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Treść opublikowana przez ziemia1

  1. ziemia1

    PS3 News - Bez komentarzy!

    PS3 SYSTEM 2.20 UPDATE The ability to copy PS3 Music and Photo playlists to a PSP system. We introduced the ability to create Music and Photo playlists on the PS3 in firmware update v2.0. Now you can easily export your playlists to your PSP. You can now play DivX and WMV format files that are over 2 GB. I you can now display subtitles when viewing DivX files. Resume Play - begin playing a DVD or BD disc from the point where you previously stopped it, even if you eject the disc and insert a different movie or game. Use your PSP as a remote control to play back your music files on your PS3 without turning on your TV. The Internet browser now displays some web pages faster. In addition [save Target] has been added as an option under file. This option lets you save a file that is linked to a web page to your PS3 hard drive or storage media.
  2. ziemia1

    Unreal Tournament III

    jak i równeż od jutra powinienem być na serwerach us, kto chce to proszę mnie dodać
  3. ziemia1

    PS3 News - Bez komentarzy!

    February 2008 NPD Data US Hardware in February 2008 Nintendo DS 587,600 Nintendo Wii 432,000 PlayStation 2 351,800 PLAYSTATION 3 280,800 Xbox 360 254,600 PlayStation Portable 243,100 Total Hardware Units 1,799,000 US Software in February 2008 1 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) 296,200 2 Devil May Cry 4 (Xbox 360) 295,200 3 Wii Play (Wii) 289,700 4 Devil May Cry 4 (PS3) 233,500 5 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Wii) 222,900 6 Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (DS) 205,600 7 Lost Odyssey (Xbox 360) 203,600 8 Turok (Xbox 360) 197,700 9 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (PS2) 183,800 10 Rock Band (Xbox 360) 161,800
  4. ziemia1

    Lost Planet

    nie stwiedziłem specjalnie lagów, wszystko chodziło płynnie co prawda nie sprawdziełem wszystkiego pogram w weekend dłużej to dam znać ale jest miodnie, tym bardziej że to nowy tytuł i wymiataczy, nie ma cudów jak w cod4 też nie ma (chodzi mi o wieczne czekanie) moje łącze to 1,5 mb więc nawet w cod4 nie miałem lagów poza 1 mapą już nawet nie pamiętam jak się nazywała
  5. ziemia1

    Lost Planet

    na tylo co pobiegałem to jest spoko czasem, ale mało gram w singlu oj da, gdyby nie warhawk to siedziałbym w LP
  6. ziemia1


    co do łapania punktów imo najłatwiej w zones/ctf przejmujesz po kolei każdą strefę i wskakuje ci za każdy segment 2 punkty czyli maks za jednym razem to 6 / zabicie niosącego twoją flagę przeciwnika nie pamiętam ile ale ściągnięcie jej z powrotem 2 punkty plus punkty jakie możesz nabić za zdobycie stref (w ctf często jest masa nabijaczy punktów, jak tylko ktos upuści flagę pół mapy się zlatuje) tutaj masz puktację
  7. ziemia1


    na 85% będę jutro online bartek
  8. ziemia1

    Super Stardust HD

    matko już dawno nie zasiadałem, ale bonusy najlepiej boostem zwiększają wartość x2
  9. ziemia1

    PS Store

    Echocrome Demo jest na JP PSN
  10. ziemia1

    Burnout Paradise

    BURNOUT PARADISE V1.2 The Top 10 problems reported by you have been fixed, these are: - PS3 game can crash when a player is taken down and the player that has performed the Takedown leaves the game. - The game indefinitely displays "Connecting to Paradise City Servers" if it's having problems pinging the rebroadcast server. - Disconnecting the controller before a race begines can mean that race timings can be manipulated with players who didn't cross the line first being awarded the win - Repeatedly joining and leaving a game with 8 players can cause the game to hang. - Hammering the A (360) or X (PS3) after unlocking a car can cause the game to hang. - East Crawford and Watt St achievements can not be achieved if the player goes online and sets road rules before attempting them. - Audio distortion when using 5.1 / DTS and looking rearwards. - Enhanced 360 streaming performance stops instances where the game seems to pause for a second or so. - Total time driven in player stats would stick at 145 hours - VoIP connection problems with 8 player games. Game experience enhancements - We're going to be running road rule timers in all events and online challenges. - Tuning Online Takedown logic & physical behaviour to iron out instances where it doesn't feel fair. - Increase online race timer timeout so players have a greater chance of finishing the race. - Fix drifting bug when drifting and boosting there wasn't any real control on the brake so players would grind around the walls of the corners. Getting better control. - Boost fix, stabbing the boost has too much of a jerky behaviour in the car handling. - Surround sound fix - Centre speaker was 4dB louder, ruining the mix and the speech has now been positioned correctly. - Tweak Marked Man gameplay AI, was easy to exploit by driving in reverse. - Increase the # of search results returned for online games. - Increase Picture Paradise timer so it doesn't kick in so quickly. Other high priority issues being fixed - Some online race start points face the players in the wrong direction - Instances where Barrel rolls were not registering correctly in Stunt Run - Instances in Stunt Run where players would crash but not wreck & score multipliers by driving away - Fixed instances where the counting of Boost Chains would drop out - Some instances where Revenge Rivalries desync & don't get fixed until players are updated online. - Some instance where the Host couldn't change the game access if the game was created through an invite. - Achievements, Awards and Challenges numbers sometimes not updated if the player didn't leave the game cleanly - Online challenge issues where the challenge couldn't be completed if it was started at the exact time that a player left the game. - Incorrect rivalry updates when European players played against English or Japanese players. Online connection issues - Force timeout if the 360 gets stuck on "Connecting to Paradise City Servers" - NAT error - Rich presence on 360 didn't change correctly when there is a change in the game parameters. - Instances where Friends were not being displayed on the mini map. We'll get a definitive release date out to you all as soon as we can, but it doesn't stop here for us! Look out in the near future for more details on future updates and our plans for DLC.
  11. ziemia1

    PS3 News - Bez komentarzy! "Our momentum will continue with the introduction of in-game communication in the summer, firmware update 2.4 and the strongest line-up of games through our third party partners and our own studios. I’d personally like to thank our trade and business partners for helping us on the start of the PS3 journey.” SCE UK boss Ray Maguire
  12. ziemia1

    PS3 Quiz

    ok zadajesz
  13. ziemia1

    PS3 Quiz

    Widzę że nie idzie w takim razie tylko ranga Nathana
  14. ziemia1

    PS3 Quiz

    8 Meltdown Breach Capture the Flag Team Deathmatch Deathmatch Conversion Team Conversion Assault jeśli dobrze to proszę podać jakie stopnie wojskowe mają poniższe postacie Nathan Hale Rachel Parker Steven Cartwright
  15. ziemia1


    dokładnej daty nie podano ale oprócz pojazdu ...
  16. ziemia1

    GTA IV

    GTAIV to run at 30 FPS on PS3 and 360; Looking Identical on Both Systems and More - 1UP Yours 02/29/09 W audycji 1UP Yours on Leap Day. Prowadzący dyskutowali o GTA IV i otwierdzili że gra " at a solid 30FPS" na obu systemach "Xbox 360 and PS3". obie wersje wygladają identycznie, jednak wersja na PS3 jest trochę opóźniona w stosunku do xbox360, ale pewnym jest premiera w tym samym czasie co wersja na 360.
  17. ziemia1

    Gry na PSN

    Nawiązując do Everyday Shooter, kolejną gra od niezależnego developera jaka powinna się pojawić na PSN jeZt FEZ najpierw zobaczcie to potem odwiedźcie tę stronę no i jak ktoś chce trailer Imo jeśli Sony prześpi fakt że PSN może stać się świetną platformą dla indie games to powinno wypiredolić w kosmos swoje plany marketingowe. Kupuję w tej chwili więcej na PSS niż w sklepach, nie jest to dużo w wolumenie. Ale potwornie dużo w radości grania. Z każym kolejnym podejściem do Everyday Shooter odkrywam coś nowego. Nie trzeba 10-40mln $ na projekt, aby mnie przykuć do pada i pokazać coś innowacyjnego. Warto też zajrzeć tutaj
  18. ziemia1

    Dead Space

    na stronie nowy trailer a na halloween w tym roku wyjdzie horror Dead Space confirmed for October 31
  19. ziemia1


    kolejny PREVIEW: LittleBigPlanet (...)LittleBigPlanet is now fundamentally complete, in pre-alpha bug-testing and due for a closed beta trial in early summer for some final tweaking.(...) ...‘LittleBigStory’, with a basic narrative connecting over 50 levels to be played through with one to four players. Those players can be any mix of local and PSN sackboys... (...)The levels also now incorporate hazards that can ‘kill’ your sackboy, but death within the game is countered heavily by frequent respawn doors(...) "no ileż można czekać"
  20. ziemia1

    Gry na PSN

    Bionic Commando Rearmed nie wiem czemu nie zauważyłem wcześniej może gdzieś było; ale czekam z utęsknieniem na to w PSN :slinotok:
  21. ziemia1

    PS3 Quiz

    Imran Zakhaev jeśli dobrze to zadam od razu jeśli coś palnąłem, to wybaczcie Nazwa czwartej planety w Super Stardust HD?
  22. ziemia1

    WipEout HD

    Imo zapewne brak nowych tras, może być zapowiedzią nie najwyższej ceny na starcie. Jezeli nowe trasy maja być ściągane (płatne), ale to tylko moja opinia. Cieszyłbym się bardzo gdyby ktoś wreszcie wykorzystał potencjał motywacyjny grania online z mozliwościa ściągania nowych patentów, np. pierwsza 10 w rankingu danej trasy - zniżki na nowy content, żółta koszulka lidera i takie tam...
  23. ziemia1

    PS3 News - Bez komentarzy!

    łysy pan zapowiedział odejście z Sony Computer Entertainment Phil Harrison is today announcing plans to leave Sony. podobno ma zaklepane miejsce w ... Atari Harrison to leave Sony - join Atari?
  24. ziemia1

    WipEout HD

    track list ten inny track nie soundtrack Vineta K – On the southern shores of Makana Island, the circuit at Vineta K snakes in and out of the ocean and across the beaches. The highlights of this 4.4km track include spectacular underwater tunnels and cutting-edge architecture along the waterfront. Chenghou Project –The feature-packed circuit at Chenghou Project weaves its way around the offices and corporate buildings of Makana Island's business district. The 4.8 km track contains a tricky inverse-cambered spiral and culminates in a long jump into the tunnelled entry of the final chicane. Sebenco Climb – The 4.8 km Sebenco Climb track is cut into the hillsides of Makana's Sebenco mountain range. It features a steep traverse up the snowy mountainside, followed by a breathtaking plunge into an icy tunnel carved through the very heart of the mountain. The final section takes pilots through a challengingly tight chicane before they swing back onto the grid. Sol 2 – The 4.4 km Sol 2 circuit hangs suspended in the clouds high above Makana Island. Consisting of a series of fast-flowing, occasionally open-sided corners linked by sweeping straights, the combination of harsh sunlight and blind summits ensure that Sol 2 is a test of nerve for every speed class. Ubermall – In the heart of Makana Island's commercial zone is Ubermall, a 4.6 km circuit built into a vast shopping centre. The latter half of the track contains a brief split which rejoins into a narrow hill, followed by an outdoor park section that leads swiftly to the finish. Anulpha Pass – The 5 km Anulpha Pass track is located in a custom-built entertainment arena on the east side of Makana Island. Although the track looks deceptively simple from above, the undulations of the track surface and narrow skill-cut are enough to keep any racer on their toes. Moa Therma – The immense man-made complex of Moa Therma is located just off the northern coast of Sicily, with around a third of the track surface built using mag-strip technology. The centrepiece of this 5.3 km circuit is the gigantic horizontal loop which sits just above sea level. Metropia – The 4.7 km Metropia circuit weaves its way between the skyscrapers and traffic control towers that dominate the Kyoto skyline. Glass-bottomed track surfaces and a stunning vertical mag-strip drop into the depths of the city are just two of the highlights of this popular track. no i dodatkowe info: Sony wrote about the inclusion of eight teams from WipEout Pulse (Feisar, Assegai, AG-Systems, Qirex, Piranha, Triakis, Goteki45 and EG-X), pilot assist, five race modes (Single Race, Tournament, Time Trial, Speed Lap and Zone Mode), downloadable content (extra teams, ships, tracks and events for the race campaign), score posting, custom playlists
  25. ziemia1

    MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Motorstorm 2 is due out in time for Christmas and moves the action away from the desert locale of the original. Gamers will be able to race around a lush island environment, full of interactive vegetation. The game will feature four-player split-screen action, righting one of the obvious failings of the first game. The title is some months away from completion but the game's engine looked rock solid and the graphics were as impressive as one would expect from one of the best-looking racing franchises. no nic trza dokupić te dwa pady, jak juz DualShock 3 wyjdzie u nas... zaraz mamy luty do christmasów zostało dokładnie 10 miesięcy... pad ma kosztować w granicach 2 stówek to wychodzi 40zeta miesięcznie odkładania na pady plus ca. 23 zeta za M2 ... no może żona kupi sobie sama pada... albo grę no bo przecie jeszcze Killzone2, a ja od 2 lat nie dostałem żadnej pod choinkę (kurde dopiero co wywaliłem tę zeszłoroczną)i co tam jeszcze So what else was I shown? Well, I was shown a trailer for a game not due out till 2009 but was sworn to absolute secrecy. Apparently, Sony just wanted to give a glimpse of what the console will be capable of. ICO 3 ?
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