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Aktualizacje statusu opublikowane przez Jordanensis

  1.  The Pupil slid the ritual knife into his wrist. He scraped flesh from bone, flaying himself. A low moan escaped his lips, as anguish and pleasure intermingled freely. The Sages accepted this offering, tossing his bloody gift into the flames. It was madness, yes, but his sacrifice was beautiful. Only the Revered could inspire a man to self-inflict such suffering...

  2. Something was creeping and creeping and waiting to be seen and felt and heard.

    1. kanabis


      It's jerome's benis!

  3. As smoke choked my vision and tears welled in my eyes, the world itself burned white hot, but beneath it all, there was nothing. No monsters, no gods, only oblivion. The consecrated fires revealed cinders and shadows, yet I strained to see more. Surely, these Sages offered more than the assurances of annihilation?

  4. Existence is a curious matter. The greatest triumph in the universe, gifted and squandered. I shan't make the same mistakes as my brother. When the moment comes, I’ll exercise restraint...

  5. Fate is not ours to defy, only to fulfill. You're chosen as am I, brother. As is the unborn, ordained by the infinite. Perhaps you'll understand one day. In death, I shall find a new purpose. And your purpose, twisted and malevolent as you are, will light the way...

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  1 więcej
    2. Jordanensis


      Tak, ale ułożone jest tak, że wszystkie wpisy od początku pasują do mojej sytuacji i forumka. To jest o nas...

    3. messer88


      Oni Ciebie minusują bo nie znają angielskiego pewnie 

    4. Słupek


      rumaka nie poznaje się po wyglądzie, lecz po przynależności do rasy...

  6. Fly through the voids of darkness, as you hear the whispers of thousand cries...

  7. How could this be a story of a man with my name? He bears the same scars. Shares in the same desires. Even finds the same tablet. Can it be called a history if it's written by a being that sees the future as readily as the past?

  8. I hid my disfigurement beneath my cowl and slipped away. I was delirious when I reached the Seat of Infinity. Did I dream up this kind soul among the cherubs and the faceless masters? She welcomed me without flinching and offered nourishment...

  9. I stood before you dear brother, watching in horror as your lips parted for that poisoned chalice. I followed a path once tread by those who would become Sesters and Brethers, watching the past and present converge. You did not know I was there. I looked on from another place, waiting to be born...

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  1 więcej
    2. messer88


      MROCZNE lore św marcin się chowa do piwnicy 

    3. MierzejX


      Naczytałeś się jakichś pierdół o żabach i teraz na siłę próbujesz zainteresować tym innych.

    4. Sven Froost

      Sven Froost

      Why me eyes are still here.... Just to suffer?

  10. I'm dark matter. The universe inside of me is full of something, and science can't even shine a light on it. I feel like I'm mostly made of mysteries...

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  1 więcej
    2. kanabis


      You are beautiful mind 

    3. kanabis


      A sorki zapomnialem dodac "..."

    4. BieŃ


       Praise the Dark!

  11. I'm unrecognizable. A phantom or perhaps a ghost, haunting this empty household. But I am not unworthy of pity. Not yet, at least. A merchant dared to speak to me. He was a ous fellow, but a kindred soul I suppose. He mention lony of sorts, where my misfortune would be cured. He did not name its price

    1. Pokaż poprzednie komentarze  2 więcej
    2. Bzduras
    3. krzysiek923


      niejeden ćpun chciałby mieć taki zjazd po dragach jak ty masz bez

    4. Sven Froost

      Sven Froost

      Let the rain come and wash away the tears from my eyes

  12. It's not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.

  13. She says nothing at all, but simply stares upward into the dark sky and watches, with sad eyes, the slow dance of the infinite stars...

  14. The act of taking from others is tantamount of evil. From the moment we are born, we are nothing but parasites. Life is nothing more than a succession of sins. Life is evil itself. I am concious that I'm evil. The same applies to all of you.

    1. Josh


      14 year old girls:  ;(

    2. Słupek


      i to jest dopiero mroczne lore... aż ciarki

    3. mugen


      a ten to kojarzę, biblia, grzech pierorodny

  15. The Athena, lady of sin that lit up my life. Listen... She's serenading us, the dark angel of the abyss... harmony.

    1. BieŃ


      prejs de dark!

  16. The faces of infinity are etched in stone, stacked in endless columns. Careful now. The precarious weight of such knowledge could crush an unwise man if he were to puck a tablet in haste...

  17. The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.

  18. The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.

  19. They foretold a truth more terrifying than any other. Those who glimpse it behold no monster other than an utter lack of meaning. The visage of a razor thin line between existence and nonexistence and nothing in between...

    1. MichAelis


      Długo nie wytrzymałeś pojebie

    2. Bzduras


      No jak ktoś jeszcze ma wątpliwości, że mamy do czynienia ze śmieciem rajkohem to tytułu "najlotniejszy na osiedlu" raczej taki delikwent nie zgarnie. Żurom, parówo, ponoć nie chciałeś "mazać się z plebsem z fpe" to na chuj tu wracasz? Wykurwiaj i nie wracaj, całe forum będzie ci chociaż raz dla odmiany wdzięczne zamiast pluć ci w ten spedalony chłopski ryj marzący o bogactwie i akceptacji. Hatfu, nie pozdrawiam.

    3. Tokar


      czujesz, słyszysz, Marcinie?

  20. Transcend Death And Let The Future Take It's Course

    1. messer88


      PrAiSe tHe DaRk 

  21. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

    1. messer88


      ten odcinek mrocznego lore oceniam na 6/10

  22. Young Leosia ma tatuaż DeathStalkera. Podobno uwielbia Rai'a 


    1. Jordanensis


      Leosia lubi mrok? :obama:

    2. messer88


      niestety nie widze obrazka 

    3. Jordanensis


      U mnie wyświetla. To wyślę na PM-ke :)

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