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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez GSPdibbler

  1. Prograłem parę godzinek I jestem pozytywnie zaskoczony. Sterowanie drewno, a animacja biegu i skoku wywołuje uśmiech na twarzy. Walka pół drewno, ale lepsza niż w inkwizycji (W sumie wszędzie jest lepsza), daje w sumie jakiś fun, chociaż kamera często chce nam to zepsuć. Pół otwarty świat to w sumie na plus, za dużo tych sandboxow, chociaż jakaś odmiana. Świat przedstawiony w grze całkiem interesujący, fabuła całkiem ok jak narazie. Najważniejsze to chyba brak questow podaj, przynieś, pozamiataj. Każdy, nawet poboczny jest skonstruowany  na wzór tych wiedzminskich, czyli wielowatkowe, I często z zaskakującym zakończeniem. Na ta chwilę taki porządny średniak, który zawiera syndrom "a pójdę jeszcze tutaj". 

    • Lubię! 1
  2. Jakby ktoś był ciekawy tej gry, a nie za bardzo w angielski, To wyszło spolszczenie. Co prawda beta, ale całkowicie grywalna. Jakieś małe błędy do poprawki. Do pobrania że strony GrajPoPolsku, tylko na forum w zakładce projekty.

  3. 9 godzin temu, standby napisał:

    Jestem na drugiej wyspie, ulepszylem na.maxa najwazniejsze zbroje, miecze oraz luki, sakwy na bron podręczna i lece juz tylko z wątkiem glownym. Zadania poboczne sa tak przewidywalne, bezplciowe ze nawet te w Ac odyseey byly lepsze. Nominacja GOTY dla tej gry to żart.  Nie mowie ze jest zla, ma swoje momenty jak np 

      Pokaż ukrytą zawartość

    pojedynki z szermierzami kapeluszy

    Czy też wyjazd na pole pelne czerwonych lub bialych kwiatow przy akompaniamencie wspanialej muzyki. 

    Ogólnie gierke musze juz sobie dawkowac. 

    Nie wiem co poszlo nie tak bo klimaty Japonii bardzo lubie, w Ac: Odyseyy zrobilem 90h wiec tego typu sandobxy raczej lubie.  Szkoda, dla mnie zmarnowany potencjał

    To poszło nie tak

    User Score

    Universal acclaimbased on 18448 Ratings

  4. Spoiler

    Debilne zabicie postaci która jest osią tej gry to liść dla fanów. No ale po co biały heteroseksualny facet potrzebny, zagrajmy kobietą czołgiem z zajebistym usprawiedliwieniem dla katuszy Joela.

    Wagina rządzi. Postępowi mają gre życia, twardo stojący na ziemi grę mema. Ta gra to potężny wysryw feminizmu na graczy, pod otoczką pięknej grafiki i klimatu post apo. Dla jednych gra zycia, dla innych guano. Metacritic zagłosował i na szczęscie jest nadzieja dla ludzkości.

    • Lubię! 1
  5. Godzinę temu, Mejm napisał:

    Robienie postaci pod siebie to jedna z wiekszych iluzji w Soulsach. Gra zawsze uchodzila za taka, ktora przejdziesz kazdym buildem (nie mowie o takich skrajnosciach jak bieganie w samych gaciach z maczuga) co dla mnie znaczylo - graj jaka chcesz bronia, jaka chcesz zbroja. W rzeczywistosci jesli zaplanujesz sobie grac rycerzykiem z tarcza to dni twoje policzone bo wielokrotnie gra bedzie zmuszala cie do uzycia luku, a ja nie lubie grac lucznikami. W DS2 nawet sie z ta iluzja juz nie pier.dola (shrine of amana, shulva).

    Ja myślałem że inaczej wygląda gra typowym tankiem z tarczą, a zwinnym powiedzmy lotrzykiem że sztyletami I jeszcze inaczej magiem. Ale ja jako laik skrzywdzilem moja postać I zrobiłem niby rycerza, ale grałem na uniki I tak przeszedłem cała grę:)

  6. Ja zacząłem mają przygodę z souls like od DS2. Ile ja się nawkurwialem, ale za to później DS3, dwie części The Surge pękly jakby łatwiej. Zachartowala mnie ta giereczki. Teraz Sekiro I wydaje mi się że to najtrudniejsze soulsy bo nie możesz zrobić postaci pod siebie, tylko grać jak Pan Bóg przykazal. No i jest pierunsko szybka.

  7. 2 godziny temu, standby napisał:

    Czaisz ze do wszystkiego mozna sie dojebac w ten sposob? 

    Nie wspominajac przeciez ze trwa wojna miedzy wyznawcami i wilkami. Ci pierwsi zapuszczaja sie na teryorium wilków o czym tez sa bodajze notatki w grze. 

    Czy wiesz ze w czasie II wojny światowej, Niemcy w Jugoslawii kontrowali w zasadzie tylko miasta i główne szlaki komunikacyjne? Każdy wypad po za pewna strefe wiazal sie z ryzykiem walki z oddzialami partyzanckimi? W czasie 2 wojny swiatowej w okresie okupacji w 43 roku, gdzie Niemcy kontrolowali Polskie terytorium, oddzial partyzancki napadl i opanował dosc duze miasto (Końskie)? 

    Rozumiesz pewna analogie?

    Rozumiem że w przytoczonych przez Ciebie wydarzeniach historycznych uczestniczyły kobiety w zaawansowanej ciąży I kobiety terminatory? 

  8. 36 minut temu, standby napisał:

    Xdddd nie zrobili by jazde 2 godziny od bazy aby bylo bardziej realnie, bysmy se siedzili patrzyli jak se jada xdd co za chlop. 

    w taki sposób mozna dojebac sie do wszystkiego 

    -miasto w gta takie wielkie a da sie je przejechac w 5 minut xdxdxd

    -stolica w skyrim ma moze 200 npc xdxdxd wielka mi stolica

    -hahaha ale te bitwy w rome 2 toral war wielkie, bija sie po 3-4 tysiace zolnierzykow lol


    Nie mam czasem słów, ze doroslym ludziom trzeba takie rzeczy wytluszczac, zarowno w grach jak i w filmach z pewnych przyczyn niektore rzeczy sie upraszcza. 

    Nie no spoko umowność, meh.

  9. Jakie lecą rozkminy do scenariusza jak z telenoweli dla nastolatków. Jakie by nie były wewnętrzne rozterki bohaterów ta sytuacja jest debilna. Jeszcze jadą 100 metrów, a tam zasadzkę 20chlopa na koniach :) To ten obóz tak średnio obeznany z okolica, jakiś zwiad, coś? Zwłaszcza że mają wroga pod nosem. Ale tutaj absurd pogania absurd.

    • Haha 1
    • WTF 1
  10. Godzinę temu, cotek napisał:

    No ja już w drugiej fazie prokurowałem tylko, żeby wyskoczył do góry i dwa szlagi mu zadawałem po wylądowaniu z tego co pamiętam, a tak to uciekałem. Czasami jeszcze jak rzucał bombke, która powoduje niemoc leczenia, to też gdzieś tam mu wbijałem mieczyk w bok. Ma też jeden atak, gdzie robi dasha i ciacha w poziomie, można mu zdashować 'pod pache' i też mu zrypać trochę Hapsa. Tylko, że w drugiej fazie, czasami po tym cięciu jeb.niec jeszcze robi małe combo i trzeba wyczuć, którą wersje akurat zapodaje. 

    Ja go bardziej agresywnie jade I może dlatego jeszcze nie padł, nie mam cierpliwości żeby uciekać I czekac na ten atak z wyskoku. Jak się przejmie inicjatywę to po dwóch naszych ciosach on robi jeden I odskakuje, wtedy odpadamy szybko do niego i cios który przerywa jego, dostaje wtedy obrażenia I posture nieźle nadwereza. Ja mu pierwsza kropkę zdejmuje właśnie przełamaniem postury. No ale w drugiej fazie ma zasłonę dymna I ADHD.

  11. 12 minut temu, PiotrekP napisał:

    @GSPdibbler to wtedy Ellie by nie przetrwała jedynki, kiedy sama masakruje dorosłych facetów. 

    Gdzie napisałem że kobieta nie może zabijać jak rambo? Po prostu przegieli I wyszła karykatura post apo gdzie kobiety wiodą prym, a faceci schodzą na dalszy plan. Tu nie chodzi o jednostkę, tu są same madafaki. Mój ulubiony tekst to jak Dina mówi że zabiła pierwszy raz jak miała 10lat, faceta nożem bo bil matkę. Skislem po tym dialogu.

  12. 9 minut temu, cotek napisał:

    Otóż to, najwięcej czasu mi zjadł, żeby go zaciukać. Ale k.rwowałem na niego xD

    Niby znam jego ruchy, wiem jak punktowac, To i tak mnie dojeżdża w drugiej fazie. Ze trzy godziny z nim się męczę.

  13. 42 minuty temu, LiŚciu napisał:

    No patrząc przez pryzmat tego co masz dzisiaj na około to może bzdura. Teraz zamknij oczy, wyobraź sobie upadek praktycznie całego cywilizowanego świata - dodaj 25 lat i zastanów się czy faktycznie nie może być inaczej niż to co znasz i uważasz za logiczne. 

    Logicznie to cofnelibysmy się w rozwoju i słabsze osobniki by nie przetrwały. Kobiety z racji słabszych cech fizycznych typu budowa ciała itp. Zajmowały by się pilnowaniem tzw. domowego ogniska czyli przygotowanie posilkow, pracami organizacyjnymi itd. Tak jak jest w krajach słabo rozwiniętych. Ale nie w alternatywnej rzeczywistości scenarzysty. To co wymyślił podchodzi pod fantasy.

  14. 4 godziny temu, LiŚciu napisał:

    Tu wogóle był niezły festyn z tym krytykowaniem. Najbardziej im nie pasowało - baby które są lesbijkami, baba która jest przypakowana i baba w ciąży.

    Normalnie jak tytuł tej książki - "mężczyźni którzy nienawidzą kobiet"


    No wyobraź sobie że mi się nie podobało jak na misje jedzie lekarz (w tych warunkach na wage zlota, a oboz pelny normalnych ludzi) w zaawansowanej ciąży I skacze po linach jak małpa.  Poziom zenuometru wyjebał ponad skalę. I kobieta z największą muskulatura W obozie pełnym mężczyzn, trochę zabawne. Raczej tu problem miał scenarzysta z mężczyznami że zrobił z nich karykatury. Klient co wszystko ruka( stereotyp faceta ), bezplciowy azjata No i W sumie to tyle co zapamiętałem z męskich ról. I nie rozumiem dlaczego


    Abs torturowala Joela jak jakiś psychol zamiast go zabić? Przecież uratował jej przed chwilą życie. Jakim trzeba być zwyrolem żeby pozbawiać kogoś życia w taki sposób? To seryjnie mordercy byli bardziej ludzcy niż ta super postać z którą mamy się utożsamiać. Jeszcze reszta spokojnie stoi obok, jakby Abs to była jakaś szefowa. A przecież ta lekarka mówi później że nie lubi przemocy no wtf. Ta gra uwielbia tanio szokować (zabójstwo Joela w okrutny bezsensowny z punktu widzenia normalnego człowieka sposób, zabicie ciężarnej, jakiś kult wypruwajacy na żywca flaki, po kl chuj nie wiadomo,  Ellie katujaca pałka żeby zdobyć informacje itd.) żeby nazwać to potem przełomem w grach.

    Jest tyle głupot w tej fabułę że mógłbym referat napisać, ale w sumie szkoda czasu. Jakoś inna gra z tematyką less I kobieca postacią zebrała dobre recenzje. Ludziom nie podoba się po prostu grafomanstwo scenarzysty. 

  15. 5 minut temu, Voytec napisał:

    Z Cyberpunkiem historia jest podobna. Jakość techniczna oczywiście kuleje, ale za pół roku czy rok, kiedy gra będzie połatana i wszyscy będą się skupiać na dodatkach, te oceny zostaną. Gracze zapamiętają CDPR wpadkę i to w zasadzie tyle do czego to się sprowadza.

    Historia jest podobna pod względem ocen, a za co te oceny to inna para kaloszy.

    25 minut temu, LiŚciu napisał:

    Fajnie że obcykałeś. 


  16. 4 minuty temu, KrYcHu_89 napisał:

    Bo nie wywołują emocji u nikogo :)? Poza tym nie są exclusivami. Inna trollowana gra to Death Stranding rok temu, tam było podobnie. 


    Zobacz zresztą ile 'Readers Choice' ma juz tlou2 :). To sa wyniki z poszczególnych portali/czasopism/a nawet forów. 



    • The Last of Us Part II - 175
      • Media Outlets: 123 | Readers' Choice: 52
    • Hades - 39
      • Media Outlets: 37 | Readers' Choice: 2
    • Ghost of Tsushima - 29
      • Media Outlets: 23 | Readers' Choice: 6
    • Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 18
      • Media Outlets: 18 | Readers' Choice: 0
    • Cyberpunk 2077 - 14
      • Media Outlets: 7 | Readers' Choice: 7
    • Final Fantasy VII Remake - 13
      • Media Outlets: 12 | Readers' Choice: 1
    • Doom Eternal - 8
    • Half Life: Alyx - 8  
    • Microsoft Flight Simulator - 4
    • Assassin's Creed Valhalla - 2
    • Ori and the Will of the Wisps - 2 
    • Yakuza: Like a Dragon - 2
    • Demon's Souls - 1
    • Immortals Fenyx Rising - 1
    • Kentucky Route Zero - 1 
    • Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales - 1
    • Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin - 1
    • Spiritfarer - 1
    • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 - 1

    Ok inne gry nie wywołują emocji u graczy. Dziękujemy za lekcje. No i oczywiście Days Gone I God of War to multiplatformy, dlatego gracze szanują. 

  17. 15 minut temu, KrYcHu_89 napisał:

    Ty tak na serio z tym user score na meta xD? Przeciez tam od lat nikt na to nie patrzy, bo wiadomo, że trolling i od lat nie trzeba kont rejestrować, żeby wystawić opinie (duzo lepszy psn/steam itp.) 



    Poza tym gra ma dziesiątki tysięcy opinii i więcej pozytywnych i negatywnych niz wszystkie gry razem wzięte na tym portalu wystawiane przez botów. Wszystko przez wojnę o fabułę  i spojlery z czasów premiery xD. 

    Ok, To czemu inne gry nie są trollowane? Cybergicz słusznie na ps4 za niegrywalny wersje. Zauważ że gry bombardowanie negatywnymi ocenami są słusznie cisniete. A to za mikroplatnosci, niedopracowanie, a Mesjasz za "super" dojrzała fabułę dla gimnazjalistów.

  18. Tak sobie obcykałem i ten mesjasz ma aż 5,7 na meta od graczy :banderas: To Cyberglicz na pc ma 7,2 (wiem gracze się nie znają, przepraszam)

    Pierwsza strona z meta

    • Nov 1, 2020
      I'm literally speechless of how awful this game is. How is it even possible that someone actually green-lit that game? Characters are just absolutely unlikable in every way possible. None of the decisions make any sense. I truly can't believe they ruined this franchise like that, but oh well. It's very clear that 3rd one will never happen, because first off, nobody would invest on it, so they could make it. And nobody would buy it anyway. It would be automatic fail no matter what they try to do. Even if they do Joel's backstory it wouldn't matter because what happens after makes it just meaningless. Pathetic. Collapse
    • Jun 30, 2020
      This review contains spoilers. As someone who was a big fan of the Last of Us part 1, coming into the THE LAST OF US PART II I had high expectations. Now, I told myself that, I am bound to be disappointed in some factors of the game. I mean, after all, its a game I have waited for for 7 years. I went into the game with an open-mind and having ignored all the leaks and spoilers, I had no idea what I was walking into.

      Problems and misunderstanding:

      1. Joels death was painful to watch. You play as a character named Abby who is running away from a horde of zombies. You are then saved by the beloved characters, Joel and Tommy. They save you on multiple occasions and eventually you bring them back to your little hide out. Now the first issue I have here is continuity with character personalities (Characteristics/traits). Joel and Tommy are known to be survivors and it is clearly demonstrated in the first game. When I mean clearly, they literally show Joel being ruthless to a group of bandits that were pretending to be injured, knowing this, Joel goes straight through like a badass. However, this trait is no longer seen in the second game. He casually just walks into a room filled with people that are armed and unknown. He then introduces himself, eventually getting killed. You see Joel die in the most brutally and heart-wrenching way possible during the first act of the game (2 hours in). This is where people misunderstand the majority of why fans hate this. We are not upset that Joel died...its how he died. His death by the end of the game nearly meant nothing. His character is not the same character we grew to love. Nor was his death memorable or meaningful whatsoever. A lot of us understood the motive that was presented here for Ellie, and did make us angry and we too wanted revenge just like Ellie. But it was done in a way that was so lazy and poorly written.

      2. Playing as Abby. It was very obvious what the game developers were trying to do. They wanted to humanize the character. They tried manipulating the audience by using the whole animal trope where Ellie is bad for killing dogs, Abby is good for saving a zebra and is friendly with dogs. It is these subtle things that make me so frustrated with the game because these devices or elements that are used to get the audience to sympathise with Abby are poorly integrated within the game. I can say that after playing 10 hours with Abby with a storyline that hardly connected with Ellie's, I still felt nothing for her character. Even by the last fight between Ellie and Abby, I was filled with rage and wanted Abby dead so badly.

      3. Poor Character development. I didn't care one bit about any of Abby's friends. In fact, I was super happy when Manny got shot in the face. Owen and Mel's death was nice to see. For the matter a fact, Jesse and Dina were alright characters. I truly didn't think much of them at all, when Jesse died to a bullet to the face, I kind of just sat there and looked at him and shrugged it off. It was clearly just for shock value, and the characters in the game clearly didn't care either.

      4. Political Agendas. Yes...Abby may not be a transgender woman, but my goodness, she got dem guns. Basically, all the men die, woman live on! I never really cared because Ellie was and always has been the best character in the game (apart from Joel). I have always seen Ellie as a badass character. She can handle her own and take on just about anyone. That is what I call a strong, independent female character. However, it is clear that some of the games selling point has to do with the lesbian, transgender LGBTQ political point of views. I am all for these kind of things, if it doesn't affect the story...which it didn't to be quite honest. I was fine with Dina and Ellie being together because I already knew Ellie liked women from the DLC Left behind! But, my goodness, Lev was just a copy paste of trying to replicate the Ellie and Joel relationship with Abby and baldy over there. It just sucks because they could have made all these powerful messages about the LGBTQ into the game, but do it subtly and not shove it down our throats. In doing so, it makes it more impactful and meaningful in a way. LIKE WHY WAS MEL OUT IN COMBAT WHEN SHE WAS PREGNANT! WOMAN EMPOWERMENT? NO!

      5. Ellie learning her lesson at such a weird time. Wtf yo...I tried writing this review in a professional manner, but as you can see above, I have given up. What was the ending. Only after getting 2 fingers bitten off and killing maybe another 50 people she then realises she doesn't want to kill Abby??? How did she not learn her lesson the first time when she encountered her. She killed probably over 200 peeps and by the end of the story shes like nah girl. Leave with yo bald ass baby... Ellie lost everything, whilst Abby is straight drippin in gold. Joels death felt like it was for nothing and the story just ends.

      7 years, we expect at least a mediocre story and game, but what we got was worse...
    • Nov 22, 2020
      I'll be honest now, first 20 minutes (or however long it took until something happened, but i'm not gonna spoil) and then it was just ruined till the end. Nothing saved it for me.
    • Oct 31, 2020
      I bet gamers in 2100 will laugh their ass off when looking back at video game history and seeing what they did with second last of us.
    • Nov 22, 2020
      This game is textbook example how to make bad video games.

      Graphics - 8.2 / 10
      Story - 0 / 10
      Gameplay - 7 / 10
      Innovations compared to previous game - 3 / 10
      Innovations or story that would justify part 2 - 0 / 10
      Conclusion: 2 / 10
    • Nov 22, 2020
      Graphics - 8.9 of 10, Music - 6 of 10, Story - 0 of 10, variety of enemies - 4 of 10, fun factor - 0 of 10.
    • Nov 15, 2020
      This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Expand
    • Jun 20, 2020
      To say I didn't like it would be insulting any other game I didn't like.
      This game has got to be the most pretentious garbage I have ever seen.
      Naughty dog tries way to hard to "subvert expectations" and instead creates a complete train wreck of forced politics and LGBTQ ideals. Part 1 had the perfect balance between story and character development, and surprisingly managed to have
    • Sep 5, 2020
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    • Sep 6, 2020
      The story was completely disappointing and when you criticize the game for being horrible you get developers saying the only reason you didn’t like it is because you’re a homophobe or a bad person but in reality they took a risk and It did not pay off at all. To any last of us player that wants to play this game I highly do not recommend you will only be left unsatisfied and angry. The Expand
    • Sep 27, 2020
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    • Sep 3, 2020
      Theres a lot to be said about this game but i think it all has been said already. This is a character driven game where the characters dont mean **** The polish on this game is amazing. Graphics.. the sound design.. the music... However these dont matter where the characters dont mean anything. I WISH i liked this game more than I did. Maybe if you can forgive all terrible plot points you Expand
    • Aug 31, 2020
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    • Aug 17, 2020
      This game is not The Last of Us Part II.

      Context: One of the reasons why Neil Druckmann decided to call this game "The Last of Us -Part II-" and not "The Last of Us 2" is because in his point of view this game is a direct continuation of the original The Last of Us, not a numerical successor for the overall TLOU franchise. And his opinion is more than right. The original game had no
    • Sep 11, 2020
      okey I just played this game until the end, the game is not bad. But it does not enjoyable at all because of the writing and the story. Maybe I can tolerate the game if I don't have to played as Abby. Very much hate that experience till the end. Thank you Mr. Neil Druckmann for ruining the game with your **** story and writing.
    • Sep 1, 2020
      A sequel so bad it might ruin the original for you. Subverting expectations is not good storytelling. Its lazy storytelling.
    • Sep 22, 2020
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    • Jul 1, 2020
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    • Jun 26, 2020
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    • Sep 12, 2020
      After playing the game with an open mind - despite the negative reviews - i gotta say the green reviews must be paid. there is just no other explanation who would give this game a really positive review espiecially the dumb forced storyline. It is like a Netflix game. Grapichs are really great tho.
    • Jun 25, 2020
      Great gameplay, and stunning to look at. But the bad story is ruining everything. Spits on the first game, which was a masterpiece. Stay away from this one, and replay part one instead.
    • Sep 8, 2020
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    • Jul 30, 2020
      Beautiful Graphics, beautiful animations and grade of details.
      Its a pure joy to play this game until you see how bad the story is.
      I avoided all trailers and review about this game. I also avoided all the hate comments. But after a lot o playing it, i have to admit: The story is no fun and not interesting at all. It really sucks! They made such bad decisions.. that really earned this bad
    • Sep 11, 2020
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    • Jun 23, 2020
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    • Sep 2, 2020
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    • Sep 23, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 24, 2020
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    • Jun 20, 2020
      I just finished it. I have to admit that in the 17 years I've been playing videogames, I've never been more frustrated. Save your money for some other game.
    • Jun 21, 2020
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    • Sep 5, 2020
      This review contains spoilers. Initially I was very much against a sequel to TLOU. The first game's ending left me feeling hollow and thinking about it for weeks but it was an almost perfect ending. It hit all the right emotional notes due to character growth throughout and it was far more powerful to let the audience imagine the rest of Ellie and Joel's lives and how they might turn out with the unspoken secret hanging over their relationship.

      Then I got on the hype train. When this game launched, I saw the backlash but I put it wrongly down to transphobia. Then I played the first half of the game and thought "this is decent" and thought that the bad reviewers were insane. Sure the mechanics are basically the same as TLOU1 and the AI was dumber than a bucket of rocks but I was enjoying it. I actually thought that the Joel incident worked very well and, while the gameplay wasn't amazingly inspired, the graphics and motion capture was top notch. However, then I got to the second half with Abby. Oh boy, what a bloated, tedious mess.

      I got the feeling that the developers considered whether they wanted to make a new game with a new protagonist or a game which followed Ellie from TLOU and couldn't decide so they shoved both games together and, by doing so, succeeded at neither.

      At about 40% of the way through the game you are suddenly shoved into playing as Abby (similar to the Raiden bait and switch in MGS2 and received about as well) but the problem is that Abby is not at all interesting and it makes the next 55% of the game an utter slog. Abby interacts with characters you don't care about, advances an almost utterly irrelevant plot and almost all of it could have been cut out of the game and the plot would have been a lot tighter. The point the game is seemingly trying to make is that Abby is a human too but that's already blatantly obvious and any subtlety goes out of the window with the game repeatedly hitting you over the head with it. Yes, revenge is bad, we get it.

      It's like if TLOU1 had switched from Joel's perspective in the midst of the denouement and then insisted that you played as Marlene doing unrelated things for 15 hours. It would have utterly destroyed the pacing and ruined the ending; that is what happens here.

      The ending also renders the entire plot pointless and was immersion breakingly contrary to the character's previously established motivations and characterisation. That said, because of the pacing issues I was just glad that I had slogged through to the end. There was no real emotional pay-off. When your main emotion is "phew, glad I finished that" then you know the plot has failed.

      The game succeeds on graphics and game mechanics but utterly drops the ball in relation to story and character arcs. For what is, above all else, a story-driven game a bad story and forgettable ending is a cardinal sin and one which can't be excused. Contrasted to the ending of TLOU, I wish they had never made a sequel as it retrospectively makes the ending of TLOU worse.
    • Sep 11, 2020
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    • Jun 30, 2020
      by far the worst game I've ever played. I give this game 1/10 because of several things: making old characters, that every fan of the part I beyond recognition, false advertising, boring gameplay and new characters, that are not even close to characters from the original game. ND you need to APOLOGISE to the fans FOR THIS HUGE FAILURE.
    • Sep 27, 2020
      Literally all the aspect of the game are good except for the storyline. Which is like the 60% of the game. So why I'm giving 0 you might ask. The answer is very simple, and it does not only concern the ground level plot and how it is awfully slammed inside the game chronologically speaking, but even all the terrible actions that Naughty Dog and Sony made when the leaks came out. And most Expand
    • Sep 22, 2020
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    • Jun 20, 2020
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    • Sep 23, 2020
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    • Sep 2, 2020
      Despite the beautiful graphics and the minor updates to gameplay since the first one, such as a dodge button that adds another element of timing to combat, and the new traversal methods (prone and jump), this is linear story driven game, and so the story has to take precedence in any evaluation of it. Unfortunately, despite the brilliant technical work that Naughty Dog's team has Expand
    • Aug 27, 2020
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    • Sep 21, 2020
      I am very dissapointed I paid for this. Horrible story that ruined the series
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Sep 27, 2020
      The story and pacing is terrible and they even did false advertising
      It butchers the personalities of the characters like Joel and Ellie as well
    • Jun 19, 2020
      Terrible story, destroys legacy characters and introduces dull boring characters. Do not buy.
    • Jun 30, 2020
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    • Sep 11, 2020
      Awful game in pretty much every way except graphics, but graphics do not make the game.
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Sep 11, 2020
      10/10 gameplay 10/10 graphics n environments 6/10 storyline and Joel deserved much better in the beginning.
    • Jun 23, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
      Asco de final y trama aburrida
      Se esperaba mas después de tantos años y solo resultó ser un juego más de que es lo políticamente correcto
    • Sep 5, 2020
      I’ve played this game 3 times so far and now i felt that i’m able to score it:

      Story: 6/10 (Reasons: Abby’s part of the game is poorly written, boring from times to times and has lot’s of flaws) Gameplay: 9/10 (Reasons: You’ll find rare glitches/bugs here and there but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s top notch) Graphics: 10/10 (Reasons: Their attention to every single detail is
    • Sep 21, 2020
      The only reasons I gave this game a 1 are because it is visually a beautiful game, and because it has fantastic sound design and voice acting.
      Now for the negatives.
      First but not foremost are the gameplay mechanics. They are similar to the first game, which had decent enough game mechanics. Unfortunately, the mechanics in this game are actually a slight downgrade. Close combat is
    • Jul 23, 2020
      Story and the character beheviours and choices was badly written. İ regret buying it as a pre order and i am angry that neil druckmann has ruind my favorite game wich is the first game
    • Sep 23, 2020
      The game wasn't that good. Same copy paste cookie cutter gameplay from the last.
    • Sep 11, 2020
      The complexity of the characters has been destroyed. Joel's character has devolved. Abby is one dimensional. Ellie is one dimensional. Just pass on the game. At some point the message has to be heard: you have to tell a good story to get people to buy your media. Loved LOU1. I'll have to find a way to scrub 2 to keep 1 great. :(
    • Jun 19, 2020
      Omg such a disappointment and such bad,disguasting not worth to play story i really dont know how to fell after the ending but one thing i know naughty dog is finished itself
    • Jun 19, 2020
      When director of big company spit on 100% of audience in moving of his insane SJW ideas.
    • Jul 18, 2020
      Well, a very strange situation.
      Very beautiful visuals. nice game-play.
      BUT... Horrible and flat storyline.
      It's the same bad as Disney Star Wars Trilogy and the same bad as Game of Thrones last season.
      If you are a fan of the first part - don't waste your time on this garbage. You will be totally angry and unsatisfied.
    • Jun 19, 2020
      The creator must have hated the first game. So sad to see how beloved characters are treated, just because of the politcal climate in 2020
    • Sep 10, 2020
      This game is bad. Don’t trust the critics and spare your wallet, the game is just bad
    • Jun 30, 2020
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    • Jun 29, 2020
      Impossible to play. The whole game is saturated with this propaganda, but it is very beautiful, but I am one of those people who do not care about graphics. For me, the plot is important, the study of characters, but the graphics in my opinion are in last place. I expected more from the game, and the developers just spat in the soul of the players.
    • Jun 19, 2020
      This game is a mess, it wants to be unpredictable at the cost of stupid acts. The gameplay and graphics are decent, but the narrative is what totally destroys the experience, from the prologue you can see how they dispose of one of the important characters from the first game in such a horrendous way and the supposed lesson Ellie learns in the ending doesn't make any sense. This game Expand
    • Jun 19, 2020
      As a naughty dog fan everything they have blessed us with has stuck with me. Wanting to try wumpa fruit with Crash, hang out with Jak and Daxter, or adventure with Nathan Drake. Evey game felt like a work of art. This did not.
    • Oct 5, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
      It was a game that I really expected.
      But I was really disappointed.
      This is a zero-point game.
    • Jun 19, 2020
      Neil this post is addressed to you. Why did you put propaganda of your values into the game? many people do not share it. You did it on purpose. The first part was great. The plot of the second part is complete nonsense. I liked the gameplay. But the story is pure nonsense and also with propaganda.
    • Oct 31, 2020
      Long, boring, pointless story with extremely unlikable characters and awful writing.
    • Jun 27, 2020
      The game is good visually, but the plot is a very weak side of this game, gameplay is very tight and boring

      Story 0/10
      Gameplay - 0/10
      Graphics - 6/10 but game based on the plot should not be judged on graphics

      If you played the Part I then you definitely won’t like this game.
    • Oct 31, 2020
      One of the weakest stories in gaming ever. Characters are literally unlikable and make no sense.
    • Jun 26, 2020
      Story and obviously the game will disappoint you 100%. Do not waist you money!
      Total Disgrace and shame for one of my favorite game studios (in the past) of Naughty Dog!
    • Jun 19, 2020
      It breaks my heart to write this, but I really did not expect such a poor story after all these years of waiting. While there were a few genuinely good moments, majority of game filled up with plot holes. It just took elements of what worked for the first game without understanding what made them compelling. It seems like this game was done by other studio, but its not!!. The basic Expand
    • Jun 19, 2020
      My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
      I waited 5 years to play this
      And they gave me a horrible intro and **** ending
      I just want to forget about this game.
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
      Incredible potential but falls flat on its face with unlikeable characters and cheap tropes. I wish I never played it. The storyline is just atrocious and lazy.
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
      From a technical standpoint, this game is great with a revamped gameplay from the original and great visuals, but the story is just underwhelming. The narrative is the driving force for the gameplay and I honestly was not feeling the story. Like I could see what they were going for but the execution fell completely flat. But at least they tried something different from the first game even Expand
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
      The first game makes you warm and give you hope; the second game give you shxt and make you angry. Revenge plot is far inferior and generic. And they are pushing a dangerous agenda pitifully. The gameplay is basically the first-game-polished, far not enough for a 7-year development time. Don't buy this if you enjoy the first game.
    • Jun 19, 2020
      Very bad story, charecters, dated gameplay lotta poinless shock value......
    • Jun 19, 2020
      the game is garbage and has the worst story ever
      it was made to support their agendas ! no one should buy this ****
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 25, 2020
      This game is the most painful game I've ever played (story wise). In april the game was leaked and believe me those leaks were just the tip of the iceberg. This game's story is just horrendous and playing it feels like a task. The story is pathetic and everyone who loved the first game for its story would absolutely hate it. Im not gonna give you spoilers but you can find out on youtube if Expand
    • Jun 19, 2020
      This game has poor, contrived writing. It is forced and unconvincing. gameplay from 2013 and NPCs that speed up and slow down like GTAV in 2013. Pure ****
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 20, 2020
      I literally don't have to say why this game got the score i gave it. Nice graphics and sh1t pc story. Absolute garbage. From 10 to a 0, such a let down...
    • Jun 19, 2020
      i liked previous series, so i expected this would be even better. i was wrong. story , characters , everything is bad about this game. very Disappointed.
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
      Не этой игры я ждал 7 лет. Просо обосрали серию своим тупым движением и пропогандой. Про сюжет я вообще молчу. И да вы серьезно считаете что рейтинг 95 не куплен и проплачен?
    • Jun 20, 2020
      If you love first last of us, do not play it, i am serious DO NOT play it! The storyline is awful and cliched.
    • Jun 24, 2020
      The graphics are amazing. The animations are beautiful. The game play is good. The story??? OMG. This is some special stuff.. Special in the sense that it's utterly broken.. This is not acceptable from a game of this scale. If it would've been a completely new title i would give it 5 because it's progressive at least. But knowing the original game this is just straight up garbage... It Expand
    • Jun 19, 2020
      I was seriously disappointed in this title because with the critics reviews I thought this was going to be a great game. In my opinion the visuals in this game horrible , runs horrible on my ps4, The story is simply the worse I ever suffered through
    • Jun 19, 2020
      The story is too bad.It makes me sick.You've destroyed it with your own‘s a real pity.
    • Jun 19, 2020
      I highly anticipated this game. I think to this day that TLOU 1 is simply one of the top 3 games ever made. The gameplay was simple but felt not at any point boring. The graphics were astonishing and the story was perfect from the beginning till the end. One of the few games I really shed some tears. The Last of Us 2 tries so hard to fit into its part one shoes that it lost the tone which Expand
    • Jun 19, 2020
      its like naughty dog gatherd their writing team and they all agreed to write the worst possible script for this game ..doesn't even deserve a 1
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
      Terrible story. Terrible world building. Characters don’t have depth. The whole thing feels like two inch pond of depth. It thinks it’s more than what it is. Watch it on YouTube and save your money. Do not encourage such pretentious crap.
    • Jun 19, 2020
      The game is terrible. It's a disgrace for Naughty dog. I am very disappointed
    • Jun 19, 2020
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    • Jun 19, 2020
      Honestly this game is not for fans of the relationship between Joel and Ellie, this game totally destroys that and it changed it into something unrecognizable for The Last Of Us, Gameplay and Graphics amazing, but story is not worth the 7 years wait.


    • Minusik 3
  19. 9 godzin temu, KrYcHu_89 napisał:

    Pięknie napisane, podpisuje się pod tym (warto przeczytać całość). Moje GOTY i gra generacji!

    Jeszcze dodateczek :). Ciekawe, czy hejterzy fabuły dalej krzyczą, że gra słaba xD.

    No nie słaba, takie 8\10 za klimat, grafike i gameplay. Fabuła cały czas wywołuje uśmiech na mojej twarzy. Nie wiem jak można w to grac i wczuć się w klimat przy takich cringowych sytuacjach.

    • Plusik 1
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