django 549 Posted July 11, 2012 Posted July 11, 2012 Little Inferno, nowy puzzler/platformer (chyba) od tworcow World of Goo i Henry'ego Hatswortha zmierza na Wii U. Premiera na zime. Quote
Karas 433 Posted July 11, 2012 Posted July 11, 2012 Pachnie solidną schizą. Zobaczymy co z tego będzie. 1 Quote
Nemesis 1270 Posted July 23, 2012 Posted July 23, 2012 Batman: AC Armored Edition oraz Assassin's Creed III w natywnym 1080p Recent reports from the Chicago Wii U Experience tour seem to indicate Batman: Arkham City – Armored Edition and Assassin’s Creed III will run natively at 1080p. It has been confirmed that the Wii U will be able to play games at 1080p but almost every game we have seen so far has only been running at 720p. Although there has been no official confirmation from the games developers, the Nintendo reps on the Chicago Wii U Experience tour did state Batman: Arkham City – Armored Edition and Assassin’s Creed III will run natively at 1080p. With reports claiming the Wii U is very easy to develop for and cheap to port games to, the news of the possibility that launch title/window games running at 1080p is another piece of very good news for Nintendo fans. Quote
gruby+ 0 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) Wiadomo jak będą wyglądać okładki gier na WiiU Edited August 7, 2012 by gruby+ Quote
Figaro 8247 Posted August 7, 2012 Posted August 7, 2012 (edited) Ciekawe Inne niż reszta więc plus. edit: Ale te żółte linie... FUUU Edited August 7, 2012 by Figaro Quote
chrno-x 901 Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 No i pudełka zyskały dodatkowo na stylu, tak jak chciałem pudełka będą błękitne >: D Quote
gruby+ 0 Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 (edited) Nowe świetne trailerki z gamescomu (ZombiU, AC3, Rayman Legends): Poza tym, Rayman Legends został ograny przez IGN - wrażenia megapozytywne. . Edited August 15, 2012 by gruby+ Quote
django 549 Posted September 14, 2012 Author Posted September 14, 2012 “The local Gamestop folks seem pretty reliable. They told me back in June/July to expect Wii U pre-orders in early September and were only off by a week on their guesstimate. I was very surprised to hear that they may stop offering black Wii U pre-orders today. I was told it wasn’t even a matter of one store being able to keep going until they hit a certain amount, that it was more of a nationwide cap. Weird, huh?” Nintendo Everything reader Andy Holland is telling us that his local GameStop is already selling out of Wii U Deluxe Set pre-orders. The manager of his store indicated that this is affecting the company as a whole. “I just got back from my local Gamestop where I was told by its manager they are expected, as a company nationwide, to sell out of black Wii U pre-orders TODAY. If you’re interested in picking one up at your local store try to get in ASAP.” I’ve never actually heard out of retailers selling out of pre-orders, especially one day after they become available. But Reggie did say that pre-orders have been very strong thus far… it’s always possible. beka inb4 yano 1 Quote
ogqozo 6569 Posted September 14, 2012 Posted September 14, 2012 Jeszcze wyjdzie na to, że w pierwszy dzień Wii U zejdzie więcej, niż PS Vity w rok. Normalni gracze płacący za prawdziwe bebechy umarli . Quote
Fenikz 89 Posted September 21, 2012 Posted September 21, 2012 Procesor Wii U słabszy od tych w X360 i PS3 Jedną z największych bolączek Wii U, w porównaniu z PS3 i Xboksem 360, jest niższa moc procesora. Dla gier z serii Dynasty Warriors, czy Warriors Orochi, gdzie na ekranie pojawia się jednocześnie bardzo dużo postaci, płynność może być mniejsza z powodu procesora. Poradzenie sobie z tym stanowi wyzwanie. Quote
Malutki 5 Posted September 21, 2012 Posted September 21, 2012 Procesor Wii U słabszy od tych w X360 i PS3 Jedną z największych bolączek Wii U, w porównaniu z PS3 i Xboksem 360, jest niższa moc procesora. Dla gier z serii Dynasty Warriors, czy Warriors Orochi, gdzie na ekranie pojawia się jednocześnie bardzo dużo postaci, płynność może być mniejsza z powodu procesora. Poradzenie sobie z tym stanowi wyzwanie. Zaznaczył również iż WiiU ma dużo mocniejszy GPU i sporą ilość pamięci RAM. Dzięki temu konsola generuje znacznie lepszą grafikę niż konkurencja . "Developing on new hardware in itself was a challenge, and also making that launch date was a challenge," he said. "But from a visual standpoint, based on the performance of the Wii U, we knew the game had the capability of having much better graphics than games on PS3 and Xbox 360. Make no mistake, from a visual standpoint, it is able to produce better graphics. So our challenge was to make a higher quality graphics. We were able to meet that." Podkreślił również ,że WiiU jest nowym sprzętem i nadal uczą jak wykrzesać odpowiednią moc z niego ,gdyż jest sporo do eksploracji w tej dziedzinie ,a problemy z grą postarają się rozwiązać . "While the visuals are great, as is being able to improve them, we had to deal with the lower CPU power and how we can get around that issue," he said. "Actually, we're still working on that. If you see the demo on the show floor and you try it, you'll probably feel it's not up to the PS3 level. But we're working on it!" According to Suzuki, the main issue is that developers are still wrapping their head around the CPU, and so are yet to work out how best to use it. "For the PS3 it has multiple CPUs and an SPU, so you can calculate the various motions of the characters on the CPU so overall it runs smoothly," Suzuki explained. "The Xbox 360 CPUs are formulated so they can spread out the processing power so things run efficiently. "With the Wii U being new hardware, we're still getting used to developing for it, so there are still a lot of things we don't know yet to bring out the most of the processing power. There's a lot that still needs to be explored in that area." Quote
Fenikz 89 Posted September 21, 2012 Posted September 21, 2012 dzisiejsze gry i tak są robione głównie pod GPU. byleby było przynajmniej 720p i płynne 30 fps (minimum), a nie jak na PS3, że prawie każda gra rozmazana i klatkuje. Quote
Fenikz 89 Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 wsteczna kompatybilność na Wii U będzie nas kosztować 300 zł Kontroler Remote Plus 199 zł Nunchuk Controller - 99 zł plus koszty wysyłki. Quote
Guest Albert Wesker Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 Albo 100 zł jak kupisz to na allegro. Twój wybór Quote
Fenikz 89 Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 (edited) ale zestaw z pro kontrolerem i zombi u za 1600 kusi trochę: Edited September 27, 2012 by Fenikz Quote
Guest Albert Wesker Posted September 27, 2012 Posted September 27, 2012 Mnie nie. No games - no money Quote
Fenikz 89 Posted October 19, 2012 Posted October 19, 2012 Granie i gadanie przez sieć na Wii U? Komfortowo nie będzie Gdy człowiek myślał, że kolejna generacja konsol będzie jeszcze bardziej "zsieciowana", niż obecna i takie rzeczy, jak rozmowy w trakcie grania przez internet będą standardem... Nintendo ma inne pomysły. Kotaku porozmawiało z przedstawicielami Nintendo i wydawców third party o graniu przez sieć na Wii U. No bo skoro na konsolę ma trafić na przykład Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, coraz mocniej zmierzające w stronę esportowego widowiska, to pewne rzeczy warto wiedzieć. Wnioski niestety nie nastrajają optymizmem. Po pierwsze - rozmowy głosowe w trakcie gry nie będą rzeczą uniwersalną, zakorzenioną w systemie. Nie będzie tak, że jeśli gra będzie oferowała tryby wieloosobowe, to z góry możecie zakładać, że pozwoli też na komunikację głosową. To będzie zależne od konkretnego tytułu. Black Ops 2, Assassin's Creed 3 czy Mass Effect 3 taką opcję na szczęście posiadać będą, ale to nie oznacza końca niedogodności. By krzyczeć brzydkie rzeczy o innych graczach będziemy musieli dokupić headset. "No, ale jak to - przecież kontroler Wii U ma wbudowany mikrofon?!" Owszem, ma, ale nie do rozmów przez sieć. W dodatku wygląda na to, że tylko headsety przewodowe będą kompatybilne z konsolą. Przynajmniej na początku. Zakładam, że w sieciowe gry, w których rywalizacja oznacza konieczność szybkiego i precyzyjnego sterowania, chcielibyście grać na kontrolerze Pro. Tym czarnym, wzorowanym na padzie Xboksowym. Zabawna ciekawostka - nie ma on wejścia na podłączenie headsetu. Oznacza to, że grając w Black Ops 2 w sieci, w rękach trzymać będziecie czarnego pada, tymczasem wasz headset będzie podłączony do leżącego gdzieś obok zwykłego kontrolera Wii U. Takie rzeczy mógłbym od biedy zrozumieć, gdyby chodziło o jakieś dziwaczne akcesoria firm trzecich... Cóż, Nintendo nie przestaje zadziwiać. Tym razem na spory minus. Quote
Fenikz 89 Posted October 23, 2012 Posted October 23, 2012 Gry EA na Wii U będą wymagały Origin Aferę szpiegowską z Origin już przerabialiśmy, gdy okazało się, że platforma ta rzekomo może zbierać informacje nie tylko o uruchomionych grach EA, ale także produkcjach innych firm, a także reszcie oprogramowania. Sprawa szybko ucichła, bo EA oświadczyło, że żadnych informacji spoza systemu Origin nie ma zamiaru zbierać. Jakiś niesmak jednak u wielu graczy pozostał. EA ma jednak nadzieję, że nie będą to osoby, które planują zacząć zabawę z Wii U, bowiem gry Elektroników na tej platformie także będą wymagały posiadania konta w Origin. Wraca też temat zbierania informacji. W oficjalnym dokumencie EA można wyczytać, że Origin na Wii U zbierać będzie informacje z Mii, twój adres e-mail, Nintendo Network ID, listę znajomych, kraj pochodzenia, język i datę urodzin. Wszystko, tylko nie numery kart. plus ciekawostka: Kolejka po Wii U już stoi Quote
Malutki 5 Posted October 27, 2012 Posted October 27, 2012 EA confirms Need for Speed: Most Wanted on Wii U in 2013 "We are very excited to deliver Need for Speed: Most Wanted on more platforms and to more gamers. Starting Oct. 30, Most Wanted will be available on X360, PS3, PS Vita, Android and iOS. Then in 2013, Nintendo fans will be able to experience what it means to be Most Wanted amongst their friends on the Wii U." - EA rep Straight Right - Wii U impressions, working on ME3/Funky Barn and big mystery title A portion of a Gamasutra interview with Tantalus CEO Tom Crago... GS: What are your thoughts on the Wii U, after working on it extensively? TC: We have a long history of working with Nintendo platforms. And we really like the Wii U. Right now we have three titles in development, two of which will ship in the launch window. Obviously it's a tense time right now, as Nintendo iron out the final wrinkles before launch, but the experience for us to date has been very positive. It's a powerful machine, easy to work with, and we genuinely feel as though the GamePad enhances the experience, especially on games like Mass Effect. The fact is, when you play Mass Effect 3 on Wii U, you'll be using that controller in a very different way to how you might have played the game on PS3 or 360. The challenge for us, of course, was to make that control experience better and more intuitive. I'm confident we've done that. The fact that you can play the whole game on the GamePad is pretty cool too. GS: How did you end up doing so many Wii U titles? TC: It's funny the way these things work out. Obviously we pursued the Mass Effect opportunity extremely aggressively. Once we signed that deal and started working on that game, we became pretty immersed in everything Wii U. We had a couple of other projects on the go, but ME3 was really the focus. And naturally, you're playing around with the hardware and you start to think about other ideas you have that might lend themselves to the console. So we decided to put a bit of our own money into bringing something original to Wii U. That game, Funky Barn, has just been announced and will ship with 505 in the launch window. More recently Straight Right signed another deal for a Wii U title. It's another big one, and will ship in 2013. I expect it will be announced later this year. Quote
aux 3788 Posted November 7, 2012 Posted November 7, 2012 Prezes Nintendo rozpakowuje Wii U Premium. Informacje o profilach użytkownika, Nintendo ID itd. Quote
Fenikz 89 Posted November 28, 2012 Posted November 28, 2012 Małe podsumowanie Wii U, test i unboxing: Quote
django 549 Posted November 30, 2012 Author Posted November 30, 2012 kto lubi plotki? The rumours come from a semi-legitimate source - a guy called Geno, who probably knows another guy, who knows a guy - but in fact, Geno is the same source that had correctly foreseen the announcement of the Kingdom Hearts and Castlevania HD collections. To be fair, these rumours are a lot more whoppingly juicy than a couple upscaled ports, so the question of their truth is debatable - as well as their classification as rumours or just sheer speculation. Like the good journalists we are, we’ll let you be the judge of that. The extent of the rumours is that they suggest Sony’s and Microsoft’s plans to hit Nintendo hard from the get-go in 2013, while Nintendo will be focusing on pushing software aggressively onto the Wii U and 3DS. Geno claims that Nintendo will reveal the new Mario Galaxy-esque game at E3, to appear on the Wii U in the holiday of 2013. He also mentions Zelda 3DS, Retro Studios, new IPs from Nintendo, and Nintendo’s strategy to buy out a major third-party franchise… – All three major players are going to play very aggressive hard ball starting in Summer 2013 right before E3. Both Sony and Microsoft are attempting to court in developers to next gen engines in attempt to starve Nintendo and mobile developers. However Nintendo is banking on the argument that the other two jumped too soon to upgrade, with only the top-tier of the triple A studios such as Infinity Ward, Crystal Dynamics, ect only having next-gen level technology with most being stuck on very advanced Unreal Engine 3 level tech. – Nintendo is hoping to play it’s cards right with new hardware add ons and a huge first party push next year where they will reveal games for both holiday 2013 and 2014, a total of 1/3rd of their internal development software. Nintendo has also been shopping around for third party developers where instead of buying them outright, either funds projects or their marketing/localization to make them exclusive or feature packed for Wii U or Nintendo 3DS. Expect more projects like Bayonetta 2 to be announced next year including a partnership that will cause huge shocks when it’s announced even worse than Bayonetta 2. My sources do not think it’s the wildly talked about Devil’s Third being a Wii U exclusive because most people have been buzzing about that and Nintendo is “keeping it extremely close to it’s chest”. – Nintendo’s core first party line up for E3 will be the next 3D Mario game that will be out by Holiday 2013, a next Zelda adventure for the Nintendo 3DS, a double dose of Kirby with the return of Tilt ‘n Tumble for Wii U and Kirby’s Pop Up Pannick for Nintendo 3DS, a new HD Yoshi’s Island game, Donkey Kong Land Returns for Nintendo 3DS, new Fatal Frame for Wii U, the new Retro Studios title which may or may not make Holiday 2013 and two new IPs. – There was a pitch at Retro Studios for a new Metroid game that I have no idea if was scrapped or if it was made into a full game. I do know the pitch was an FPA like the Prime games and it took in between Other M and Fusion. It was suppose to deal with an entire planet that in a conflict between the good guys and the Space Pirates caused a fracture in time that allowed half of the dead planet to come back to life including the dead Chozoo colony. It was suppose to deal with the mystery of the Chozoo, Samus upbringing and that the Chozoo were more war like than imagined. It was also suppose to feature Wii Motion Plus control along with two player co-op with the new Chozoo partner on the gamepad, allowing more crazy exploration and puzzle solving. Being isolated, together was the theme. Multiplayer is also planned. Besides working on that internal next-gen engine for Wii U and a smaller team for Donkey Kong Land Returns, we know that some of the pitches included an entirely new IP based around the GamePad, a revival of Raven Blade and a reboot of Mach Rider. – Mainline 3DS Pokemon game needs roughly two more years before it’s released. Uses a full 3D engine and will have a story dealing with a world wide crisis. A new Pokemon type will be introduced (has not been done since Gold and Silver) and while not as many new Pokemon as in past gens older Pokemon will get new abilities and forms. Will maximize the Nintendo 3DS use of 3D, StreetPass and online connectivity. The first NFC game for Wii U will be a next gen Battrio game coming out in all regions. A special Dynasty Warriors 8 will be released on Wii U and Vita, while a special Dead or Alive 5 will be release on Wii U and Playstation Omni later in 2013. Team Ninja also plans on making a side-scrolling remake of the NES Ninja Gaiden game for Wii U eShop, PSN and XBLA. Ninja Theory is also pitching Capcom an Onimusha sequel for Wii U/Omni/XBoxNext as a “Ookami with guts”. Ono after looking at Platinum Game’s relationship is investigating a similar deal with Nintendo to publish Darkstalkers 4: Rebirth as a Wii U exclusive since Capcom is still reluctant to finance it. Sengoku Basara will get current and next gen re-releases at the launch of Next Gen systems. Capcom is also working with Splash Damage to make a new IP FPS for next gen consoles. A special edition of Resident Evil 6 called “Final Hope” will be release with bug & gameplay fixes, new sequel sinario DLC with one involving Claire, modes, asymetrical gamepad play, off TV gamepad play and an HD port of Resident Evil: Revelations. The next Resident Evil Operation game is in the works for PS3, 360, Wii U, Vita and Omni called Terrestrial Fear. Sleeping Dogs will get an internally made sequel made with an updated engine on Wii U/360/PS3/Vita. Lord of Vermilion for Wii U is planned to use NFC cards. GunSlinger Stratos is planning to come to Wii U and Omni, with the possibility of an XBox Next release. Namco-Bandai is working with Sakurai to get a fully working demo at E3 for Smash Bros. Sakurai really took to heart the complaints about the single player game and the online game. He is solving this by making the single player very deep this time done by the Tales series people and is planning to have a Network Beta of the game for download the day of Nintendo’s E3 show. This way they can beta test online for about one year before they ship the game. Star Trek will come out with it’s movie version for Wii U/PS3/360 and have a special version with post movie game content for Omni at launch. Soul Master, a weapon based spin off of the Soul Calibur series for Kinect 2 is being made as well as a special edition of Soul Calibur 5 for Wii U and Omni. Pac-Man VS is planned to be brought over to Wii U eShop and Ouya. Quote
Fenikz 89 Posted December 3, 2012 Posted December 3, 2012 Test konsoli na Polecam, dużo informacji! Quote
Suboshi 3 Posted December 3, 2012 Posted December 3, 2012 (edited) Mam. Wersja Basic + NSMBU + AC3. Odpakuje wieczorem bo musze zaraz do pracy wychodzić. (sorry pomyliłem działy) Edited December 3, 2012 by Suboshi Quote
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