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Sama prawda o Destiny



Genialne :rofl: jak bym siebie widział kiedy inni dostawali Gjallarhorna :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry: 


U mnie po zrobieniu 2x Nightfall 2x Corta (normal/hard) i 2x Vog Hard to 3xThunderlord 1xVex wszystko poszło na kamyki :/  oraz 2 osoby szczęśliwe z teamu które dostały  G-horna :sorry: czyli miało być tak pięknie a wyszło jak zawsze może za tydzień  :thanks:

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No ja musiałem zagrać kilkadziesiąt razy voga i kilkadziesiąt Crote żeby mi wpadł. Żmudny proces, ale radość gdy wypadnie jest ogromna.

Xur oczywiście dal hełm dla Titana, który już nie jest mi potrzebny bo dostałem z Croty, a dla Huntera nadal potrzebuje a dał jakiś syfiasty z radarkiem dla kamperow :)

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1.2.0 : The one to pre-load House of Wolves


Destiny Expansion II will change the way we all play and upgrade our characters. Before the release of the House of Wolves, we’re deploying new code that will impact the player experience.



  • Fixed an issue in which Vex Mythoclast was not respawning with primary ammunition
  • Fixed an issue with the Hive Disruptor perk, which now appears in the Black Hammer perk set again
  • Fixed an issue in which the Phantom Gift and White Nail perks would become interrupted when non-precision damage occurred from other perks
    • Bonus damage from other perks (e.g., Explosive Rounds, Hive Disruptor) no longer interrupts the count
    • Three precision hits within the time window will trigger the intended refund bonus

  • Fixed an issue in which the Hive Disruptor perk did not work correctly with sustained damage events (auto rifles, pulse, etc.)
    • Oracle Disruptor perk now triggers more often
    • Hive Disruptor perk now triggers more often, but does less damage per event



  • Salvage: Moved the first Relic to more consistently appear in a centralized position on the map
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to wait an excessively long time to respawn



  • Faction reward packages will no longer produce Shards
  • The Speaker will now exchange Ascendant and Radiant Materials for Glimmer and Motes of Light
  • Xûr will now exchange Strange Coins for Motes of Light
  • Commendations are no longer required to purchase gear
  • Commendations can now be converted to receive +250 gains in Vanguard, Crucible, or Faction reputation
  • Note: Etheric Light will not be made available for ascending gear until the release of House of Wolves


User Interface

  • Vendor Interaction Panel has been updated to support Quest chains
  • Vendor Interaction Panel now has better animations and fewer popping issues
  • Number of buffs that can be displayed on the Character screen has been increased
  • Inventory item stacks that have reached their highest possible count will now display gold numbers along with an alert in the tooltip that maximum quantities have been acquired 



  • Added improved feedback for players who take damage from energy weapons



  • Fixed an issue in which the Mercury Grimoire card was not being awarded
  • Retroactively awarded the Mercury Grimoire card to players who have found the "Mercury Memory Fragment" Dead Ghost
  • Vendor items, damage types, and perks will now be visible on and the Mobile App



  • Addressed a crash on Xbox One that was induced when too many explosions/projectiles were generated
  • Fixed an issue that affected the network quality user interface
    • Indicators will no longer display persistently bad ("red") quality after a user's connection recovers from a temporary quality issue
    • The quality indicators should now always correctly reflect a user's live connection quality

Odnośnik do komentarza

Mieliście ostatnio tak, że nie dało się zalogować do Destiny? Wczoraj na PS4 dostawałem cały czas komunikat, że serwery Destiny są niedostępne i nic nie pomagało, a widziałem pełno osób grających w Destiny. O dziwo udało mi się zalogować na PS3 bez żadnych problemów i porobiłem nowe bounty na tej konsoli, ale jeżeli nie poprawią tego błędu, to w nowy dodatek sobie nie pogram, bo na PS3 go nie mam... :(

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Wczoraj coś było z serwerami PSN. Ja z kolei miałem komunikat, że muszę kupić DLC i nie mogę zagrać nic z dodatków. Ale w innych grach też tak miałem. Na infolinii PlayStation powiedzieli mi że to po ich stronie i żebym uzbroił się w cierpliwość.



No. W końcu po jednym na postać :)





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