Gears of War multiplayer map designs” is also required, probably indicating that Black Tusk intends to keep the new game true to its roots.

    An ad for a Senior Level Designer mentions creating ”interesting and dynamic levels and mechanics,” and integrating ”great events and gameplay mechanics, with the goal of making every moment special and memorable.” Linear storytelling will apparently play an important role in gameplay, as  the candidate will have to work on “fantastic levels with great flow and layout, to tell a story while guiding the player experience.”

    A post looking for a Senior Online Services Engineer mentions the responsibility of “owning a reliable high-traffic services to support console and multi-screen end points,” which indicates that the game is probably going to involve SmartGlass in some capacity. Experience with Azureis also required, hinting to a heavy utilization of Microsoft’s cloud services.

    A similar ad for a Lead Online Service Engineer involves building the “next generation of backend services to power the Gears of War Universe, on console, web and mobile,” indicating that the franchise’s online component will very possibly extend beyond the Xbox One. It also talks about “Games,” which is a clear hint to long term plans that go past a single Xbox One title. Taking advantage “of the best solutions available with cloud services running on Azure and integration of multiple new technologies.” is also part of the candidate’s responsibilities.

    Interestingly enough, this last ad is very close to similar ones published for the nextHalo, possibly hinting to a close collaboration or at least the intention to implement similar features between Black Tusk and 343 Industries.

    Will we see the effect of any of this at E3 in about a month and a half? That’s possible. One thing is for sure: my curiosity is piqued.



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