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Final Fantasy XV


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FF8 porownwywac stylistycznie do FFXV to jak porownwywac jednego ziemniaka do kilograma ziemniakow. Tu jest tego za duzo, ale gry nie skreslam, moze nie beda az takimi emosami na jakich wygladaja. Boje sie tego glownie dlatego ze czasami slucham j-rock i widze gdzie powoli Japonia zmierza:




If You know what i mean.

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Może będzie Doomtrain jako jeden z summonów :D

Prędzej jako dlc do kupienia.


A laseczka z filmiku powyżej całkiem fajna. Jak nie małpki to może chociaż laseczki fajne wrzucą do gierki,które będzie można zabrać do drużyny bo jeśli mam cała grę przechodzić z tymi chłoptasiami to tragedia :/

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Napilbym sie z Toba piwa Paliodor.

Z Wawy na Śląsk Cieszyński trochę drogi byś miał ale zapraszam.


@Figaro: u mnie najczęściej laseczki stanowią główną siłę drużyny o ile mają fajny design i przydatne skille.Co nie powoduje,że chłopki nie mają miejsca w moich growych drużynach bo taki Auron z FFX to był oczywisty wybór do drużyny. Ale w przypadku takiego FFXV te ryje mnie odpychają i jakoś nie zachęcają by mieć takie coś cały czas przed oczami w drużynie. Już wolę się patrzeć na ładnie wymodelowane cycki czy tyłek wirtualnych laseczek niż te j-rockowe wybryki.

No ale kończę już narzekanie na chara design w najnowszych Finalach bo to się pewnie już  nie zmieni.

Niech chociaż fabuła i sam system rozgrywki mnie miło zaskoczy bo od czasów FFX,które też nie było przecież fabularną megatoną seria pod tym względem zeszła niemal na samo dno.

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Terra i Celes z FFVI były świetnymi towarzyszkami podróży i chętnie bym zobaczył takie bohaterki ponownie w jakimś Finalu. No przynajmniej tak sobie je zapamiętałem więc może być,że tylko bredzę :D

Nie, nie bredzisz, dobrze je zapamiętałeś.

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Info z Famitsu:



Luminous Studio

The current version of the engine is version 1.40. When the Episode Duscae demo launches, it will be at 1.50. The final version of the game is planned to be 2.00.
There are about five million polygons per frame, witch each character made up of at max 100,000 polygons. The inner hair alone has about 20,000 polygons, which is five times the previous generation.

Character models have around 600 bones, which is roughly 10-12 times greater than what was seen last generation.

Data capacity for textures is also much greater than before.

Final Fantasy XV

Battles against huge enemies are carried out in the same fashion as standard battles, but there will be some exclusive party co-op ctions for the bigger fights.

There will be several mini-games, including fishing.

Restalm (we called it Restaru, then Restarg, we were wrong twice – it’s hard to play by ear sometimes) is being made in the image of the Bahamas.

Right now, the ropeway in Restalm cannot be rode. We might add the ability to ride it if there is time to do so.

The development team wants players to get a feel for the world and find it relatable not just through sheer visuals, but also through the characters.

In town, you can stay in hotels or go shopping.

NPCs in town are controlled by AI, and you can talk to them.

Restalm is a main town in the first half of the game.

Cindy shows up in different places throughout the game. Something happens with her at the start that shakes her up and gets her moving around.

While she’s not deeply involved in the story, she’s relevant because of her profession as a mechanic.

Players will have to fight Summon Beasts in order to be able to use them.
Summon Beasts in the game are a symbol of the power of stars. Only Noctis can actually summon them.

Combat-wise, the plan is holding down a button will start a set combo, but timed button presses are what will enable coordinated moves with other party members.
To parry enemy attacks, you have to match the timing of their strike. This is intended for expert players.

Magic isn’t what consumes MP, nor is the system akin to the Draw system Final Fantasy VIII had.

MP is consumed by using special actions, such as dodging and warping.
Weapons are equipped several at a time, with one main weapon. The main weapon has a corresponding ability, and it’s also possible to switch the main weapon during combat.
Combos are automatically formulated based on which weapon is currently being utilized out of the ones being equipped.

Abilities aren’t separate from a weapon’s given category and there are also weapons that have no abilities at all. Apparently not unlike what was seen in Captain Tsubasa 5, a game that Tabata apparently worked on back in the day.

Rare weapons that can be acquired from dungeons and other sketchy areas could potentially have some hack-and-slash aspects to how they’re used. The Phantom Sword, which floats in midair, will also be acquirable as a special weapon.

The battle system from the demo is planned to be fully featured.

After the Tokyo Game Show this year, the systems going into the demo were slightly changed as a result of fan feedback.

Players will also be able to run around in areas such as the mountainous areas where the Behemoths roam.

In the full version, you’ll be able to rent Chocobos.

Camps are inherently designed to be a safe haven, making them ideal headquarters when setting out to explore new areas.

There are bonuses that come with cooking ingredients purchased in towns and cities. You can also get ingredients off monsters in the wild.

Additionally, the magazine reveals that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Blu-ray Disc music soundtrack is being planned for release.



Cieszę się że są miasta z różnymi sklepami, że można gotować, że będą chocobosy itd.

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Tylko zeby to nie stalo sie po czasie meczace, dzien ma miec godzine, to co tyle trzeba bedzie gotowac i isc spac.



lol, proszę cię

o co Ci chodzi



Nie wiem czy zrozumiałem, ale gotowanie to raczej opcjonalna popierdółka i wątpie by długo zajmowała. Plus możesz nie spać przez 3 dni.

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