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Rock Band 2


Poziom trudności Trofeów  

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  2. 2. Jak oceniasz poziom trudno?ci "calaka" w Rock Band 2

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Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Bronze Trophies


* Flawless Fretwork - 100% a song on Expert guitar.

* Flawless Drumming - 100% a song on Expert drums.

* Flawless Singing - 100% a song on Expert vocals.

* Flawless Groove - 100% a song on Expert bass only using up-strums.

* Flawless Guitar Solo - 100% a guitar solo using only the solo buttons.

* The Bachman -Turner Award - Maintain deployed Overdrive for 90 seconds.

* Million Point Club - Earn more than 1,000,000 points in a single song.

* Victory! - Defeat a player in either Score Duel or Tug of War.

* Comeback Kid - Defeat the last player that beat you in either Score Duel or Tug of War.

* Band Savior - Be a savior 3 times during one song.

* Hello Cleveland! - Deploy Vocal Overdrive 4 times in a single song.

* Overdrive Overdose - Achieved an 8x Band Multiplier

* Got Wheels - Won a Van in World Tour. (Band World Tour Mode)

* Open Road - Won a Bus in World Tour. (Band World Tour Mode)

* Jet Setter - Won a Jet in World Tour. (Band World Tour Mode)

* Worldwide Sensation - Gain the ability to play around the world. (Band World Tour Mode)

* West Coast Performer - Played a set on the West Coast of North America (Band World Tour)

* God Save the Band - Played a set in the United Kingdom (Band World Tour)

* Heartland Performer - Played a set in Middle America. (Band World Tour)

* Western Europe Performer - Played a set in Western Europe. (Band World Tour)

* East Coast Performer - Played a set on the East Coast of North America (Band World Tour)

* Eastern European Performer - Played a set in Eastern Europe. (Band World Tour)

* World Tourer - Played in every venue in the world. (Band World Tour)

* Vinyl Artist - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Medium

* Clothes to the Edge - Buy over $100,000 worth of clothes. (Exploration Mode)

* Needs More Umlauts! - Made a Band Logo. (Exploration Mode)

* The San Dimas 4th Annual Award - Competed in a Battle of the Bands. (Exploration Mode)

* You're Hired! - Hired a staff member. (Exploration Mode)

* You Killed the Radio Star - Made a music video. (Exploration Mode)

* Along for the Ride - Beat an instrument-specific challenge while playing another instrument. (Tour Challenge Mode)

* Challenge Novice - Complete 25 Challenges on Medium Difficulty, or 10 Challenges on Hard Difficulty, or 5 Challenges on Expert Difficulty (Tour Challenge Mode)

* Challenge Master - Complete 25 Challenges on Hard Difficuly, or 10 Challenges on Expert Difficulty (Tour Challenge Mode)

* The Final Countdown - Unlock an Impossible Challenge (Tour Challenge Mode)

* Groove Assassin - Beat the Impossible Bass Challenge (Tour Challenge Mode)

* Beat It! - Complete all beats at 60BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 140BPM or higher (Drum Trainer Mode)

* The Beat Goes On - Complete all beats at 100BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 180BPM or higher (Drum Trainer Mode)

* Fill Me In - Complete all fills at 60BPM or higher, or half of the fills at 140BPM or higher (Drum Trainer Mode)

* Fill Legend - Complete all fills at 100BPM or higher, or half of the fills at 180BPM or higher (Drum Trainer Mode)


Silver Trophies


* Solid Gold, Baby! - Gold star any song.

* One Million Fans - Reached 1 million fans in Band World Tour. (Band World Tour)

* Gold Artist - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Hard

* Rock Immortal Inductee - Joined the Rolling Stone Rock Immortals list

* Stage Igniters - Beat the Impossible Band Challenge (Tour Challenge Mode)

* Lord of the Strings - Beat the Impossible Guitar Challenge (Tour Challenge Mode)

* AN-I-MAL!!! - Beat the Impossible Drum Challenge (Tour Challenge Mode)

* Virtuoso - Beat the Impossible Vocal Challenge (Tour Challenge Mode)

* Buy a Real Instrument Already! - Beat an "Impossible" Challenge on Expert Difficulty (Tour Challenge Mode)


Gold Trophies


* Platinum Artist - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Expert

* The Bladder of Steel Award - Completed the Endless Setlist 2 without pausing or failing



Platinum Trophy


* Complete Discography - Wow! You've gotten all the trophies in Rock Band 2



zaczerpniete z:



cos czuje ze na platyne nie mam szans, nawet o zlocie wole nie marzyc

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Top użytkownicy w tym temacie

Top użytkownicy w tym temacie

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* Flawless Fretwork - 100% a song on Expert guitar.

to chyba bede robil na polly nirvany (do dokupienia)


* Flawless Drumming - 100% a song on Expert drums

to polly nirvany (3 razy trzeba uderzyc żółty + zielony)


* Flawless Guitar Solo - 100% a guitar solo using only the solo buttons.

Pixies - Wave of Mutilation (kawałek z jedynki)


* Comeback Kid - Defeat the last player that beat you in either Score Duel or Tug of War.

czy moglby mi ktos wytlumaczyc o co w tym chodzi? tak jak piecioletniemu dziecku, bo wydaje mi sie, ze juz pare razy wymagania spelnilem a pucharku ani widu ani slychu




* Flawless Fretwork - 100% a song on Expert guitar.

* Flawless Groove - 100% a song on Expert bass only using up-strums.

nirvana, jednak nie polly tylko something in the way


* Flawless Singing - 100% a song on Expert vocals.


wystarcz mowic na-na-naaa w odpowiednim tempie, nie ma w ogole tych kresek pokazujacych jak wysoko/nisko spiewac


* Million Point Club - Earn more than 1,000,000 points in a single song

Bad company - shooting star


a jesli chodzi o "Comeback Kid" to chyba mozna to zrobic tylko online wiec czekam az ktos z forum bedzie chetny na maly sparing na gitary


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Odnośnik do komentarza

Ja chetnie tez zrobie comeback kid bo bylem u kumpla i zrobilem mu to online a ja nie potrafie na nikogo trafic :P

Rozumiem ze 1mln pkt. to tylko w 4 osobowym teamie?

Ta piosenka Beastie Boys jest w rb2 ?

I jeszcze jedno.

O co chodzi z "guitar solo using only the solo buttons" i "song on Expert bass only using up-strums." Gdzie i kiedy ja moge cos takiego zrobic ;o

Odnośnik do komentarza
Ja chetnie tez zrobie comeback kid bo bylem u kumpla i zrobilem mu to online a ja nie potrafie na nikogo trafic :P

mam to trofeum, ale moge pomoc

nikogo nie mozesz znalezc, bo mozesz grac tylko z posiadaczami amerykanskich wersji, a tych w Polsce jest niewiele plus nie jest to np cod gdzie amerykanie scisza tv i moga grac o 2-3 w nocy, wiec jesli chcesz jakiegos spotkac to musisz szukac wieczorem (po 22)


Rozumiem ze 1mln pkt. to tylko w 4 osobowym teamie?

pewnie we trojke da sie zrobic, ale wtedy chyba kazdy by musial grac na expercie, wiec ja polecam 4Xhard i shooting star



na reszte bartiz dobrze odpowiedzial, so watcha want jest kawalkiem z rb2 i wszedzie go polecaja do tego trofeum jednak ja uwazam, ze wczesniej wymieniony przeze mnie utwor jest latwiejszy

tylko musisz lubiec nirvane lub wydac 2$ tylko dla zdobycia pucharku - wybor nalezy do Ciebie

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Zrobilem sobie ostatnio combo na perce czyli

* The Bladder of Steel Award - Completed the Endless Setlist 2 without pausing or failing


* Gold Artist - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Hard


udalo mi sie ;d

Imho hardcore. ~7h non toper. Teraz zabieram sie za challenge na hard/expert.

Jestem ciekaw czy dam rade przejsc Endless Setlist na expercie bo narazie sie krucho widze. Wiem ze perka odrazu odpada, przy odrobinie farta uda sie to zrobic na bassowce.


Odnośnik do komentarza
Zrobilem sobie ostatnio combo na perce czyli

* The Bladder of Steel Award - Completed the Endless Setlist 2 without pausing or failing


* Gold Artist - Finished the Endless Setlist 2 in World Tour on Hard


udalo mi sie ;d

Imho hardcore. ~7h non toper. Teraz zabieram sie za challenge na hard/expert.

Jestem ciekaw czy dam rade przejsc Endless Setlist na expercie bo narazie sie krucho widze. Wiem ze perka odrazu odpada, przy odrobinie farta uda sie to zrobic na bassowce.

ja te dwa robilem na gitarze, z dziewczyna na zmiane i na medium

hard i expert bede robil na basie i juz sam (dobrze ze teraz bedzie mozna odpadac i pauzowac)

o ile z hardem powinno sie udac tak co do experta mam watpliwosci

do tego 15 challengy na expercie (radze to zaliczyc przed zakupieniem dodatkowych kawalkow - bedzie latwiej)

i The Beat Goes On - Complete all beats at 100BPM or higher, or half of the beats at 180BPM or higher (Drum Trainer Mode) to jest masakra, nie ma u mnie dobrego perkusisty i choc z siostra i jej chlopakiem robimy niemozliwe kombinacje typu granie we trojke naraz (serio, serio) no niemozemy tego zaliczyc



Odnośnik do komentarza

Ja te challenge drumowe wszystkie sam zrobilem ;p kilka bylo przegietych ale w koncu mi sie udalo ;p uf.

Wlasnie co do challengy na expercie to wlasnie zauwazylem ze po sciagnieciu nowych kawalkow ( z psstore i z rb1 ) pojawily mi sie tam one ;d

A ja dalej cie prosze bys mi pomogl zrobic comeback kid, a z kims jeszcze bysmy zrobili mnoznik x8, 90s. overdrive i 1mln points ;d Prosze :P

Odnośnik do komentarza
Ja te challenge drumowe wszystkie sam zrobilem ;p kilka bylo przegietych ale w koncu mi sie udalo ;p uf.

Wlasnie co do challengy na expercie to wlasnie zauwazylem ze po sciagnieciu nowych kawalkow ( z psstore i z rb1 ) pojawily mi sie tam one ;d

A ja dalej cie prosze bys mi pomogl zrobic comeback kid, a z kims jeszcze bysmy zrobili mnoznik x8, 90s. overdrive i 1mln points ;d Prosze :P

dzisiaj mam czas

jutro bede pil (w domu, moze odpalimy rb2 ale nie pros o pomoc)

w niedziele mam czas

poniedzialek piatek znowu pracuje od 14 do 22 wiec odpada


Odnośnik do komentarza

ok, mozemy robic te challanges na expercie, bajer polega na tym, ze o ile jesli grajac zdobedziemy milion punktow czy odpalimy mnoznik razy 8 to trofeum wpadnie nam obu

ale jesli zaliczymy te challanges na expert to zostana one zaliczone tylko tej osobie w ktorej zespole gralismy, dzisiaj akurat Tobie :(

wiec jesli jestes chetny to gramy raz u mnie, raz u Ciebie

Odnośnik do komentarza
Zrobiles juz 90sec. overdrive, a pamietasz na jakim songu?

to chyba na nirvanie wpadlo, in bloom albo drain you(?)

nie jest to trudne tylko musza byc 4osoby i to w jednym pomieszczeniu

nie odpalaj jeszcze, zaraz mi przedluzy!

juz mam

podnos gitare, podnos!

takie wrzaski na porzadku dziennym ale po 2-3 probach powinno wpasc

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Rock Band "Classic Rock" DLC:


Brąz: :3pl:


Flawless Groove

Score 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert


Flawless Drumming

Score 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert


Flawless Fretwork

Score a 100% rating as a guitarist on Expert


Flawless Singing

Score a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert



Srebro: :2pl:


Some People Call Me Maurice

5-Star "The Joker" by Steve Miller Band using Guitar or Vocals on any difficulty


Don't You Wait Or Hesitate

5-Star "All Right Now" by Free using Guitar or Vocals on any difficulty


Each Must Know His Part

5-Star "Closer to the Heart" by Rush using either Vocals or Drums on any difficulty


I Understand About Competition

5-Star "Peace of Mind" by Boston using Vocals or Guitar on any difficulty


Just Another Band Out Of Boston

Gold Star "Rock and Roll Band" by Boston with a full band


Robbin' Banks With A Six-Gun

5-Star "Take the Money and Run" by Steve Miller Band using Guitar or Drums on any difficulty


All True What Your Girlfriends Say

5-Star "Can't Stand Losing You" by The Police with a full band


You're a Star-Belly Sneech

5-Star "Holiday in Cambodia" by Dead Kennedys using Bass or Vocals on any difficulty

Edytowane przez Kyo
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