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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Ryuk

  1. A plus minus kiedy te nowe sprzęty?

    Pod koniec maja sa targi na ktorych maja je pokazac. Dobra wersja mowi,ze maja byc dostepne w sklepach w przeciagu kilku tyg od konfy. Ale coraz wiecej w necie info sie pojawia,ze na tej konfie to bedzie tak zwane premiera papierkowa. Czyli karty na rynku beda kilka miesiecy po tych targach.


    W tego dooma to SP czy MP? Bo jezeli MP to raczej wiecej osob do gry znajdziesz na konsolach.

  2. Male mozna zbudowac np. BitFenix Prodigy chyba jedna z mniejszych bud. A koszt? zalezy co tam wlozysz,co jeszcze potrzebuje(klawa/myszka/monitor) i ile chcesz miec min. fps i w jakich detalach(medium/high/ultra).


    Ogolnie ja twierdze,ze teraz nie warto budowac nowego pc za +3k zl bo w wakacje maja byc nowe karty.

  3. DriveClub studio is unfortunately no more
    Evolution Studios, the developer behind franchises like World Rally Championship and MotorStorm, has been shut down by Sony, we've just learned. The company's most recent DriveClub was a troubled project for the studio and Sony, having seen delays and online problems - 55 people had been cut from Evolution just one year ago. Now, Sony has made the tough decision to make the rest of the Evolution staff redundant.
    In the complete statement, which you can read below, Sony said it would try to reallocate some of the Evolution team to other studios, but the company's aware that it may also lose some serious talent.
    Regular reviews take place throughout SCE Worldwide Studios, ensuring that the resources that we have in such a competitive landscape can create and produce high quality, innovative and commercially viable projects.
    As part of this process we have reviewed and assessed all current projects and plans for the short and medium term and have decided to make some changes to the European studios structure.
    As a result, it has been decided that Evolution Studio will close.
    It is regrettable that this decision will lead to compulsory redundancies. We accept that this decision will mean that we risk losing high calibre staff but by focusing on other Studios that already have exciting new projects in development we believe we will be in a stronger position going forward and able to offer the best possible content of the highest quality for our consumers.
    Where possible we will try to reallocate people onto other projects. If appropriate opportunities are not possible within the company, we will assist staff in any way we can, including speaking with local employers and with other development companies.
    Evolution has been an important part of SCE Worldwide Studios for over 10 years - working on ground-breaking racing titles like WRC, Motorstorm and DRIVECLUB.
    This decision should not take anything away from the great work that Evolution has produced.



  4. IMO cena z czapy. 16 w ogóle nie biore pod uwagę bo to śmieszna pojemność. Natomiast takie porównanie - 2 tyg temu kupowałem żonie 6s 64gb nówkę w folii z polskiej dystrybucji za 3050 PLN. W tym momencie SE 64gb który co by nie mówić jest gorszy za 2649PLN. Przy 400 PLN różnicy chyba nie ma się co zastanawiać i brać 6s.

    W czym jest gorszy? Jest mniejszy i jak dla mnie brzydszy. Ale jezeli chodzi o moc to sa identyczne.
  5. Przeciez 8gb w dzisiejszych czasach jest absolutnie bez sensu. 2 filmy w 1080p lub 2-3 odcinki serialu w 1080p,kilka aplikacji i masz zapelniony tablet. 16 GB to absolutne minimum.

  6. Ceny w € i Zl

    32GB 699€ 2999 zl
    128GB 879€ 3699 zl
    256GB 1059€ 4399 zl
    32Gb 849€ 3599zl
    128Gb 1029€ 4299zl
    256Gb 1209€ 4999zl
  7. Nowy Ipad Pro

    - Ekran 9.7 Cala

    - A9X i 4 Glosniki 

    - True Tone display," which measures the color temperature to the ambient light and adjusts the screen to match.

    - Wspiera Apple Pencil

    - Kamera 12 MP

    - 32gb $599, 128GB is $749,256GB $899

    - Preorder 24 Marca,dostepn 31 Marca
    - Nie ma 3D Touch





  8. Nowy Iphone SE:

    - Ekran 4 cale

    - Wyglada prawie jak Iphone 5

    - Tak samo szybki jak 6s

    - 64 bit A9 processor i M9 motion coprocessor

    - Aparat 12 MP

    - $399 16GB i 64GB $499

    - Preorder 24 Marca, Premiera 31 Marca (Australia,Kanada,Chiny,Francja,Niemcy, Hong Kong,Japonia,Nowa Zelandia,Singapur,UK i Us) dostepny w 110 anstwach do konca Maja.





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