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1. Kendrick is about to meet up with this girl called Sherane. He takes his mother's van to meet her and he bumps into two guys. If this was a movie it would cut.


2. You then realize track 1 was a flash-forward, and this is the actual first track. At the end of this track, Kendrick's homies pick him up.


3. Self explanatory, he does a freestyle in the backseat whilst they're driving.


4. Once again, fairly self explanatory, they cruise around, smoking blunts, drinking and rob someone's house and almost get caught


5. They then talk about meeting up later at 10.30, cause Kendrick has to go meet up with the girl Sherane and **** her. This is somewhat a "filler" song for the album, and just gives a bit more insight about how they're all chasing money.


6. This is where we meet with track 1, Kendrick take's his mother's van and borrows it and meets up. Kendrick talks about bad ****es in this, and Sherane is definitely one of them. At the end of THIS song, we hear the same melody we heard in track 1 and it flashbacks in to the two guys asking where the **** Kendrick is from.


7. They beat the **** out of Kendrick and in this song he even says "they will never respect the good kid maad city".


8. Kendrick is mad as **** for being beat up, once again another "filler" track but at the end of this track, he meets up with his homies and they're helping him recover and give him some liquor drink since he's just been beaten the **** up.


9. Talks about the liquor abuse, following on from track 8 and then at the end of this song, they see the guys that ****ed up Kendrick and shoot at them. They shoot back and kill one of the homie's brother. (NOT kendrick's brother)


10. Flash forward to present day and it's no longer in the story. The first two verses are from the perspective of the friend (the one who's brother died) and how he feels about the whole situation. It's revealed that he wasn't happy with Section 80's Keyshia's Song since that was actually based on his sister (who's dead).


He talks further about it and says that his story isn't going to change **** on the streets. Throughout the whole song the chorus is "promise that you will sing about me". Towards the end of the verse (from the perspective of the friend) he says that he'll never fade away, and it is somewhat true, the memory will never fade away, but the friend actually passed away, HENCE why Kendrick didn't have him do the verse himself.


From here we can see that Kendrick feels complete guilt for the death of his friend's brother and it seems that when he did a song about his friend's sister (Keyshia) it didn't help the situation. However, he still was friends with Kendrick and asked Kendrick to promise to tell the story of his brother.


11. We cut back to the story and the boys wanna go and kill the guys that shot Kendrick's friend's brother, they are confronted by a lady of the church who convinces them. Kendrick then receives a phone call from his mother about him taking it seriously and going to the studio since he got a phone call about it.


12. I assume this is an epilogue of Kendrick and how he progressed and made it out of Compton to get studio time with Dr. Dre.



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Płytka bardzo fajna, ale póki co z nowości wyżej stawiam Macklemore'a. Jednak nie wykluczam, że z czasem się to zmieni. Póki co na rapgenius nie było czasu i tak. Mi się najbardziej wkręcił drugi bit z "Sing About Me, Im Dying Of Thirst". Niby prosty, a w chu.j klimat jest dzięki temu nuceniu w tle.

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Dobra płyta skatowana kilkanaście razy więc mogę coś więcej skrobnąć. Płyta zaje.bista, ameryczka top 1 na pewno i wraz z Frankiem Oceanem i Biszem to w tym roku najlepsze rzeczy. Muzycznie jednak mogłobyć troszke lepiej, bitowo mi sie Section.80 bardziej podobało, chociaż co np. Just Blaze rzucił w Compton to sztos jak smok. Lirycznie tak mi sie wydaje lepiej niż poprzednio, jeszcze nie rozkmniałem płyty z Rap Geniusem, mówie to co na pierwszy rzut ucha(?) przyszło. No i sam też nie wiem jak można jeszcze zrobić progres wydając section.80, myślałem, że się nie dało a jednak. Dużo więcej tych smaczków w nawijce, modulowania głosu, wkładania emocji we flow. Bajka.

Najlepsze jointy to rzecz jasna single - Swimming Pool, The Re(pipi)e. Compton jest mocarne, Backstreet Freestyle, Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe. Generalnie nie ma raczej słabego kawałka, są po prostu takie które mi sie mnie i bardziej podobają.

9-/10 tak sądze będzie git

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