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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Artesal

  1. Figaro Black Ops ma najlepszy scenariusz ze wszystkich codow


    Ja ukonczyłem Hotlinie Miami 2 i czuje zawód :/ nie wiem chyba raz jeszcze muszę przejść


    A Black Ops jaki ma klimat? W sensie otoczka jaka, bo jeśli jakieś futurystyczne laserki, to nie chcę :x

    • Minusik 1
  2. CoD: WaW


    Zaskakująco dobra gra. Polecam. Kampania jest odpowiedniej długości, muzyka świetna, klimacik niektórych misji też niczego sobie, coop w kampanii i zombie mode sprawił mi sporo frajdy... Good game. Może jeszcze sobie czwórkę zagram. No i MOŻE Black Ops. 


    No nic, zacząłem teraz robić misje na Veteranie. Pierwsza pękła jako-tako, zobaczymy jak będzie dalej :kaz: 



  3. Tłumaczony jest wywiad z twórcami DS2, gdzie chyba po raz pierwszy oficjalnie potwierdzono, że gra faktycznie przeszła przez kłopotliwy developing:



    Tanimura: Yes, this game actually went through quite a troubled development process. Due to a number of factors we were actually forced to re-think the entire game midway into development. We really had to go back to the drawing board and think once more about what a Dark Souls game should be. It was at that point that I took on my current role, overseeing the entirety of the game including the art direction. To ensure we created the game both we and the fans wanted it was completely necessary, but it did of course create a problem. We had to decide what to do with the designs and maps that had been created up to that point. Ideally we’d start again from scratch but of course we were under time constraints so instead we had to figure out how to repurpose the designs in our newly reimagined game. This meant everything from deciding new roles for characters to finding ways to slot locations into the world map. This unusual development cycle faced us with an entirely different set of problems and looking back on the project as a whole it was at times, arduous. Although I’m confident that none of this will be felt by the players and I’m completely satisfied with the final product. So while I don’t think we need to dwell on it too much, in the interest of giving a full count of the development process it’s something we can’t avoid touching on.



    In terms of sheer volume this entry is much bigger than the first game yet you were able to release on time which I’m sure wasn’t easy. In the midst of this difficult development cycle what kind of direction did you give to the artists on the game?

    Tanimura: Well there were really two patterns and the process differed for each one. There were the partially completed designs which needed to be modified to fit into the reworked game and the new designs created after the revision. In this case my preferred method is to start with a base idea or concept and then develop it from there although this project had many more of the former than the latter. It is worth noting however that this doesn’t apply to the dlc as it was created completely from scratch and we didn’t begin work on it until we had completed the entirety of the main game. In both situations I took care not to be too controlling, even when I myself had a personal preference. I like to take time to talk with the designers and artists and evolve the idea that way. In my experience this method tends to provide better results in the end, in fact it’s used in a lot of From Software’s games so I saw no reason not to use it with Dark Souls 2 as well.
    However rearranging the partially completed designs was extremely difficult. For example the character Lucatiel of Mirrah. Her name during development was Don Quixote and the Bell Keeper dwarf her Sancho Panza. They were originally designed as a slightly untrustworthy female knight and her bumbling, middle aged squire much like their namesakes. But while I’m a fan of the source material inserting these two overtly comical characters into such a dark foreboding world just wouldn’t fit at all. So eventually we changed their roles to that of the cursed knight and the Bell Keeper. I simply asked the designers if they could modify them a little for their new roles.



  4. Podobno będzie DLC fabularne. Coś z Jack the Ripper.


    I sugerowano, że dwójka będzie bardziej "open world". I dobrze - dużo można powiedzieć o tym tytule, ale zaprzeczyć się nie da. IP ma swój potencjał.

    • Plusik 1
  5. “Yes,” Miyazaki confirms. “There will be a New Game Plus mode.”


    He laughs.


    “We’re having trouble beating it, though.”








    jakiś koleś wypróbował chalice:




    Chalice dungeons are...amazing. Got to play one for bout a half an hour. Got to the second floor boss. Traps, weird enemies that respawn and track you down until you kill this enemy called the bell woman (tower of latria hello). 


    There was a fat oiled up castrated guy who rolls around evrywhere and tries to flatten you. Funny and terrifying at the same time (cause fatass is dast as fuck).


    And the atmosphere god damn the art god DAMN this is such a grade up from dks2 it isnt even funny.


    Everything about the game is incredible.


    As a present i got a bloodborne ps4 skin and a dead messenger notepad thing.


  6. Ja wzialem pudelko, seria nie jest tak popularna jak tasiemce ubi czy acti i trzeba wspierac takie gry. No i zostanie w kolekcji.


    A kupno cyfrowej wersji nie wspiera twórców? Chyba jeszcze bardziej bo zwraca się więcej kasy, bez kosztów pudełka i haraczu dla sklepów itd.

  7. Jest rok 2015. Czasy się zmieniają. Jeszcze dekadę temu na Fajnala musieliśmy czekać pół roku. Z XV poczekamy max kilka dni. Nowy sezon Gry o Tron obejrzymy w tej samej chwili co w USA.


    Jakoś na Steam nie ma problemu.



  8. SkteQnq.jpg

    Nareszcie, ta gra w coopie z kolega to mistrzostwo świata. Oczywiście był problem bo mieliśmy 95 exitow ale po kilku dniach trafilismy że brakuje exita z forest ghost house :)


    Prawda!! Ta gra to arcydzieło. Też utknęliście w tym lesie, czy tam górach? Pamiętam że z kumplem nie wiedzieliśmy jak odblokować drogę, hehe. 


    Powodzenia. Gra jest piekielnie trudna. Życzę wytrwałego partnera.

    • Plusik 1
  9. Będzie też na PS Store. W DMC4 pograłem do połowy i w sumie szkoda, że nie skończyłem. Ale będzie ku temu motywacja przy okazji remastera - dopiero na lato.


    Teoretycznie skończyłeś... zing...

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