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Gość Zaqair

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Wrzuciłem filmik bezpośrednio z konsoli na YouTube (dodali wczoraj taką możliwość, trzeba odpalić apkę YT i w niej to zrobić). Jakość nie jest ani tragiczna, ani specjalnie dobra. Na takie klipy chyba jednak wystarczy na razie.


Szczerze mówiąc to spodziewałem się ociupinkę lepszej jakości, ale nie ma co narzekać ;)

Odnośnik do komentarza

Raczej oficjalnie jeszcze jego nie było. Ale ma przyjść w tym miesiacu.

Xbox One April update preview begins, will improve DVR quality, add notifications & more

Ja już mam tę wersję dasza i niby na początku miesiąca włączyli lepszą jakość DVR.


Features Enabled

  • Improved GameDVR video quality.
Odnośnik do komentarza

"It's the console wars. It's Sega does what Nintendon't," McCoy told GameSpot at PAX East about why he believes the 1080p debate has gathered so much attention this year. "There's going to be games that look better on one or the other. There's going to be exclusives that look better, for whatever reason. And we never set out to engage in the tech war. I feel like that's a war that no one actually wins."

"We consciously just decided that we're going to make a game that's fun and new and exciting and then worry about making it as good-looking as we can," he added. "And I don't think we made an ugly game, but no one in the office will tell you we made the prettiest game out there. Or [the one that] runs at the highest resolution."

McCoy teased that Respawn is experimenting with ways in which it can improve visual performance, but overall, he doesn't want to get wrapped up in a debate about specs. It's just not worth it, he says.

"We have more that we can do. We're looking at performance stuff on Xbox One; the PC patch added some stuff; and we're working with NVIDIA for some things on PC as well," McCoy said. "At the end of the day we don't really care. People were roasting us because we run at higher than 720p but we're not a solid locked [60fps] yet. And it's like, 'Yeah, well you know what, guess what? The GPU isn't always a thing that limits your frame rate and your performance.' So we hit the highest resolution we could without limiting the GPU."


Jednak pracują nad patchem odnośnie rozdziałki

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