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Szukam czegoś w stylu Drabiny Jakubowa, Silent Hill jakieś chore klimaty... ktoś coś poleci?

Martyrs (francuski film), Nagi Lunch, Videodrome, Altered States


Martyrs... osz kur... obejrzałem trailer i chce to obejrzeć. Mam wrażenie, że znam już całą fabułę w filmie po trailerze, ale na pierwszy rzut oka film przebija hostel i inne w klimacie :potter:

Skoro zaintrygowalo cie Martyrs to Haute Tension i A l'intérieur tez sa francuskimi horrorami wartymi obejrzenia. Francuzi maja niezle nasrane sadzac po tych filmach ...

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Top użytkownicy w tym temacie

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Szukam filmu z kategorii " Te, które trzeba obejrzeć przed śmiercią."


1. Le Voyage dans la Lune - Georges Méli?s (1902)

2. The Great Train Robbery - Edwin S. Porter (1903)

3. The Birth of a Nation - D.W. Griffith (1915)

4. Les Vampires - Louis Feuillade (1915)

5. Intolerance - D.W. Griffith (1916)

6. Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari - Robert Wiene (1919)

7. Broken Blossoms - D.W. Griffith (1919)

8. Way Down East - D.W. Griffith (1920)

9. Within Our Gates - Oscar Micheaux (1920)

10. Körkarlen - Victor Sjöström (1921)

11. Orphans of the Storm - D.W. Griffith (1921)

12. Souriante Madame Beudet, La - Germaine Dulac (1922)

13. Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Fritz Lang (1922)

14. Nanook of the North - Robert J. Flaherty (1922)

15. Nosferatu, Eine Symphonie des Grauens - F.W. Murnau (1922)

16. Häxan - Benjamin Christensen (1923)

17. Foolish Wives - Erich von Stroheim (1922)

18. Our Hospitality - John G. Blystone & Buster Keaton (1923)

19. La Roue - Abel Gance (1923)

20. The Thief of Bagdad - Raoul Walsh (1924)

21. Stachka - Sergei M. Eisenstein (1924)

22. Greed - Erich Von Stroheim (1924)

23. Sherlock, Jr. - Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle & Buster Keaton (1924)

24. Der Letzte Mann - F.W. Murnau (1924)

25. Seven Chances - Buster Keaton (1925)

26. The Phantom of the Opera - Rupert Julian & Lon Chaney (1925)

27. Bronenosets Potyomkin - Grigori Aleksandrov & Sergei M. Eisenstein (1925)

28. The Gold Rush - Charles Chaplin (1925)

29. The Big Parade - King Vidor (1925)

30. Metropolis - Fritz Lang (1927)

31. Sunrise - F.W. Murnau (1927)

32. The General - Clyde Bruckman & Buster Keaton (1927)

33. The Unknown - Tod Browning (1927)

34. Oktyabr - Grigori Aleksandrov & Sergei M. Eisenstein (1927)

35. The Jazz Singer - Alan Crosland (1927)

36. Napoléon - Abel Gance (1927)

37. The Kid Brother - J.A. Howe & Ted Wilde (1927)

38. The Crowd - King Vidor (1928)

39. The Docks of New York - Josef von Sternberg (1928)

40. Un Chien Andalou (An Andalusian Dog) - Luis Bu?uel (1928)

41. La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc (The Passion of Joan of Arc) - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1928)

42. Steamboat Bill, Jr. - Charles Reisner & Buster Keaton (1928)

43. Potomok Chingis-Khana (Storm Over Asia) - Vsevolod Pudovkin (1928)

44. Blackmail - Alfred Hitchcock (1929)

45. Chelovek S Kinoapparatom (The Man with the Movie Camera) - Dziga Vertov (1929)

46. Die Büchse der Pandora (Pandora's Box) - Georg Wilhelm Pabst (1929)

47. Der Blaue Engle (The Blue Angel) - Josef von Sternberg (1930)

48. L'Âge d'Or (The Age of Gold) - Luis Bu?uel (1930)

49. Zemlya (Earth) - Aleksandr Dovzhenko (1930)

50. Little Caesar - Mervyn LeRoy (1930)

51. All Quiet on the Western Front - Lewis Milestone (1930)

52. ? Nous la Liberté (Freedom for Us) - René Clair (1931)

53. Le Million (The Million) - René Clair (1931)

54. Tabu - F.W. Murnau (1931)

55. Dracula - Tod Browning (1931)

56. Frankenstein - James Whale (1931)

57. City Lights - Charles Chaplin (1931)

58. The Public Enemy - William A. Wellman (1931)

59. M - Fritz Lang (1931)

60. La Chienne (The Bitch) - Jean Renoir (1931)

61. Vampyr (The Vampire) - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1932)

62. Love Me Tonight - Rouben Mamoulian (1932)

63. Boudu Sauvé des Eaux (Boudu Saved From Drowning) - Jean Renoir (1932)

64. I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang - Mervyn LeRoy (1932)

65. Trouble in Paradise - Ernst Lubitsch (1932)

66. Scarface: The Shame of a Nation - Howard Hawks (1932)

67. Shanghai Express - Josef von Sternberg (1932)

68. Freaks - Tod Browning (1932)

69. Me and My Gal - Raoul Walsh (1932)

70. Zéro de Conduite (Zero for Conduct) - Jean Vigo (1933)

71. 42nd Street - Lloyd Bacon (1933)

72. Footlight Parade - Lloyd Bacon (1933)

73. Gold Diggers of 1933 - Mervyn LeRoy (1933)

74. She Done Him Wrong - Lowell Sherman (1933)

75. Duck Soup - Leo McCarey (1933)

76. Queen Christina - Rouben Mamoulian (1933)

77. Las Hurdes (Land Without Bread) - Luis Bu?uel (1933)

78. King Kong - Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack (1933)

79. The Bitter Tea of General Yen - Frank Capra (1933)

80. Sons of the Desert - William A. Seiter (1933)

81. It's a Gift - Norman Z. McLeod (1934)

82. Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will) - Leni Riefenstahl (1934)

83. L'Atalante - Jean Vigo (1934)

84. The Black Cat - Edgar G. Ulmer (1934)

85. Judge Priest - John Ford (1934)

86. It Happened One Night - Frank Capra (1934)

87. The Thin Man - W.S. Van Dyke (1934)

88. Captain Blood - Michael Curtiz (1935)

89. Mutiny on the Bounty - Frank Lloyd (1935)

90. A Night at the Opera - Sam Wood (1935)

91. The 39 Steps - Alfred Hitchcock (1935)

92. Bride of Frankenstein - James Whale (1935)

93. Top Hat - Mark Sandirch (1935)

94. Une Partie de Campagne (A Day in the Country) - Jean Renoir (1936)

95. Modern Times - Charles Chaplin (1936)

96. Swing Time - George Stevens (1936)

97. My Man Godfrey - Gregory La Cava (1936)

98. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town - Frank Capra (1936)

99. Camille - George Cukor (1936)

100. Sabotage - Alfred Hitchcock (1936)

101. Dodsworth - William Wyler (1936)

102. Things to Come - William Cameron Menzies (1936)

103. Le Roman d'un Tricheur (The Story of a Cheat) - Sacha Guitry (1936)

104. Captains Courageous - Victor Fleming (1937)

105. Ye Ban Ge Sheng (Midnight Song) - Ma-Xu Weibang (1937)

106. La Grande Illusion (Grand Illusion) - Jean Renoir (1937)

107. Stella Dallas - King Vidor (1937)

108. The Life of Emile Zola - William Dieterie (1937)

109. Make Way for Tomorrow - Leo McCarey (1937)

110. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

111. The Awful Truth - Leo McCarey (1937)

112. Pépé Le Moko - Julien Duvivier (1937)

113. Jezebel - William Wyler (1938)

114. The Adventures of Robin Hood - Michael Curtiz & William Keighley (1938)

115. Angels with Dirty Faces - Michael Curtiz (1938)

116. Olympia - Leni Riefenstahl (1938)

117. La Femme du Boulanger (The Baker's Wife) - Marcel Pagnol (1938)

118. Bringing Up Baby - Howard Hawks (1938)

119. Stagecoach - John Ford (1939)

120. Zangiku Monogatari (The Story of the Late Chrysanthemums) - Kenji Mizoguchi (1939)

121. Babes in Arms - Busby Berkeley (1939)

122. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - Frank Capra (1939)

123. The Wizard of Oz - Victor Fleming (1939)

124. Destry Rides Again - George Marshall (1939)

125. Only Angels Have Wings - Howard Hawks (1939)

126. Gone With the Wind - Victor Fleming & George Cukor (1939)

127. Le Jour se L?ve (Daybreak) - Marcel Carné (1939)

128. Gunga Din - George Stevens (1939)

129. Ninotchka - Ernst Lubitsch (1939)

130. La R?gle du Jeu (The Rules of the Game) - Jean Renoir (1939)

131. Wuthering Heights - William Wyler (1939)

132. His Girl Friday - Howard Hawks (1940)

133. Rebecca - Alfred Hitchcock (1940)

134. Fantasia - Ben Sharpsteen (1940)

135. The Philadelphia Story - George Cukor (1940)

136. The Grapes of Wrath - John Ford (1940)

137. Dance, Girl, Dance - Dorothy Arzner (1940)

138. Pinocchio - Hamilton Luske & Ben Sharpsteen (1940)

139. The Mortal Storm - Frank Borzage (1940)

140. The Bank Dick - Edward F. Cline (1940)

141. Citizen Kane - Orson Welles (1941)

142. The Lady Eve - Preston Sturges (1941)

143. The Wolf Man - George Waggner (1941)

144. The Maltese Falcon - John Huston (1941)

145. Sergeant York - Howard Hawks (1941)

146. Dumbo - Ben Sharpsteen (1941)

147. High Sierra - Raoul Walsh (1941)

148. Sullivan's Travels - Preston Sturges (1941)

149. How Green Was My Valley - John Ford (1941)

150. The Palm Beach Story - Preston Sturges (1942)

151. Now, Voyager - Irving Rapper (1942)

152. Casablanca - Michael Curtiz (1942)

153. To Be or Not to Be - Ernst Lubitsch (1942)

154. Cat People - Jacques Tourneur (1942)

155. The Magnificent Ambersons - Orson Welles & Fred Fleck (1942)

156. Yankee Doodle Dandy - Michael Curtiz (1942)

157. Meshes of the Afternoon - Maya Deren & Alexander Hammid (1943)

158. Fires Were Started - Humphrey Jennings (1943)

159. The Man in Grey - Leslie Arliss (1943)

160. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1943)

161. I Walked with a Zombie - Jacques Tourneur (1943)

162. The Seventh Victim - Mark Robson (1943)

163. The Ox-Bow Incident - William A. Wellman (1943)

164. Shadow of a Doubt - Alfred Hitchcock (1943)

165. Ossessione - Luchino Visconti (1943)

166. Meet Me in St. Louis - Vincente Minnelli (1944)

167. To Have and Have Not - Howard Hawks (1944)

168. Laura - Otto Preminger & Rouben Mamoulian (1944)

169. Gaslight - George Cukor (1944)

170. Henry V - Laurence Olivier (1944)

171. Ivan the Terrible, Parts One and Two (Ivan Groznyj I i II) - Sergei M. Eisenstein (1944)

172. Double IndemnityDouble Indemnity - Billy Wilder (1944)

173. Murder, My Sweet (Farewell My Lovely) - Edward Dmytryk (1944)

174. The Battle of San Pietro - John Huston (1945)

175. Spellbound - Alfred Hitchcock (1945)

176. Mildred Pierce - Michael Curtiz (1945)

177. Les Enfants du Paradis (The Children of Paradise) - Marcel Carné (1945)

178. Roma, Citt? Aperta (Open City) - Roberto Rossellini (1945)

179. The Lost Weekend - Billy Wilder (1945)

180. Detour - Edgar G. Ulmer (1945)

181. I Know Where I'm Going! - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1945)

182. The Best Years of Our Lives - William Wyler (1946)

183. Brief Encounter - David Lean (1946)

184. Paisá (Paisan) - Roberto Rossellini (1946)

185. The Postman Always Rings Twice - Tay Garnett (1946)

186. My Darling Clementine - John Ford (1946)

187. The Stranger - Orson Welles (1946)

188. La Belle et la B?te (Beauty and the Beast) - Jean Cocteau (1946)

189. The Big Sleep - Howard Hawks (1946)

190. The Killers - Robert Siodmak (1946)

191. A Matter of Life and Death - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1946)

192. Great Expectations - David Lean (1946)

193. Notorious - Alfred Hitchcock (1946)

194. Black Narcissus - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1946)

195. It's a Wonderful Life - Frank Capra (1946)

196. Gilda - Charles Vidor (1946)

197. Monsieur Verdoux - Charles Chaplin (1947)

198. Out of the Past - Jacques Tourneur (1947)

199. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1947)

200. Odd Man Out - Carol Reed (1947)

201. Ladri di Biciclette (The Bicycle Thief) - Vittorio De Sica (1948)

202. Letter from an Unknown Woman - Max Ophüls (1948)

203. Secret Beyond the Door - Fritz Lang (1948)

204. Force of Evil - Abraham Polonsky (1948)

205. Xiao Cheng Zhi Chun (Spring in a Small Town) - Fei Mu (1948)

206. Red River - Howard Hawks & Arthur Rosson (1948)

207. Rope - Alfred Hitchcock (1948)

208. The Snake Pit - Anatole Litvak (1948)

209. The Lady from Shanghai - Orson Welles (1948)

210. The Paleface - Norman Z. McLeod (1948)

211. The Red Shoes - Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger (1948)

212. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - John Huston (1948)

213. Louisiana Story - Robert J. Flaherty (1948)

214. The Heiress - William Wyler (1949)

215. Kind Hearts and Coronets - Robert Hamer (1949)

216. Gun Crazy - Joseph H. Lewis (1949)

217. Adam's Rib - George Cukor (1949)

218. Whiskey Galore! - Alexander Mackendrick (1949)

219. White Heat - Raoul Walsh (1949)

220. The Reckless Moment - Max Ophüls (1949)

221. The Third Man - Carol Reed (1949)

222. On the Town - Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly (1949)

223. Orphée (Orpheus) - Jean Cocteau (1949)

224. The Asphalt Jungle - John Huston (1950)

225. Rashomon - Akira Kurosawa (1950)

226. Winchester '73 - Anthony Mann (1950)

227. Rio Grande - John Ford (1950)

228. All About Eve - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1950)

229. Sunset Blvd. - Billy Wilder (1950)

230. Los Olvidados (The Young and the Damned) - Luis Bu?uel (1950)

231. In a Lonely Place - Nicholas Ray (1950)

232. The Big Carnival - Billy Wilder (1951)

233. A Streetcar Named Desire - Elia Kazan (1951)

234. Strangers on a Train - Alfred Hitchcock (1951)

235. The Lavender Hill Mob - Charles Crichton (1951)

236. Pandora and the Flying Dutchman - Albert Lewin (1951)

237. The African Queen - John Huston (1951)

238. Journal d'un Cure de Campagne (Diary of a Country Priest) - Robert Bresson (1951)

239. An American in Paris - Vincente Minnelli (1951)

240. A Place in the Sun - George Stevens (1951)

241. The Day the Earth Stood Still - Robert Wise (1951)

242. The Quiet Man - John Ford (1952)

243. Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) - René Clément (1952)

244. Angel Face - Otto Preminger (1952)

245. Singin' in the Rain - Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly (1952)

246. Ikiru (To Live) - Akira Kurosawa (1952)

247. Europa '51 - Roberto Rossellini (1952)

248. The Bad and the Beautiful - Vincente Minnelli (1952)

249. The Big Sky - Howard Hawks (1952)

250. High Noon - Fred Zinnemann (1952)

251. Umberto D - Vittorio De Sica (1952)

252. Le Carrosse d'Or (The Golden Coach) - Jean Renoir (1952)

253. The Bigamist - Ida Lupino (1953)

254. The Band Wagon - Vincente Minnelli (1953)

255. Madame De... - Max Ophüls (1953)

256. From Here to Eternity - Fred Zinnemann (1953)

257. Tokyo Story - Yasujiro Ozu (1953)

258. Roman Holiday - William Wyler (1953)

259. Le Salaire de la Peur (Wages of Fear) - Henri-Georges Clouzot (1953)

260. The Naked Spur - Anthony Mann (1953)

261. Pickup on South Street - Samuel Fuller (1953)

262. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes - Howard Hawks (1953)

263. The Big Heat - Fritz Lang (1953)

264. Les Vacances de M. Hulot (M. Hulot's Holiday) - Jacques Tati (1953)

265. Voyage in Italy - Roberto Rossellini (1953)

266. Ugetsu Monogatari (Tales of Ugetsu) - Kenji Mizoguchi (1953)

267. Shane - George Stevens (1953)

268. Beat the Devil - John Huston (1953)

269. Johnny Guitar - Nicholas Ray (1954)

270. On the Waterfront - Elia Kazan (1954)

271. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - Stanley Donen (1954)

272. Les Diaboliques - Henri-Georges Clouzot (1954)

273. Animal Farm - Joy Batchelor & John Halas (1954)

274. Rear Window - Alfred Hitchcock (1954)

275. A Star Is Born - George Cukor (1954)

276. The Barefoot Contessa - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1954)

277. La Strada (The Road) - Federico Fellini (1954)

278. Shichinin No Samurai (The Seven Samurai) - Akira Kurosawa (1954)

279. Senso (The Wanton Countess) - Luchino Visconti (1954)

280. Silver Lode - Allan Dawn (1954)

281. Carmen Jones - Otto Preminger (1954)

282. Sanshô Day? (Sansho the Baliff) - Kenji Mizoguchi (1954)

283. Salt of the Earth - Herbert J. Biberman (1954)

284. Artists and Models - Frank Tashlin (1955)

285. Guys and Dolls - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1955)

286. Pather Panchali - Satyajit Ray (1955)

287. Bad Day at Black Rock - John Sturges (1955)

288. Les Maîtres Fous (The Mad Masters) - Jean Rouch (1955)

289. Hill 24 Doesn't Answer - Thorold Dickinson (1955)

290. The Ladykillers - Alexander Mackendrick (1955)

291. Marty - Delbert Mann (1955)

292. Ordet - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1955)

293. Bob le Flambeur (Bob the Gambler) - Jean-Pierre Melville (1955)

294. Kiss Me Deadly - Robert Aldrich (1955)

295. The Man from Laramie - Anthony Mann (1955)

296. Rebel Without A Cause - Nicholas Ray (1955)

297. The Phenix City Story - Phil Karlson (1955)

298. Sommarnattens Leende (Smiles of a Summer Night) - Ingmar Bergman (1955)

299. Nuit et Brouillard (Night and Fog) - Alain Resnais (1955)

300. The Night of the Hunter - Charles Laughton (1955)

301. Lola Mont?s (The Sins of Lola Montes) - Max Ophüls (1955)

302. Forbidden Planet - Fred M. Wilcox (1956)

303. Biruma No Tategoto (The Burmese Harp) - Kon Ichikawa (1956)

304. The Searchers - John Ford (1956)

305. Un Condamné ? Mort s'Est Échappé ou le Vent Souffle o? il Veut (A Man Escaped) - Robert Bresson (1956)

306. Written on the Wind - Douglas Sirk (1956)

307. The Man Who Knew Too Much - Alfred Hitchcock (1956)

308. Giant - George Stevens (1956)

309. All That Heaven Allows - Douglas Sirk (1956)

310. Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Don Siegel (1956)

311. The Wrong Man - Alfred Hitchcock (1956)

312. Bigger Than Life - Nicholas Ray (1956)

313. High Society - Charles Walters (1956)

314. The Ten Commandments - Cecil B. DeMille (1956)

315. 12 Angry Men - Sidney Lumet (1957)

316. Det Sjunde Inseglet (The Seventh Seal) - Ingmar Bergman (1957)

317. An Affair to Remember - Leo McCarey (1957)

318. Smultronstället (Wild Strawberries) - Ingmar Bergman (1957)

319. Le Notti di Cabiria (The Nights of Cabiria) - Federico Fellini (1957)

320. Kumonosu Jo (Throne of Blood) - Akira Kurosawa (1957)

321. The Incredible Shrinking Man - Jack Arnold (1957)

322. Aparajito (The Unvanquished) - Satyajit Ray (1957)

323. Gunfight at the OK Corral - John Sturges (1957)

324. The Bridge on the River Kwai - David Lean (1957)

325. Bharat Mata (Mother India) - Mehboob Khan (1957)

326. Letyat zhuravli The Cranes Are Flying) - Mikheil Kalatozishvili (1957)

327. Paths of Glory - Stanley Kubrick (1957)

328. Sweet Smell of Success - Alexander Mackendrick (1957)

329. Man of the West - Anthony Mann (1958)

330. Touch of Evil - Orson Welles (1958)

331. Bab el Hadid (Cairo Station) - Youssef Chahine (1958)

332. Gigi - Vincente Minnelli (1958)

333. The Defiant Ones - Stanley Kramer (1958)

334. Vertigo - Alfred Hitchcock (1958)

335. Popiól i Diament (Ashes and Diamonds) - Andrzej Wajda (1958)

336. Dracula - Terence Fisher (1958)

337. Mon Oncle (My Uncle) - Jacques Tati (1958)

338. Jalsaghar (The Music Room) - Satyajit Ray (1958)

339. Les Quatre Cents Coups (The 400 Blows) - François Truffaut (1959)

340. North by Northwest - Alfred Hitchcock (1959)

341. Some Like It Hot - Billy Wilder (1959)

342. Anatomy of a Murder - Otto Preminger (1959)

343. Les Yeux Sans Visage (Eyes Without a Face) - Georges Franju (1959)

344. Ride Lonesome - Budd Boetticher (1959)

345. Orfeu Negro (Black Orpheus) - Marcel Camus (1959)

346. Shadows - John Cassavetes (1959)

347. Apur Sansar (The World of Apu) - Satyajit Ray (1959)

348. A Bout de Souffle (Breathless) - Jean-Luc Godard (1959)

349. Ben-Hur - William Wyler (1959)

350. Pickpocket - Robert Bresson (1959)

351. Hiroshima Mon Amour - Alain Resnais (1959)

352. Rio Bravo - Howard Hawks (1959)

353. Le Trou (The Hole) - Jacques Becker (1959)

354. Ukigusa (Floating Weeds) - Yasujiro Ozu (1959)

355. Rocco e i Suoi Fratelli (Rocco and His Brothers) - Luchino Visconti (1960)

356. La Dolce Vita - Federico Fellini (1960)

357. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning - Karel Reisz (1960)

358. Tirez Sur le Pianiste (Shoot the Piano Player) - François Truffaut (1960)

359. L'Avventura (The Adventure) - Michelangelo Antonioni (1960)

360. La Joven (The Young One) - Luis Bu?uel (1960)

361. Meghe Dhaka Tara (The Cloud-Capped Star) - Ritwik Ghatak (1960)

362. Hayno (The Housemaid) - Kim Ki-young (1960)

363. Psycho - Alfred Hitchcock (1960)

364. La Maschera del Demono (Revenge of the Vampire/Black Sunday) - Mario Bava & Lee Kresel (1960)

365. Peeping Tom - Michael Powell (1960)

366. The Apartment - Billy Wilder (1960)

367. Spartacus - Stanley Kubrick (1960)

368. Splendor in the Grass - Elia Kazan (1961)

369. L'Année Derni?re ? Marienbad (Last Year at Marienbad) - Alain Resnais (1961)

370. La Jetée (The Pier) - Chris Marker (1961)

371. One-Eyed Jacks - Marlon Brando (1961)

372. Lola - Jacques Demy (1961)

373. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Blake Edwards (1961)

374. La Notte (The Night) - Michelangelo Antonioni (1961)

375. Jules et Jim (Jules and Jim) - François Truffaut (1961)

376. Viridiana - Luis Bu?uel (1961)

377. The Ladies Man - Jerry Lewis (1961)

378. Sasom i en Spegel (Through a Glass Darkly) - Ingmar Bergman (1961)

379. Chronique d'un Été (Chronicle of a Summer) - Edgar Morin & Jean Rouch (1961)

380. The Hustler - Robert Rossen (1961)

381. West Side Story - Jerome Robbins & Robert Wise (1961)

382. Mondo Cane (A Dog's Life) - Paolo Cavara, Gualtiero Jacopetti & Franco E. Prosperi (1962)

383. Cléo de 5 ? 7 (Cleo from 5 to 7) - Agn?s Varda (1962)

384. Dog Star Man - Stan Brakhage (1962)

385. Sanma No Aji (An Autumn Afternoon) - Yasujiro Ozu (1962)

386. L'Eclisse (The Eclipse) - Michelangelo Antonioni (1962)

387. Lawrence of Arabia - David Lean (1962)

388. To Kill a Mockingbird - Robert Mulligan (1962)

389. The Manchurian Candidate - John Frankenheimer (1962)

390. Lolita - Stanley Kubrick (1962)

391. O Pagador de Promessas (Keeper of Promises) - Anselmo Duarte (1962)

392. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - John Ford (1962)

393. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? - Robert Aldrich (1962)

394. Vivre sa Vie: Film en Douze Tableaux (My Life to Live) - Jean-Luc Godard (1962)

395. Heaven and Earth Magic - Harry Smith (1962)

396. The Birds - Alfred Hitchcock (1963)

397. The Nutty Professor - Jerry Lewis (1963)

398. Blonde Cobra - Ken Jacobs (1963)

399. The Cool World - Shirley Clarke (1963)

400. 8 1/2 - Federico Fellini (1963)

401. Pasazerka (Passenger) - Witold Lesiewicz & Andrzej Munk (1963)

402. Le Mépris (Contempt) - Jean-Luc Godard (1963)

403. Hud - Martin Ritt (1963)

404. Nattvardsgasterna (Winter Light) - Ingmar Bergman (1963)

405. Flaming Creatures - Jack Smith (1963)

406. The Great Escape - John Sturges (1963)

407. Shock Corridor - Samuel Fuller (1963)

408. Il Gattopardo (The Leopard) - Luchino Visconti (1963)

409. Vidas Secas (Barren Lives) - Nelson Pereira dos Santos (1963)

410. Méditerranée - Jean-Daniel Pollet & Barbet Schroeder (1963)

411. Khaneh Siah Ast (The House Is Black) - Forugh Farrokhzad (1963)

412. The Haunting - Robert Wise (1963)

413. Yukinojo Henge (An Actor's Revenge) - Kon Ichikawa (1963)

414. The Servant - Joseph Losey (1963)

415. Goldfinger - Guy Hamilton (1964)

416. Scorpio Rising - Kenneth Anger (1964)

417. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg) - Jacques Demy (1964)

418. Marnie - Alfred Hitchcock (1964)

419. My Fair Lady - George Cukor (1964)

420. Suna No Onna (Woman in the Dunes) - Hiroshi Teshigahara (1964)

421. Dr. Strangelove - Stanley Kubrick(1964)

422. A Hard Day's Night - Richard Lester (1964)

423. Il Deserto Rosso (The Red Desert) - Michelangelo Antonioni (1964)

424. Tini Zabutykh Predkiv (Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors) - Sergei Parajanov (1964)

425. The Masque of the Red Death - Roger Corman (1964)

426. Prima della Rivoluzione (Before the Revolution) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1964)

427. Gertrud - Carl Theodor Dreyer (1964)

428. Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo (The Gospel According to St. Matthew) - Pier Paolo Pasolini (1964)

429. Deus e o Diablo Na Terra do Sol (Black God, White Devil) - Glauber Rocha (1964)

430. Onibaba (The Demon) - Kaneto Shindô (1964)

431. Vinyl - Andy Warhol (1965)

432. Obchod Na Korze (The Shop on Main Street) - Ján Kadár & Elmar Klos (1965)

433. Doctor Zhivago - David Lean (1965)

434. The War Game - Peter Watkins (1965)

435. Tokyo Orimpikku (Tokyo Olympiad) - Kon Ichikawa (1965)

436. La Battaglia di Algeri (The Battle of Algiers) - Gillo Pontecorvo (1965)

437. The Sound of Music - Robert Wise (1965)

438. Rekopis Znaleziony W Saragossie (The Sargossa Manuscript) - Wojciech Has (1965)

439. Alphaville, une Étrange Aventure de Lemmy Caution (Alphaville) - Jean-Luc Godard (1965)

440. Chimes at Midnight (Campanadas a Medianoche) - Orson Welles (1965)

441. Repulsion - Roman Polanski (1965)

442. Juliet of the Spirits (Giulietta Degli Spiriti) - Federico Fellini (1965)

443. Pierrot le Fou (Pierrot Goes Wild) - Jean-Luc Godard (1965)

444. Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! - Russ Meyer (1965)

445. Subarnarekha (Golden River) - Ritwik Ghatak (1965)

446. De Man Die Zijn Haar Kort Liet Knippen (The Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short) - André Delvaux (1965)

447. Hold Me While I'm Naked - George Kuchar (1966)

448. Blowup - Michelangelo Antonioni (1966)

449. Il Buono, il Brutto, il Cattivo (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) - Sergio Leone (1966)

450. Sedmikrasky (Daisies) - Vera Chytilová (1966)

451. Da Zui Xiu (Come Drink With Me) - King Hu (1966)

452. Seconds - John Frankenheimer (1966)

453. In the Heat of the Night - Norman Jewison (1967)

454. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? - Mike Nichols (1966)

455. Persona - Ingmar Bergman (1966)

456. Masculin, Féminin (Masculine-Feminine) - Jean-Luc Godard (1966)

457. Au Hazard Balthazar (Balthazar) - Robert Bresson (1966)

458. 2 ou 3 Choses Que Je Sais d'Elle (Two or Three Things I Know About Her) - Jean-Luc Godard (1967)

459. The Graduate - Mike Nichols (1967)

460. Playtime - Jacques Tati (1967)

461. Report - Bruce Conner (1967)

462. Hombre - Martin Ritt (1967)

463. Belle de Jour - Luis Bu?uel (1967)

464. Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (The Young Girls of Rochefort) - Jacques Demy & Agn?s Varda (1967)

465. Week End - Jean-Luc Godard (1967)

466. Le Samoura? (The Godson) - Jean-Pierre Melville (1967)

467. Cool Hand Luke - Stuart Rosenberg (1967)

468. Point Blank - John Boorman (1967)

469. Wavelength - Michael Snow (1967)

470. Bonnie and Clyde - Arthur Penn (1967)

471. Csillagosok, Katonák (The Red and the White) - Miklós Jancsó (1967)

472. Marketa Lazarová - Frantisek Vlácil (1967)

473. The Jungle Book - Wolfgang Reitherman (1967)

474. Horí, Má Panenko (The Fireman's Ball) - Milos Forman (1967)

475. Terra Em Transe (Earth Entranced) - Glauber Rocha (1967)

476. Ostre Sledované Vlaky (Closely Watched Trains) - Jirí Menzel (1967)

477. Vij - Georgi Kropachyov & Konstantin Yershov (1967)

478. Gaav (The Cow) - Dariush Mehrjui (1968)

479. C'Era una Volta il West (Once Upon a Time in the West) - Sergio Leone (1968)

480. Planet of the Apes - Franklin J. Schaffner (1968)

481. Faces - John Cassavetes (1968)

482. Rosemary's Baby - Roman Polanski (1968)

483. If... - Lindsay Anderson (1968)

484. Memorias del Subdesarrollo (Memories of Underdevelopment) - Tomás Gutiérrez Alea (1968)

485. The Producers - Mel Brooks (1968)

486. David Holzman's Diary - Jim McBride (1968)

487. Skammen (Shame) - Ingmar Bergman (1968)

488. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick (1968)

489. Vargtimmen (Hour of the Wolf) - Ingmar Bergman (1968)

490. Targets - Peter Bogdanovich (1968)

491. Night of the Living Dead - George A. Romero (1968)

492. Ma Nuit Chez Maud (My Night With Maud) - Eric Rohmer (1969)

493. Lucía - Humberto Solás (1969)

494. Hsia Nu (A Touch of Zen) - King Hu (1969)

495. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - George Roy Hill (1969)

496. Midnight Cowboy - John Schlesinger (1969)

497. Satyricon - Federico Fellini (1969)

498. Z - Costa-Gavras (1969)

499. Il Conformista (The Conformist) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1969)

500. Easy Rider - Dennis Hopper (1969)

501. High School - Frederick Wiseman (1969)

502. In the Year of the Pig - Emile de Antonio (1969)

503. The Wild Bunch - Sam Peckinpah (1969)

504. Andrei Rublyov (Andrei Rublev) - Andrei Tarkovsky (1969)

505. Le Boucher (The Butcher) - Claude Chabrol (1969)

506. Sayat Nova (The Color of Pomegranates) - Sergei Parajanov & Sergei Yutkevich (1969)

507. Kes - Ken Loach (1969)

508. Tristana - Luis Bu?uel (1970)

509. Five Easy Pieces - Bob Rafelson (1970)

510. El Topo - Alejandro Jodorowsky (1970)

511. Woodstock - Michael Wadleigh (1970)

512. Deep End - Jerzy Skolimowski (1970)

513. La Strategia del Ragno (The Spider's Stratagem) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1970)

514. Little Big Man - Arthur Penn (1970)

515. Ucho (The Ear) - Karel Kachyna (1970)

516. Patton - Franklin J. Schaffner (1970)

517. M*A*S*H - Robert Altman (1970)

518. Performance - Donald Cammell & Nicolas Roeg (1970)

519. Gimme Shelter - Albert Maysles, David Maysles & Charlotte Zwerin (1970)

520. Zabriskie Point - Michelangelo Antonioni (1970)

521. L'Uccello Dalle Piume di Cristallo (The Bird with The Crystal Plumage) - Dario Argento (1970)

522. Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini (The Garden of the Finzi-Continis) - Vittorio De Sica (1970)

523. Wanda - Barbara Loden (1971)

524. W.R.: Misterije Organizma (W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism) - Dusan Makavejev (1971)

525. A Clockwork Orange - Stanley Kubrick (1971)

526. Le Chagrin et la Pitié (The Sorrow and the Pity) - Marcel Ophüls (1971)

527. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - Mel Stuart (1971)

528. McCabe and Mrs. Miller - Robert Altman (1971)

529. Walkabout - Nicolas Roeg (1971)

530. Klute - Alan J. Pakula (1971)

531. Harold and Maude - Hal Ashby (1971)

532. Még Kér a Nép (Red Psalm) - Miklós Jancsó (1971)

533. Get Carter - Mike Hodges (1971)

534. The French Connection - William Friedkin (1971)

535. Shaft - Gordon Parks (1971)

536. Dirty Harry - Don Siegel (1971)

537. Le Souffle au Coeur (Murmur of the Heart) - Louis Malle (1971)

538. Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song - Melvin Van Peebles (1971)

539. The Last Picture Show - Peter Bogdanovich (1971)

540. Straw Dogs - Sam Peckinpah (1971)

541. Two-Lane Blacktop - Monte Hellman (1971)

542. The Heartbreak Kid - Elaine May (1972)

543. Aguirre, Der Zorn Gottes (Aguirre, the Wrath of God) - Werner Herzog (1972)

544. Cabaret - Bob Fosse (1972)

545. Ultimo Tango a Parigi (Last Tango in Paris) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1972)

546. High Plains Drifter - Clint Eastwood (1972)

547. Sleuth - Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1972)

548. Deliverance - John Boorman (1972)

549. Solyaris (Solaris) - Andrei Tarkovsky (1972)

550. The Godfather - Francis Ford Coppola (1972)

551. Viskingar och Rop (Cries and Whispers) - Ingmar Bergman (1972)

552. Fat City - John Huston (1972)

553. Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie (The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie) - Luis Bu?uel (1972)

554. Die Bitteren Tränen der Petra Von Kant (The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant) - Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1972)

555. Frenzy - Alfred Hitchcock (1972)

556. Pink Flamingos - John Waters (1972)

557. Superfly - Gordon Parks Jr. (1972)

558. The Sting - George Roy Hill (1973)

559. La Maman et la Putain (The Mother and the Whore) - Jean Eustache (1973)

560. Badlands - Terrence Malick (1973)

561. American Graffiti - George Lucas (1973)

562. Papillon - Franklin J. Schaffner (1973)

563. Enter the Dragon - Robert Clouse (1973)

564. Mean Streets - Martin Scorsese (1973)

565. The Long Goodbye - Robert Altman (1973)

566. The Wicker Man - Robin Hardy (1973)

567. La Nuit Américaine (Day for Night) - François Truffaut (1973)

568. Don't Look Now - Nicolas Roeg (1973)

569. Sleeper - Woody Allen (1973)

570. Serpico - Sidney Lumet (1973)

571. The Exorcist - William Friedkin (1973)

572. Turks Fruit (Turkish Delight) - Paul Verhoeven (1973)

573. El Espíritu de la Colmena (The Spirit of the Beehive) - Victor Erice (1973)

574. La Plan?te Sauvage (Fantastic Planet) - René Laloux (1973)

575. Amarcord - Federico Fellini (1973)

576. The Harder They Come - Perry Henzell (1973)

577. Pat Garret and Billy the Kid - Sam Peckinpah (1973)

578. Dersu Uzala - Akira Kurosawa (1974)

579. The Conversation - Francis Ford Coppola (1974)

580. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - Tobe Hooper (1974)

581. Zerkalo (The Mirror) - Andrei Tarkovsky (1974)

582. A Woman Under the Influence - John Cassavetes (1974)

583. Young Frankenstein - Mel Brooks (1974)

584. Chinatown - Roman Polanski (1974)

585. Céline et Julie Vont en Bateau (Celine and Julie Go Boating) - Jacques Rivette (1974)

586. Blazing Saddles - Mel Brooks (1974)

587. The Godfather: Part II - Francis Ford Coppola (1974)

588. Angst Essen Seele Auf (Ali: Fear Eats the Soul) - Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1974)

589. Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - Sam Peckinpah (1974)

590. Dog Day Afternoon - Sidney Lumet (1975)

591. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Milos Forman (1975)

592. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles - Chantal Akerman (1975)

593. The Rocky Horror Picture Show - Jim Sharman (1975)

594. Deewaar (The Wall) - Yash Chopra (1975)

595. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones (1975)

596. Barry Lyndon - Stanley Kubrick (1975)

597. Faustrecht der Freiheit (Fox and His Friends) - Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1975)

598. India Song - Marguerite Dumas (1975)

599. Picnic at Hanging Rock - Peter Weir (1975)

600. Maynila: Sa mga kuko ng liwanag (The Nail of Brightness) - Lino Brocka (1975)

601. Sal? o le Centoventi Giornate di Sodoma (Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom) - Pier Paolo Pasolini (1975)

602. Nashville - Robert Altman (1975)

603. Cría Cuervos (Cria!) - Carlos Saura (1975)

604. O Thiassos (The Traveling Players) - Theo Angelopoulos (1975)

605. Jaws - Steven Spielberg (1975)

606. The Killing of a Chinese Bookie - John Cassavetes (1976)

607. Carrie - Brian De Palma (1976)

608. The Outlaw Josey Wales - Clint Eastwood (1976)

609. All the President's Men - Alan J. Pakula (1976)

610. Rocky - John G. Avildsen (1976)

611. Taxi Driver - Martin Scorsese (1976)

612. Network - Sidney Lumet (1976)

613. Voskhozhdenie (Ascent) - Larisa Shepitko (1976)

614. Ai No Corrida (In the Realm of the Senses) - Nagisa Oshima (1976)

615. Novecento (1900) - Bernardo Bertolucci (1976)

616. The Man Who Fell to Earth - Nicolas Roeg (1976)

617. Star Wars - George Lucas (1977)

618. Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Steven Spielberg (1977)

619. The Last Wave - Peter Weir (1977)

620. Annie Hall - Woody Allen (1977)

621. Last Chants for a Slow Dance - Jon Jost (1977)

622. Stroszek - Werner Herzog (1977)

623. Czlowiek Z Marmuru (Man of Marble) - Andrzej Wajda (1977)

624. Saturday Night Fever - John Badham (1977)

625. Killer of Sheep - Charles Burnett (1977)

626. Eraserhead - David Lynch (1977)

627. Ceddo - Ousmane Sembene (1977)

628. Der Amerikanische Freund (The American Friend) - Wim Wenders (1977)

629. The Hills Have Eyes - Wes Craven (1977)

630. Soldaat van Oranje (Soldier of Orange) - Paul Verhoeven (1977)

631. Suspiria - Dario Argento (1977)

632. The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith - Fred Schepisi (1978)

633. Wu Du (Five Deadly Venoms) - Chang Chen (1978)

634. L'Arbero degli Zoccoli (The Tree of Wooden Clogs) - Ermanno Olmi (1978)

635. The Deer Hunter - Michael Cimino (1978)

636. Grease - Randal Kleiser (1978)

637. Days of Heaven - Terrence Malick (1978)

638. Dawn of the Dead - George A. Romero (1978)

639. Shao Lin San Shih Liu Fang (Shaolin Master Killer) - Chia-Liang Liu (1978)

640. Up in Smoke - Lou Adler & Tommy Chong (1978)

641. Halloween - John Carpenter (1978)

642. Die Ehe der Maria Braun (The Marriage of Maria Braun) - Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1979)

643. Real Life - Albert Brooks (1979)

644.My Brilliant Career - Gillian Armstrong (1979)

645. Stalker - Andrei Tarkovsky (1979)

646. Alien - Ridley Scott (1979)

647. Breaking Away - Peter Yates (1979)

648. Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) - Volker Schlöndorff (1979)

649. All That Jazz - Bob Fosse (1979)

650. Being There - Hal Ashby (1979)

651. Kramer vs. Kramer - Robert Benton (1979)

652. Life of Brian - Terry Jones (1979)

653. Apocalypse Now - Francis Ford Coppola (1979)

654. The Jerk - Carl Reiner (1979)

655. The Muppet Movie - James Frawley (1979)

656. Manhattan - Woody Allen (1979)

657. Mad Max - George Miller (1979)

658. Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (Nosferatu: Phantom of the Night) - Werner Herzog (1979)

659. Ordinary People - Robert Redford (1980)

660. Atlantic City - Louis Malle (1980)

661. Le Dernier Métro (The Last Metro) - François Truffaut (1980)

662. The Shining - Stanley Kubrick (1980)

663. Stars Wars: Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back - Irvin Kershner (1980)

664. The Elephant Man - David Lynch (1980)

665. The Big Red One - Samuel Fuller (1980)

666. Loulou - Maurice Pialat (1980)

667. Airplane! - Jim Abrahams, David Zucker & Jerry Zucker (1980)

668. Raging Bull - Martin Scorsese (1980)

669. Raiders of the Lost Ark - Steven Spielberg (1981)

670. Das Boot (The Boat) - Wolfgang Petersen (1981)

671. Gallipoli - Peter Weir (1981)

672. Chariots of Fire - Hugh Hudson (1981)

673. Body Heat - Lawrence Kasdan (1981)

674. Reds - Warren Beatty (1981)

675. An American Werewolf in London - John Landis (1981)

676. Tre Fratelli (Three Brothers) - Francesco Rosi (1981)

677. Czlowiek Z Zelaza (Man of Iron) - Andrzej Wajda (1981)

678. Trop tôt, trop tard (Too Early, Too Late) - Dani?le Hullet & Jean-Marie Straub (1981)

679. Fast Times at Ridgemont High - Amy Heckerling (1981)

680. E.T.: The Extra-Terestrial - Steven Spielberg (1982)

681. The Thing - John Carpenter (1982)

682. Poltergeist - Tobe Hooper (1982)

683. Blade Runner - Ridley Scott (1982)

684. The Evil Dead - Sam Raimi (1982)

685. Tootsie - Sydney Pollack (1982)

686. Yol - Serif Gören & Yilmaz Güney (1982)

687. Diner - Barry Levinson (1982)

688. Fitzcarraldo - Werner Herzog (1982)

689. Gandhi - Richard Attenborough (1982)

690. La Notti di San Lorenzo (The Night of the Shooting Stars) - Paolo Taviani & Vittorio Taviani (1982)

691. De Stilte rond Christine M. (A Question of Silence) - Marleen Gorris (1982)

692. Fanny och Alexander (Fanny and Alexander) - Ingmar Bergman (1982)

693. A Christmas Story - Bob Clark (1983)

694. El Norte - Gregory Nava (1983)

695. Videodrome - David Cronenberg (1983)

696. Star Wars: Episode VI, Return of the Jedi - Richard Marquand (1983)

697. The Big Chill - Lawrence Kasdan (1983)

698. Sans Soleil (Sunless) - Chris Marker (1983)

699. Le Dernier Combat (The Last Battle) - Luc Besson (1983)

700. L'Argent (Money) - Robert Bresson (1983)

701. UTU - Geoff Murphy (1983)

702. Terms of Endearment - James L. Brooks (1983)

703. De Vierde Man (The Fourth Man) - Paul Verhoeven (1983)

704. The King of Comedy - Martin Scorsese (1983)

705. The Right Stuff - Philip Kaufman (1983)

706. Koyaanisqatsi - Godfrey Reggio (1983)

707. Once Upon a Time in America - Sergio Leone (1983)

708. Scarface - Brian De Palma (1983)

709. Narayama Bushi-Ko (The Ballad of Narayama) - Shohei Imamura (1983)

710. Amadeus - Milos Forman (1984)

711. The Terminator - James Cameron (1984)

712. Paris, Texas - Wim Wenders (1984)

713. A Nightmare on Elm Street - Wes Craven (1984)

714. This Is Spinal Tap - Rob Reiner (1984)

715. Beverly Hills Cop - Martin Brest (1984)

716. Ghost Busters - Ivan Reitman (1984)

717. A Passage to India - David Lean (1984)

718. Stranger Than Paradise - Jim Jarmusch (1984)

719. The Killing Fields - Roland Joffé (1984)

720. The Natural - Barry Levinson (1984)

721. The Breakfast Club - John Hughes (1985)

722. Ran - Akira Kurosawa (1985)

723. Idi i Smotri (Come and See) - Elem Klimov (1985)

724. La Historia Oficial (The Official Story) - Luis Puenzo (1985)

725. Out of Africa - Sydney Pollack (1985)

726. The Purple Rose of Cairo - Woody Allen (1985)

727. Back to the Future - Robert Zemeckis (1985)

728. Tong Nien Wang Shi (The Time to Live and the Time to Die) - Hsiao-hsien Hou (1985)

729. Brazil - Terry Gilliam (1985)

730. Kiss of the Spider Woman - Hector Babenco (1985)

731. The Quiet Earth - Geoff Murphy (1985)

732. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters - Paul Schrader (1985)

733. Prizzi's Honor - John Huston (1985)

734. Sans Toit Ni Loi (Vagabond) - Agn?s Varda (1985)

735. Shoah - Claude Lanzmann (1985)

736. The Color Purple - Steven Spielberg (1985)

737. Manhunter - Michael Mann (1986)

738. Stand By Me - Rob Reiner (1986)

739. Blue Velvet - David Lynch (1986)

740. Hannah and Her Sisters - Woody Allen (1986)

741. She's Gotta Have It - Spike Lee (1986)

742. Le Déclin de L'Empire Américain (The Decline of the American Empire) - Denys Arcand (1986)

743. The Fly - David Cronenberg (1986)

744. Aliens - James Cameron (1986)

745. Ferris Bueller's Day Off - John Hughes (1986)

746. Down by Law - Jim Jarmusch (1986)

747. A Room with a View - James Ivory (1986)

748. Children of a Lesser God - Randa Haines (1986)

749. Platoon - Oliver Stone (1986)

750. Caravaggio - Derek Jarman (1986)

751. Tampopo - Juzo Itami (1986)

752. Do Ma Daan (Peking Opera Blues) - Tsui Hark (1986)

753. Salvador - Oliver Stone (1986)

754. Top Gun - Tony Scott (1986)

755. Sherman's March - Ross McElwee (1986)

756. Dao Ma Zei (The Horse Thief) - Tian Zhuangzhuang (1986)

757. Yeelen (Brightness) - Souleymane Cissé (1987)

758. Der Himmel Über Berlin (Wings of Desire) - Wim Wenders (1987)

759. 'A' Gai Waak Juk Jaap (Project A, Part II) - Jackie Chan (1987)

760. Babbetes Gaestebud (Babette's Feast) - Gabriel Axel (1987)

761. Raising Arizona - Joel Coen (1987)

762. Full Metal Jacket - Stanley Kubrick (1987)

763. Withnail and I - Bruce Robinson (1987)

764. Good Morning, Vietnam - Barry Levinson (1987)

765. Au Revoir les Enfants (Goodbye Children) - Louis Malle (1987)

766. Broadcast News - James L. Brooks (1987)

767. Housekeeping - Bill Forsyth (1987)

768. The Princess Bride - Rob Reiner (1987)

769. Moonstruck - Norman Jewison (1987)

770. The Untouchables - Brian De Palma (1987)

771. Hong Gao Liang (Red Sorghum) - Zhang Yimou (1987)

772. The Dead - John Huston (1987)

773. Fatal Attraction - Adrian Lyne (1987)

774. Sinnui Yauman (A Chinese Ghost Story) - Siu-Tung Ching (1987)

775. Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown) - Pedro Almodóvar (1988)

776. Spoorloos (The Vanishing) - George Sluizer (1988)

777. Bull Durham - Ron Shelton (1988)

778. Ariel - Aki Kaurismäki (1988)

779. The Thin Blue Line - Errol Morris (1988)

780. Akira - Katsuhiro Ôtomo (1988)

781. Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (Cinema Paradiso) - Giuseppe Tornatore (1988)

782. Hôtel Terminus: Klaus Barbie et Son Temps (Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie) - Marcel Ophüls (1988)

783. A Fish Called Wanda - Charles Crichton (1988)

784. The Naked Gun - David Zucker (1988)

785. Big - Penny Marshall (1988)

786. Dangerous Liaisons - Stephen Frears (1988)

787. Hotaru No Haka (Grave of the Fireflies) - Isao Takahata (1988)

788. Topio Stin Omichli (Landscape in the Mist) - Theo Angelopoulos (1988)

789. Dekalog, Jeden (The Decalogue) - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1988)

790. Die Hard - John McTiernan (1988)

791. Une Histoire de Vent (A Tale of the Wind) - Joris Ivens (1988)

792. Who Framed Roger Rabbit - Robert Zemeckis (1988)

793. Rain Man - Barry Levinson (1988)

794. Une Affaire de Femmes (The Story of Women) - Claude Chabrol (1988)

795. Drowning By Numbers - Peter Greenaway (1988)

796. Neco Z Alenky (Alice) - Jan Svankmajer (1988)

797. Batman - Tim Burton (1989)

798. When Harry Met Sally - Rob Reiner (1989)

799. Crimes and Misdemeanors - Woody Allen (1989)

800. The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover - Peter Greenaway (1989)

801. Drugstore Cowboy - Gus Van Sant (1989)

802. My Left Foot - Jim Sheridan (1989)

803. Die Xue Shuang Xiong (The Killer) - John Woo (1989)

804. Do the Right Thing - Spike Lee (1989)

805. Roger & Me - Michael Moore (1989)

806. Glory - Edward Zwick (1989)

807. Astenicheskij Sindrom (The Asthenic Syndrome) - Kira Muratova (1989)

808. Sex, Lies and Videotape - Steven Soderbergh (1989)

809. Say Anything - Cameron Crowe (1989)

810. The Unbelievable Truth - Hal Hartley (1989)

811. Beiqing Chengshi (A City of Sadness) - Hsiao-hsien Hou (1989)

812. S'En Fout la Mort (No Fear, No Die) - Claire Denis (1990)

813. Reversal of Fortune - Barbet Schroeder (1990)

814. Goodfellas - Martin Scorsese (1990)

815. Jacob's Ladder - Adrian Lyne (1990)

816. King of New York - Abel Ferrara (1990)

817. Dances With Wolves - Kevin Costner (1990)

818. Hitlerjunge Salomon (Europa Europa) - Agnieszka Holland (1990)

819. Pretty Woman - Garry Marshall (1990)

820. Archangel - Guy Maddin (1990)

821. Trust - Hal Hartley (1990)

822. Nema-Ye Nazdik (Close-Up) - Abbas Kiarostami (1990)

823. Edward Scissorhands - Tim Burton (1990)

824. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer - John McNaughton (1990)

825. Total Recall - Paul Verhoeven (1990)

826. Wong Fei-Hung (Once Upon a Time in China) - Hark Tsui (1991)

827. Boyz 'n the Hood - John Singleton (1991)

828. Da Hong Deng Long Gao Gao Gua (Raise the Red Lantern) - Yimou Zhang (1991)

829. Delicatessen - Marc Caro & Jean-Pierre Jeunet (1991)

830. Guling Jie Shaonian Sha Ren Shijian (A Brighter Summer Day) - Edward Yang (1991)

831. Naked Lunch - David Cronenberg (1991)

832. La Belle Noiseuse (The Beautiful Troublemaker) - Jacques Rivette (1991)

833. The Rapture - Michael Tolkin (1991)

834. My Own Private Idaho - Gus Van Sant (1991)

835. Thelma & Louise - Ridley Scott (1991)

836. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - James Cameron (1991)

837. The Silence of the Lambs - Jonathan Demme (1991)

838. JFK - Oliver Stone (1991)

839. Slacker - Richard Linklater (1991)

840. Tongues Untied - Marlon Riggs (1991)

841. Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse - Fax Bahr, Eleanor Coppola & George Hickenlooper (1991)

842. La Double Vie de Véronique (The Double Life of Veronique) - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1991)

843. Strictly Ballroom - Baz Luhrmann (1992)

844. The Player - Robert Altman (1992)

845. Reservoir Dogs - Quentin Tarantino (1992)

846. Romper Stomper - Geoffrey Wright (1992)

847. Glengarry Glen Ross - James Foley (1992)

848. Unforgiven - Clint Eastwood (1992)

849. Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer - Nick Bloomfield (1992)

850. Conte d'Hiver (A Tale of Winter) - Eric Rohmer (1992)

851. Yuen Ling-Yuk (The Actress) - Stanley Kwan (1992)

852. C'Est Arrivé Pr?s de Chez Vous (Man Bites Dog) - Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel & Benoît Poelvoorde (1992)

853. The Crying Game - Neil Jordan (1992)

854. Ba Wang Bie Ji (Farewell My Concubine) - Kaige Chen (1993)

855. Groundhog Day - Harold Ramis (1993)

856. Thirty Two Short Films about Glenn Gould - François Girard (1993)

857. Short Cuts - Robert Altman (1993)

858. Philadelphia - Jonathan Demme (1993)

859. Hsimeng Jensheng (The Puppetmaster) - Hsian-hsien Hou (1993)

860. Jurassic Park - Steven Spielberg (1993)

861. Trois Couleurs: Bleu (Three Colors: Blue) - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1993)

862. The Piano - Jane Campion (1993)

863. Lan Feng Zheng (The Blue Kite) - Tian Zhuangzhuang (1993)

864. Hsi Yen (The Wedding Banquet) - Ang Lee (1993)

865. Schindler's List - Steven Spielberg (1993)

866. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert - Stephan Elliott (1994)

867. Trois Couleurs: Rouge (Three Colors: Red) - Krzysztof Kieslowski (1994)

868. Hoop Dreams - Steve James (1994)

869. Forrest Gump - Robert Zemeckis (1994)

870. The Lion King - Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff (1994)

871. Clerks - Kevin Smith (1994)

872. Four Weddings and a Funeral - Mike Newell (1994)

873. Natural Born Killers - Oliver Stone (1994)

874. The Last Seduction - John Dahl (1994)

875. Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino (1994)

876. The Shawshank Redemption - Frank Darabont (1994)

877. Les Roseaux Sauvages (The Wild Reeds) - André Téchiné (1994)

878. Chong Qing Sen Lin (Chungking Express) - Kar-wai Wong (1994)

879. Crumb - Terry Zwigoff (1994)

880. Sátántangó - Béla Tarr (1994)

881. Zire Darakhatan Zeyton (Through the Olive Trees) - Abbas Kiarostami (1994)

882. Heavenly Creatures - Peter Jackson (1994)

883. Caro Diario (Dear Diary) - Nanni Moretti (1994)

884. Muriel's Wedding - P.J. Hogan (1994)

885. Riget (The Kingdom) - Morten Arnfred & Lars von Trier (1994)

886. Babe - Chris Noonan (1995)

887. Deseret - James Benning (1995)

888. Braveheart - Mel Gibson (1995)

889. Safe - Todd Haynes (1995)

890. Toy Story - John Lasseter (1995)

891. Casino - Martin Scorsese (1995)

892. Heat - Michael Mann (1995)

893. Kj?rlighetens Kj?tere (Zero Kelvin) - Hans Petter Moland (1995)

894. Clueless - Amy Heckerling (1995)

895. Smoke - Wayne Wang & Paul Auster (1995)

896. Badkonake Sefid (The White Balloon) - Jafar Panahi (1995)

897. Se7en - David Fincher (1995)

898. Underground - Emir Kusturica (1995)

899. Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge (The Brave Heart Will Take the Bride) - Aditya Chopra (1995)

900. Xich Lo (Cyclo) - Anh-Hung Tran (1995)

901. The Usual Suspects - Bryan Singer (1995)

902. Dead Man - Jim Jarmusch (1995)

903. Fargo - Joel Coen (1996)

904. Trois Vies & Une Seule Mort (Three Lives and Only One Death) - Raoul Ruiz (1996)

905. Shine - Scott Hicks (1996)

906. Breaking the Waves - Lars von Trier (1996)

907. Independence Day - Roland Emmerich (1996)

908. Secrets and Lies - Mike Leigh (1996)

909. Gabbeh - Mohsen Makhmalbaf (1996)

910. Lone Star - John Sayles (1996)

911. Trainspotting - Danny Boyle (1996)

912. Scream - Wes Craven (1996)

913. The English Patient - Anthony Minghella (1996)

914. Cheun Gwong Tsa Sit (Happy Together) - Kar-wai Wong (1997)

915. Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) - Hayao Miyazaki (1997)

916. L.A. Confidential - Curtis Hanson (1997)

917. The Butcher Boy - Neil Jordan (1997)

918. The Ice Storm - Ang Lee (1997)

919. Boogie Nights - Paul Thomas Anderson (1997)

920. Deconstructing Harry - Woody Allen (1997)

921. The Sweet Hereafter - Atom Egoyan (1997)

922. Funny Games - Michael Haneke (1997)

923. Ta'm e Guilass (Taste of Cherry) - Abbas Kiarostami (1997)

924. Abre los Ojos (Open Your Eyes) - Alejandro Amenábar (1997)

925. Mat i Syn (Mother and Son) - Aleksandr Sokurov (1997)

926. Titanic - James Cameron (1997)

927. The Big Lebowski - Joel Coen (1998)

928. Festen (The Celebration) - Thomas Vinterberg (1998)

929. Saving Private Ryan - Steven Speilberg (1998)

930. Buffalo 66 - Vincent Gallo (1998)

931. Rushmore - Wes Anderson (1998)

932. Lola Rennt (Run Lola Run) - Tom Tykwer (1998)

933. Idioterne (The Idiots) - Lars von Trier (1998)

934. Pi - Darren Aronofsky (1998)

935. Happiness - Todd Solondz (1998)

936. The Thin Red Line - Terrence Malick (1998)

937. There's Something About Mary - Bobby Farrelly & Peter Farrelly (1998)

938. Sombre - Philippe Grandreiux (1998)

939. Ringu - Hideo Nakata (1998)

940. Gohatto (Taboo) - Nagisa Oshima (1999)

941. Magnolia - Paul Thomas Anderson (1999)

942. Beau Travail - Claire Denis (1999)

943. The Blair Witch Project - Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sánchez (1999)

944. Three Kings - David O. Russell (1999)

945. Rosetta - Jean-Pierre Dardenne & Luc Dardenne (1999)

946. Todo Sobre Mi Madre (All About My Mother) - Pedro Almodóvar (1999)

947. Le Temps Retrouvé (Time Regained) - Raoul Ruiz (1999)

948. Fight Club - David Fincher (1999)

949. Being John Malkovich - Spike Jonze (1999)

950. American Beauty - Sam Mendes (1999)

951. Bad Ma Ra Khahad Bord (The Wind Will Carry Us) - Abbas Kiarostami (1999)

952. The Matrix - Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski (1999)

953. The Sixth Sense - M. Night Shyamalan (1999)

954. Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse (The Gleaners and I) - Agn?s Varda (2000)

955. Nueve Reinas (Nine Queens) - Fabián Bielinsky (2000)

956. La Captive (The Captive) - Chantal Akerman (2000)

957. Dut Yeung Nin Wa (In the Mood for Love) - Kar-wai Wong (2000)

958. Ali Zaoua, Prince de la Rue (Ali Zaoua, Prince of the Streets) - Nabil Ayouch (2000)

959. Gladiator - Ridley Scott (2000)

960. Kippur - Amos Gitai (2000)

961. Yi Yi (A One and a Two) - Edward Yang (2000)

962. Requiem for a Dream - Darren Aronofsky (2000)

963. Amores Perros - Alejandro González I?árritu (2000)

964. Meet the Parents - Jay Roach (2000)

965. Signs & Wonders - Jonathan Nossiter (2000)

966. Wo Hu Cang Long (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) - Ang Lee (2000)

967. Traffic - Steven Soderbergh (2000)

968. Dancer in the Dark - Lars von Trier (2000)

969. Memento - Christopher Nolan (2000)

970. Safar e Ghandehar (Kandahar) - Mohsen Makhmalbaf (2001)

971. Ni Neibian Jidian (What Time Is It There?) - Ming-liang Tsai (2001)

972. Y Tu Mamá También (And Your Mother Too) - Alfonso Cuarón (2001)

973. Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain - Jean-Pierre Jeunet (2001)

974. Sen To Chihiro No Kamikakushi (Spirited Away) - Hayao Miyazaki (2001)

975. La Pianiste (The Piano Teacher) - Michael Haneke (2001)

976. La Stanza del Figlio (The Son's Room) - Nanni Moretti (2001)

977. No Man's Land - Danis Tanovic (2001)

978. Moulin Rouge! - Baz Luhrmann (2001)

979. Monsoon Wedding - Mira Nair (2001)

980. Lantana - Ray Lawrence (2001)

981. ? Ma Soeur! (Fat Girl) - Catherine Breillat (2001)

982. Mulholland Dr. - David Lynch (2001)

983. The Royal Tenenbaums - Wes Anderson (2001)

984. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - Peter Jackson (2001)

985. The Pianist - Roman Polanski (2002)

986. Gangs of New York - Martin Scorsese (2002)

987. Cidade de Deus (City of God) - Fernando Meirelles (2002)

988. Hero (Ying Xiong) - Yimou Zhang (2002)

989. Hable con Ella (Talk to Her) - Pedro Almodóvar (2002)

990. Russkij Kovcheg (Russian Ark) - Aleksandr Sokurov (2002)

991. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers - Peter Jackson (2002)

992. Les Invasions Barbares (The Barbarian Invasions) - Denys Arcand (2003)

993. Oldboy - Chan-wook Park (2003)

994. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 - Quentin Tarantino (2003)

995. Good Bye Lenin! - Wolfgang Becker (2003)

996. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King - Peter Jackson (2003)

997. Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore (2004)

998. The Passion Of The Christ - Mel Gibson (2004)

999. Collateral - Michael Mann (2004)

1000. The Aviator - Martin Scorsese (2004)

1001. Million Dollar Baby - Clint Eastwood (2004)

Odnośnik do komentarza

Drugi film autora Haute tension - remake klasycznego Wzgórza mają oczy też wg. mnie zaje.bisty choć tutaj zdania są podzielone.


za(pipi)isty, Mirrors też daje radę, scena w wannie robi wrażenie


marjano, a ty się dobrze czujesz? czy po prostu jesteś debilem i u ciebie tak zawsze?


Kalel, Blade Runnera zalicz, o ile jeszcze nie miałeś okazji


Madaxaa, Unforgiven z Eastwoodem


Najlepszy serial jaki kiedykolwiek powstał "Rodzina Soprano"


To nie loluj tylko odrzuć rękawice.


pozwolisz że ja odrzucę? Alternatywy 4

Odnośnik do komentarza

heh ktoś tu surreala zna . Dobrze dobrze , ambitne kino rulez ;)


wymień najlepsze surreale z tej listy, bo nie chcę kazdego po kolei wklejac do wyszukiwarki i sprawdzać gatunek ;f

z tych typowych surrealistycznych filmideł polecam wszystko od Bunuela, Svankmajera , Lyncha i Kennetha Angera . Oprócz tego Primer , Begotten , Gummo , Julien donkey boy , Gozu , Dead or Alive 1,2,3 Nieodwracalne , Kod nieznany(mocno filozoficzny tytul) , Funny games , Ukryte , Equus , Kapryśna chmura , Święta Góra , Decasia .


gekon - nie nastrajaj sie , surreal najlepiej dziala z zaskoczenia :twisted

Odnośnik do komentarza

Bo dla mnie te filmiki w sumie nie rożnią się od reklmówek, teledysków. Taki zlepek obrazków bez sensu. Wchodzi taki film z jednej strony i wyychodzi drugą nie pozostawiając żadego wrażenie. Pewnie robie coś nie tak.


Spróbuję jeszcze raz.

Odnośnik do komentarza

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