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Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney


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W trailerze Layton oskarża dziewczyne o uzywanie magii, ona sie wypiera, on mówi to dlaczego zna zawartość księgi, której nie mogłaby przeczytac ?


wtem wpada Wright ze swoim "Objection!" i mówi że jest duża niezgodnośc w jego argumencie.


potem w trailerze dziewczyna mówi że zostanie zabita, tak jak jest napisane w księdze, adwokaicna na to, że rzeczy nie staną sie tak, jak przepowiedziane.


Potem layton coś nawija, że popełnił błąd.

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Ja takze musze sie przyznac, ze w zadna odslone Laytona nie gralem(co jednak na dniach uczynie ;) ), ale w AA we trzy czesci, tj. w te, w ktorych pierwsze skrzypce gra Phoenix.

BTW. bardzo podoba mi sie pomysl zrobienia crossovera. Szczegolnie taki, ktory nie bedzie bijatyka. Z innymi seriami tez mozna by to uczynic(jezeli mialby wyjsc hit).


Ps.Trauma Center + Ace Attorney? :whistling:

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  • 10 months later...
Despite co-developer Level 5's absence from TGS, we received today a titillating bit of paper from Capcom's booth on the show floor. It's an English-language press release for Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, and while details about the game are still sparse, the release contains some promising hints that all but confirm that the game will see a release outside of Japan. For one, it notes that "English names are TBD," which obviously suggests that there are plans to localize the game for English-speaking territories.



Furthermore, the English-language press release lists the title of the game as Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, which is the first time we've actually seen official documentation that refers to the title of the game using the franchises' English-language names. MSRP is also listed as TBD.



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Despite co-developer Level 5's absence from TGS, we received today a titillating bit of paper from Capcom's booth on the show floor. It's an English-language press release for Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, and while details about the game are still sparse, the release contains some promising hints that all but confirm that the game will see a release outside of Japan. For one, it notes that "English names are TBD," which obviously suggests that there are plans to localize the game for English-speaking territories.



Furthermore, the English-language press release lists the title of the game as Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, which is the first time we've actually seen official documentation that refers to the title of the game using the franchises' English-language names. MSRP is also listed as TBD.




TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK KUR**!!! Za(pipi)iscie dobre wiesci,ide sie upic z radosci,dzieki za tego newsa.

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