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Kurcze, truskawkowo się zrobiło.

Po nowej aktualizacji z zainstalowanych gier zniknął mi CS:GO...


Po sprawdzeniu istniejących plików, usunęło mi niemal 7GB i ściąga się od nowa. Skandal. 


Edit: "Ściągało" się 2 minuty i gra działa (rozmiar folderu wrócił do normy). Dziwne.

Edytowane przez Shankor
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Nowa ikonka Steam! Ogień!



ze niby to logo pepsi?


Steam: Beta update introduces new UI design, taskbar icon


Here’s how the rest of the new Steam UI looks like:




Już mogliby zrobić porządny redesign w koncu.

Odnośnik do komentarza

moznaby powiedziec ze big picture to ten redesign


Moznaby tez powiedziec, ze korzystanie na nim z myszki to mordega.


Wiadomo, ze glowny wizerunek pojdzie w podobna, niebiesko-ikonowata, strone, ale ilez mozna czekac? Podejrzewam, ze wejdzie razem ze sklepikami pod kuratela uzytkownikow, ale to przeciez odlegla przyszlosc...

Odnośnik do komentarza

O. Dopiero co o tym rozmawialiśmy.



Update 2: Steam maintenance brought even more hints towards the new Steam Store.


Followed products

As some people have already noticed, there's a new tab called "Followed" in your games list on Steam Community. This following feature basically means there are no more "official game groups", they are being removed in favor of game hubs. Instead of joining an official group, you are now able to follow the game. Developers will still be able to post announcements, however we don't know if there will be an option to disable notifications for these announcements.



Owned product highlighting (source)

Looks like instead of highlighting the game (like some third-party extensions do), it will be a small icon displayed next to the product. Along with owned products, there are different flags: whenever an item is in your wishlist or cart.


  • icon_owned.png Owned product
  • icon_wishlist.png In wishlist
  • icon_incart.png In cart

Dynamic store (source)

This is just a 2 line reference, but this only confirms that the frontpage will be highly customisable and tailored to each user.


Update: Moments after we published the blog post, Valve pushed a major update to the Steam Translation Server confirming a lot of the things we mentioned in this blog post and more.


Discovery queue

Discovery queue seems to work in a similar fashion to Greenlight's queue. You can change your preferences and filters to generate a queue of games that match your preferences. While you are exploring, you can jump to the next game and follow or ignore each product.


New store tab "Followed Games & Software"

We're unsure how this will work, but it might be related to your wishlist.



Curators are individuals or groups. Any group can become a curator, and by default the officers can add recommendations. Curators can recommend games to their followers. Recommendations can also include links to a longer review on their website. Steam will also recommend other curators for you to follow.


Personalised frontpage

Besides customizing your discovery queue and following curators you will be able to change sections of the frontpage to display different stuff. This includes:

  • Popular New Releases
  • Games
  • Software
  • Downloadable content
  • Games not in your account
  • Games already in your account
  • DLC for your games & software
  • Products you've recently viewed
  • New On Steam
Search revamp

You can now narrow your search by the following things:

  • Feature
  • Operating system
  • Language
  • Tag
  • Number of players
On an unrelated note; two factor authentication

As you might know, SteamGuard is a 2-step authentication method, but this update brings alternative ways of authenticating besides email. The Steam Mobile app will have a built-in authenticator, but you can also use apps such as Google Authenticator (provided your phone has a camera to scan a QR code).


Original post:

A few months ago when Steam tags were first introduced, there was a short link to a "v6" stylesheet.

Seeing the Store is currently on it's 5th theme, this means Valve is hard at work at a 6th version of the Steam Store theme.

After getting a tip of another stylesheet for the new store, we decided to see if we can get it (sorta) working in a state where it gives us a feel of the new design.

Keep in mind that we're only checking out new stylesheets, this is only half of the Store's design (the other half being done in HTML and JavaScript) but should still give a good feel as to what it'll be like.

This is very much a work in progress, we have no idea how far along Valve is with the new design. It might launch tomorrow, or in a month.


Hints in current design

Recently, Valve updated the Steam Desktop client to a more flat and blue. The current Steam Store also has a hint of the new design on some pages, while already being prominent on others.


New features

Before jumping straight to screenshots, let's look at some hints to new features hidden within the new stylesheets, please do keep in mind this is all conjecture and we are missing a lot of information.

It's also very possible these features might never show up on the Store as we all know Valve likes to experiment.

We've added a "Source" link to each suspected feature, so those savvy enough can judge the stylesheets for themselves.


Overhauled frontpage

We're not entirely certain what will change on the new homepage, but it looks like it'll at least have something related to Steam Curators and the Discovery Queue functionality. All of this might be configurable.


Steam Curators (sources #1 #2 #3)

Steam Curators seem to be a new sub-feature of the existing Steam Community group system. It looks like groups (or some members of said group) can recommend apps with some text explaining why they recommend it. These recommendations will then show up in the Steam Store. You'll be able to follow curators, the recommended apps from said curators will probably show up on the homepage.


Discovery queue (source)

This sounds like a personalized queue of games the store thinks you might like.

DRM notice (source)

There are also references to a "DRM notice" on app pages. It's likely to be a similar function to what some community plugins provide, warning users the app they might want to buy is using DRM.


Highlighting owned games (source)

The store will highlight games you already own.


Using tags while searching (source)

You'll now be able to use tags while searching.



Seeing Valve has only accidentally published the stylesheets, that's all we can show for now. This means that any page with actual layout/feature changes will probably seem really broken and unfinished.

The more broken a page looks, the more it gets changed in this upcoming store update.

siren.gifOur previews are in no way a good representation of what the final version might look like. siren.gif



The frontpage of the store looks pretty rough and incompatible with the new style, this means it'll probably be overhauled with the upcoming Store update. And no, the ugly gradient in the background is not our fault.



App page

Although not as broken as the frontpage, the app page looks pretty rough. It's probably still the best example of the new theme, even without any HTML changes.




The Recommended page seems to look mostly fine with the new style, we've added the current recommended page as well for easy comparison (on the left).




Search functionality is almost completely unusable with the current layout, this probably means that search is getting completely revamped in the upcoming Store update.



DRM notice

The earlier mentioned DRM notice on the app pages. Text is placeholder (and written by us).



Game hover

The popup when you hover over a game on the store has also seen some changes.

Future updates

We doubt Valve is completely done with the stylesheets, if they ever update them our SteamTracking repo on GitHub should track any changes.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Byłoby fajnie, to prawda, ale mi osobiście to wsio ryba, bo PS3 z MGS HD Collection już mam i polecam wszystkim, którzy mają jeszcze jakieś zaległości w serii, bo obecnie to chyba najbardziej cywilizowany sposób na ogranie 2, 3 i PW. Jedynkę można zassać z PSS, ale emulacja PSX to nie jest żaden problem na PC.

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