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Battlefield Bad Company 2


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

4 nowe mapy, za darmo, potwierdzone i niedługo dostępne.


Map 1: Oasis

Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company multiplayer

Game modes: Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush, Squad Deathmatch


Map 2: Harvest Day

Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company multiplayer

Game modes: Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush, Squad Deathmatch


Map 3: Cold War

Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 singleplayer

Game modes: Rush, Squad Rush, Squad Deathmatch


Map 4: Heavy Metal - podobno największa mapa w BFBC2

Origin: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 singleplayer

Game modes: Conquest, Squad Rush, Squad Deathmatch


Ja jestem w szoku. Nie do kura wiary!

Edytowane przez Shankor
Odnośnik do komentarza

Hehe, jeszcze niedawno bym się z Tobą zgodził, a ostatnio się tym cackiem bawiłem i działają zawsze O_o Tylko raz przez 4 dni gry mi nie spadł tracer, poza tym działają jak marzenie.


Dziwne, bo sam pamiętam jak razem lataliśmy i nie było efektu po użyciu flar... :blink:

Edytowane przez ako
Odnośnik do komentarza

Ktos sie orientuje czy w Vietnam trzeba bedzie rangi od nowa wbijac?



Raczej NIE.



"All four multiplayer game modes from Battlefield: Bad Company 2, including the genre-defining Conquest Mode, will be playable in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam. The expansion is integrated with the full game persistence, so no matter what theatre of war you partici.pate in, you will continue to level up your soldier as usual."


Masz obecnie np. 30 lvl., to zaczynasz zabawe w Vietnamie od tegoz wlasnie levelu.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Dobra dziewczyny!

Na serwerach EA pojawił się patch R10 (póki co nie został on oficjalnie wypuszczony). Dodaje mapki, celowniki do Mk-14 i G3. Prawdopodobnie premierę oficjalną będzie miał jutro. Ponoć naprawili ślady wystrzałów itp.

The R10 Patch -


We urge players not to install the latest R10 Patch for which links are circulating on the internet, as it is not officially released and there will be no servers hosting this version.

The 7 servers currently running with the R10 Patch are for test purposes and will be closed down shortly.


If you have installed the R10 Patch, you need to uninstall Battlefield Bad Company 2 and go back to the R9 version if you want to enjoy the game before the official release.


Check the Battlefield Blog for news and updates on Battlefield Bad company 2.

Jeśli ktoś jest zdesperowany to niech ściąga:

Filmiki dla ciekawych:



Czekamy na oficjalną wersję...

Edytowane przez Shankor
Odnośnik do komentarza

Patch wylądował. 2,6 GB


For PC users:

Hey, BAttlefield fans! As the title says, there is an update coming for the PC platform, and it contains multiple changes to the game.

This update is in preparation for Map Pack 7 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam which is why the update will be approximately 2,6 GB in size. some of the fixes for the Xbox 360 were already rolled out in the previous PC patch. To see a full description, click here.

PC players might encounter some temporary outages or suffer from lag during the server updates (between GMT 08:00 2010-11-30 and GMT 08:01 2010-12-01).

Also make sure you run PBsetup.exe after updating to the latest version of the game.

How to get the game client updated

* If you are using Steam: the Steam client will automatically begin updating your game client once November 30th, 6:00 AM (GMT) has passed by.

* If you are non-Steam user : then the game’s online updater will find the version online at the same hour and ask you to patch.

* If you are not using Steam: You can get a manual patch from several places...

Here is a complete list of all the fixes for PC in this update:


- Acog and Red dot scope now equippable on MK-14 and G3.

- Fixed an issue where the Bullet Tracers wouldn't display

- Fixed an issue where Play Now wouldn't work

- Added Ticket Count for Conquest end of round.

- Added the server info to the objectives screen.

Edytowane przez Shankor
Odnośnik do komentarza

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Uwaga: Twój wpis zanim będzie widoczny, będzie wymagał zatwierdzenia moderatora.

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