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Battlefield 4

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Ktoś grzebał w plikach gry i znalazł taki fragment kodu który może zapowiadać kolejne tryby które zostaną dodane do gry


“While Doing some really in dept JavaScript digging trying to find DLC content i have found some game modes that have place holders in the server but are not currently active. All that were not firmware to me are below with my explanation on what i think they are.
6. ”SPORT”

Tank Superiority was introduced in the Armored Kill DLC for Battlefield 3 where the objective is to control a single flag, which was often placed in an open area, using main battle tanks and tank destroyers. To aid in the destruction of the enemy, tank drivers were often Engineers or Recons so they could assist by repairing or laser painting target while not driving.
Gun Master, also introduced in Battlefield 3, is a variant of the gun game that was present in Counter Strike and Call of Duty games where players start with a basic pistol and must score kills to receive better weapons.
Combat Mission, which may be familiar to anyone that has played Metal of Honor: Warfighter, was a game mode that pits the Away team as the attackers and the Home team as the defenders. The attackers are tasked with blowing up three consecutive PETN caches without running out of tickets, while the defenders are tasked with defending the caches and reducing the attackers’ tickets down to zero. The attackers are given 75 tickets to blow up an objective.
Squad Rush was included in multiple Battlefield games. As the game mode name suggests, it’s squad based rush where a map is divided into multiple sections with M-COM stations in each. The objective of rush is for the offensive team to arm and detonate M-COM stations in the current section while the defensive team tries to defend or defuse an active bomb. Once all M-COMs are destroyed, the map advances to the next section.
Scavenger is another game mode that was introduced in Battlefield 3 in the Aftermath DLC. In Scavenger mode, weapons spawn in predetermined locations all over the map, so it pays to learn the map to stand a fighting chance. The particular weapons spawning at these points however have an element of randomness to them, so in order to survive a Scavenger round you will have to explore as much of the map as possible. Sticking together as a team means you might be able to keep enemies from claiming these few and valuable weapons that can turn the tide of a round. In all other respects, Scavenger behaves like a Conquest game. That is, the two teams battle for control over a number of bases and need to bleed their opponent down to zero tickets.
Sport. A lot is not known as to what this game mode will be, though as the name suggests, it probably has something to do with how DICE wanted to get more involved with eSports.
Fire Team Survivor, again to borrow from Metal of Honor: Warfighter, is a game mode that focused around a buddy system where your squad was simply two players. The idea was that you worked together in tandem to eliminate the enemy team. This game mode description and how it pertains to BF4 is purely speculation, Battlefield 4′s FTS game mode might be completely different.
Onslaught was introduced in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 where up to 4 players can team up against enemy AI and put their squad skills to the test across 4 enhanced multiplayer maps, fighting against enemy land, sea, and air forces. Working together to secure and hold a series of capture points in the quickest time possible.

Edytowane przez Pryxfus
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Ktoś grzebał w plikach gry i znalazł taki fragment kodu który może zapowiadać kolejne tryby które zostaną dodane do gry


“While Doing some really in dept JavaScript digging trying to find DLC content i have found some game modes that have place holders in the server but are not currently active. All that were not firmware to me are below with my explanation on what i think they are.
6. ”SPORT”

Tank Superiority was introduced in the Armored Kill DLC for Battlefield 3 where the objective is to control a single flag, which was often placed in an open area, using main battle tanks and tank destroyers. To aid in the destruction of the enemy, tank drivers were often Engineers or Recons so they could assist by repairing or laser painting target while not driving.
Gun Master, also introduced in Battlefield 3, is a variant of the gun game that was present in Counter Strike and Call of Duty games where players start with a basic pistol and must score kills to receive better weapons.
Combat Mission, which may be familiar to anyone that has played Metal of Honor: Warfighter, was a game mode that pits the Away team as the attackers and the Home team as the defenders. The attackers are tasked with blowing up three consecutive PETN caches without running out of tickets, while the defenders are tasked with defending the caches and reducing the attackers’ tickets down to zero. The attackers are given 75 tickets to blow up an objective.
Squad Rush was included in multiple Battlefield games. As the game mode name suggests, it’s squad based rush where a map is divided into multiple sections with M-COM stations in each. The objective of rush is for the offensive team to arm and detonate M-COM stations in the current section while the defensive team tries to defend or defuse an active bomb. Once all M-COMs are destroyed, the map advances to the next section.
Scavenger is another game mode that was introduced in Battlefield 3 in the Aftermath DLC. In Scavenger mode, weapons spawn in predetermined locations all over the map, so it pays to learn the map to stand a fighting chance. The particular weapons spawning at these points however have an element of randomness to them, so in order to survive a Scavenger round you will have to explore as much of the map as possible. Sticking together as a team means you might be able to keep enemies from claiming these few and valuable weapons that can turn the tide of a round. In all other respects, Scavenger behaves like a Conquest game. That is, the two teams battle for control over a number of bases and need to bleed their opponent down to zero tickets.
Sport. A lot is not known as to what this game mode will be, though as the name suggests, it probably has something to do with how DICE wanted to get more involved with eSports.
Fire Team Survivor, again to borrow from Metal of Honor: Warfighter, is a game mode that focused around a buddy system where your squad was simply two players. The idea was that you worked together in tandem to eliminate the enemy team. This game mode description and how it pertains to BF4 is purely speculation, Battlefield 4′s FTS game mode might be completely different.
Onslaught was introduced in Battlefield: Bad Company 2 where up to 4 players can team up against enemy AI and put their squad skills to the test across 4 enhanced multiplayer maps, fighting against enemy land, sea, and air forces. Working together to secure and hold a series of capture points in the quickest time possible.




Wszystko fajnie bo i tryby bardzo ciekawe tylko dlaczego w tym kodzie nie ma trybu który już oficjalnie jest zapowiedziany z nowym DLC Przejmowanie flagi

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Panowie probuje odblokowac L85a2 i jedna z zadan jest ubicie kogos defibrylatorem. Tylko ze nie wiem jak bo jak probowalem pare razy nic sie nikomu nie dzieje. Na jednym kamperze proboalem bez kitu z 7 razy i zero rezultatu, nie ubylo mu nic z paska zycia. W bf3 jak pamietam dzialalo to normalnie a tu nie wiem musze stac od przodu przeciwnika albo jak? bo nie wiem juz za bardzo. Sprawdzcie czy u was sie da kogos wstrzasnac:)

Odnośnik do komentarza
Gość Zaqair



We are continuing to monitor some intermittent connectivity issues affecting some players across various platforms. Thank you for your patience. We will update this with further information as available.


Zeby nie bylo 100 pytan czy tez maja ludzie problemy z online. ;)

Odnośnik do komentarza

Drugi myk jest taki, że zagraj HC bo tam dużo łatwiej ubić kogoś defibrylatorem.


Też walczę z tym zadaniem, ale żeby było śmieszniej to ja mam największy problem z granatem. Jak nie potrzeba to multikille wale a jak musze to ch...

Z defibrylatorem najlepiej wybrać się na Wrogą i kamperów ściągać, albo na Sztormie, podpłynąć skuterem na jedną z wysepek, gdzie kampiszon siedzi.

Odnośnik do komentarza

od kiedy do kiedy dokladnie to 2xXP niby jest? Wg battleloga juz od 2:00 dzisiejszej nocy powinno byc, ale gralem do 4. i nic nie naliczalo...

Ja grałem dziś kilka h i w ogóle nic nie dostałem :confused:


Dziś stwierdziłem, że FAMAS to najlepsza pukawka w grze. Doskonale się sprawdza na bliskie dystanse, i jest o dziwo całkiem dobra na dalsze. Nawet bez upgrade'ów ściągałem z daleka ludzi.

Edytowane przez Drantzell
Odnośnik do komentarza
Gość Zaqair


od kiedy do kiedy dokladnie to 2xXP niby jest? Wg battleloga juz od 2:00 dzisiejszej nocy powinno byc, ale gralem do 4. i nic nie naliczalo...

Ja grałem dziś kilka h i w ogóle nic nie dostałem :confused:


Problemy z serwerami maja wiec pewnie dopiero w 2014.

Odnośnik do komentarza

nic nie nalicza, komunikat z BL zreszta mowi wszystko:

"The end of December 2XP event for Premium members has been postponed and will be run at a later date. Stay tuned for more information. We apologize for the inconvenience."


@Gesior: co do tego zadania, to moja wskazowka- wez sobie granatnik M320, nim bez problemu kogos ubijesz. Ja dzis pyknalem to zadanie bez problemu.

Edytowane przez tommi
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ooo dzieki Panowie za wskazowke z tym defibrylatorem. Nigdy go nie ladowalem tylko odrazu strzelalem. A dla mnie najlepsza pukawa to chyba ak5c z tlumikiem. Fak ale ona kosi na odleglosc, z bliska tez daje rade. Wczoraj jak z nia gralem to mialem wyniki 36/6 na dm. Pozniej ludzie podchwycili i juz co drugi latal z ak.

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Gość Darude

Mam pytanie od 3 dni mam takie lagi ze (pipi)ica mnie bierze (wczesniej bez problemowo)rzecz się dzieje tylko na kilku mapach a problemy  ciagle te same .Czy to normalne?pewnie nie .Zawsze narzekałem ze Dice wszystko spieprza ,ale BF4 mi się na tyle spodobał ze nawet Premium wykupiłem w sumie jakby nie było prawie 500  ziko było .Co teraz mam robić ?w(pipi)iać się ,reklamować czy  czekacna zbawienie :P ?

Edytowane przez Darude
Odnośnik do komentarza
Gość Zaqair

Mam pytanie od 3 dni mam takie lagi ze (pipi)ica mnie bierze (wczesniej bez problemowo)rzecz się dzieje tylko na kilku mapach a problemy  ciagle te same .Czy to normalne?pewnie nie .Zawsze narzekałem ze Dice wszystko spieprza ,ale BF4 mi się na tyle spodobał ze nawet Premium wykupiłem w sumie jakby nie było prawie 500  ziko było .Co teraz mam robić ?w(pipi)iać się ,reklamować?




We are continuing to monitor some intermittent connectivity issues affecting some players across various platforms. Thank you for your patience. We will update this with further information as available.


Zeby nie bylo 100 pytan czy tez maja ludzie problemy z online. ;)



8 postow temu to napisalem. + Dalej ludzie maja problemy z psn.

Edytowane przez Zaqair
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