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Posted (edited)

sprzedaż konsol w Europa/Australia czyli region PAL /ostatni tydzień do 30.12.2007


DS 460,913

WII 284,155

PS3 246,814

PS2 222,672

PSP 184,693

XBOX 360 142,155

GB 18,534




top 50

najlepiej sprzedające sie gry w ostatnim weekendzie do 29.12.2007 (wszystkie regiony)



Edited by goggy
Posted (edited)
sprzedaż konsol w Europa/Australia czyli region PAL /ostatni tydzień do 30.12.2007


DS 460,913

WII 284,155

PS3 246,814

PS2 222,672

PSP 184,693

XBOX 360 142,155

GB 18,534




top 50

najlepiej sprzedające sie gry w ostatnim weekendzie do 29.12.2007 (wszystkie regiony)



Są już uzupełnione o USA wyniki sprzedaży na świecie (brak tylko Japonii) i PS3 radzi sobie już naprawdę dobrze :(

Ostatni tydzień (do 29.12):

DS 903,959

Wii 609,917

PS3 390,585

PSP 334,931

X360 330,300


PS: Nie jestem w stanie zrozumieć tak dobrej sprzedaży Wii... dla mnie nie ma tam ani jednej gry w którą chciałbym zagrać...

Edited by Incognitos


bedzie oplata za PSN?


w skrocie... byc moze Sony przedstawi swiatu opcje placenia za PSN w postaci miesiecznej oplaty, ale za to z darmowym downloadem contentu. IMO dobry ruch... niech tylko sie cos ciekawego na tym PSN pojawia i przyjme takie cos z radoscia.

Posted (edited)

Tomb Raider Anniversary developer: Sony's digital platform more flexible than Xbox Live



PS3 Release Dates 2008 (USA)


Army of Two: 4th March

Battlefield Bad Company: 24th March

Borderlands: 1st September

Bourne Conspiracy: 3rd June

Brothers In Arms: 8th April

Brutal Legend: 3rd November

Burnout Paradise: 14th January

The Club: 19th February

Condemned 2: 26th February

Conflict: Denied Ops: 12th February

Dark Sector: 25th March

Dead Space: 8th October

Destroy All Humans 3: 4th March

Devil May Cry 4: 5th Feburary (and Special Edition)

Dynasty Warriors 6: 19th February

End War: 1st April

Fall Out 3: 9th September

Fatal Inertia: 1st May

FIFA Street 3: 18th February

Frontlines: 5th May

Ghostbusters: 7th October

Golden Axe: 8th September

GTA IV: 1st April (and Special Edition)

Haze: 18th March

Heist: 13th May

Hellboy: 24th June

History Channel: Battle for Pacific: 19th February

Hot Shots Golf 5: 18th March

Incredible Hulk: 3rd June

Iron Man: 22nd April

Karaoke Rev: American Idol: 3rd March

Killzone 2: 7th April

LittleBigPlanet: 7th April

Lost: 26th February

Lost Planet: 3rd March

Major League Baseball: 3rd March

Mercenaries 2: 8th April

Metal Gear Solid 4: 17th June

Midnight Club: 1st April

MLB 08: 4th March

Monster Madness: 8th April

NFL Tour: 8th January

Pro Evo Soccer 2008: 11th March

Prototype: 15th September

Rainbow Six Vegas 2: 11th March

Rogue Warrior: 10th November

Sega Superstars Tennis: 4th March

Sid Meier's Civilisation: 1st April

SingStar: 13th May

Soul Calibur IV: 2nd June

Star Wars Force Unleashed: 8th April

Tiberium: 2nd September

Turning Point: 26th February

Turok: 5th February

Two Worlds: 1st August

UEFA Euro 2008: 15th April

Viking: 4th March

WET: 1st October

Wheelman, The: 1st September







Leading developers reveal PS3's untapped potential



2008 Must have PS3 games




BioWare "could" make Mass Effect for PS3, but are not currently



Warner -- Soon The World -- Is Exclusively Blu...


Edited by CELL7777

Amerykańskie Sony podaje wyniki sprzedaży swoich konsol w okresie świątecznym



Kaz Hirai chce by PLAYSTATION 3 przynosiło dochód.



87% of owners watch Blu-rays on PS3



Sony Boss Talks PlayStation Network Expansion



VGChartz: European / Others Charts for Week Ending 06th January 2008


DS: 301,018

Wii: 146,788

PS3: 125,196

PS2: 122,242

PSP: 111,941

X360: 88,916

GBA: 8,087

Posted (edited)

"TOKYO, Jan 10 (Reuters) - Sony Corp (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Thursday it would stop shipments of PlayStation 3 models with 20- and 60-gigabyte (GB) hard disk drives in Japan this month, focusing instead on the 40-GB model.


Sony said that this does not mean the 40-GB machine will be the only model available in Japan and that it will launch new models to respond to end-user preferences."


Czyli tak jak sądziłem (byłem wręcz pewien :(). SONY wbrew temu, że póki co wypiera się, to na pewno do lata tego roku wprowadzi nowy model PS3 (także u nas), który będzie "następcą" modelu 60GB.




Edited by Emet

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