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Bronze Trophies


* Off The Boat - You have completed the first mission.

* One Hundred And Eighty - You scored 180 with 3 darts.

* Pool Shark - You beat a friend at pool.

* King of QUB3D - You beat the high score in QUB3D.

* Finish Him - You completed 10 melee counters in 4 minutes.

* Genetically Superior - You came first in 20 singleplayer street races.

* Wheelie Rider - You completed a 500 foot wheelie on a motorbike.

* Gobble Gobble - You got a turkey in 10-pin bowling.

* Driving Mr. Bellic - You unlocked the special ability of Roman's taxi.

* Rolled Over - You managed 5 car rolls in a row from one crash.

* Walk Free - You successfully lost a 4 star wanted rating.

* Courier Service - You completed all 10 package delivery jobs.

* Retail Therapy - You unlocked the special ability of buying guns from Little Jacob.

* Chain Reaction - You exploded 10 vehicles in 10 seconds.

* Lowest Point - You completed the mission "Roman's Sorrow".

* Order Fulfilled - You completed all 10 Exotic Export orders.

* Manhunt - You completed the most wanted side mission.

* Cleaned The Mean Streets - You caught 20 criminals through the police computer.

* Fed The Fish - You completed the mission "Uncle Vlad".

* It'll Cost Ya - You made a taxi trip from one island to another without skipping.

* Sightseer - You have taken all variations of the helicopter tours of Liberty City.

* Warm Coffee - You were invited into your girlfriend's house.

* That's How We Roll! - You unlocked the special ability of Brucie's helicopter ride.

* Half Million - You have amassed a fortune of $500,000.

* Impossible Trinity - You completed the mission "Museum Piece".

* Full Exploration - You unlocked all the islands.

* You Got The Message - You delivered all 30 cars ordered through text message.

* Assassin's Greed - You completed all 9 assassin missions.

* Under The Radar - You flew under all the main bridges in the game.

* Dial B For Bomb - You unlocked the special ability of Packie's car bomb placement.

* Gracefully Taken - You completed the mission "I'll Take Her".

* No More Strangers - You've met all the random characters.

* That Special Someone - You completed the mission "That Special Someone".

* Teamplayer - You killed 5 opposing team members.

* Cut Your Teeth - You were successfully promoted up a rank in multiplayer.

* Join The Midnight Club - You won a multiplayer race without damaging your vehicle too much.

* Fly The Co-op - You completed "Deal Breaker", "Hangman's NOOSE" and "Bomb da Base II" in time.

* Taking It For The Team - You were on the winning team in all multiplayer team games.

* Top Of The Food Chain - You successfully killed 20 players with a pistol in a deathmatch.

* Top The Midnight Club - You won 20 different multiplayer standard races.

* Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic - You won in all variations of multiplayer games.

* Let Sleeping Rockstars Lie - You killed a Rockstar in multiplayer.


Silver Trophies


* One Man Army - You survived a 6 star wanted level for a full 5 minutes.

* Dare Devil - You completed all the unique stunt jumps.

* Endangered Species - You collected every hidden package in the game.

* Liberty City (5) - Your friends all like you above 90%.

* You Won! - You have completed the story.


Gold Trophies


* Liberty City Minute - You finished the story in less than 30 hours.

* Key To The City - You completed GTA IV to 100%.

* Wanted - You achieved the highest personal rank possible in multiplayer.


Platinum Trophy


* Taking A Liberty - Sorry for taking liberties with your time!

Edited by Zeratul
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Mam 97,5% (pozostałe 2,5% to gołebie) i nie będę na pewno przechodził od nowa. Mam więc nadzieję, że trofea będą wczytane z save'a lub (co bardziej prawdopodobne) z serwera R*. Jak wiadomo istnieje R* Games Social Club i oni tam zbierają dane z profili graczy i na podstawie tego mogliby "rozdać" trofea. Tak czy inaczej, jednak wątpie aby takowe się ukazały.

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Tak się składa że to nie ściema, bo Sony, na swoim blogu, w cotygodniowym zbiorze tematów "must see" umieściło również ten. Wątpię by umieszczali fejki.

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Szperałem po sieci ostatnio i natknąłem się na plotki, że prawdopodobnie patch z trofeami ukaże się pod koniec miesiąca, ale jak mówię póki co jeszcze nikt oficjalnie nie ogłosił daty,a tego najbardziej nie lubię, chociaż przybliżona data premiery jest lepsza od niczego, podobnie jak Bionic Commando i nieszczęsne Pixel Junk Monster, które to miało mieć trofea na starcie huh.

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O ile te trofea to rzeczywiście prawda (w co nadal nie chce mi się wierzyć) to pisanie od tak, że "zaliczę gdzieś w okolicach świąt ponownie calaka" jest nie na miejscu ;). Na same zdobycie najwyższej rangi w multi trzeba poświęcić około 93 godzin (korzystając z najszybszego sposobu dostajemy 4500 waluty w ciągu 4-5 minut, a trzeba zdobyć 5 milionów o_O), kilkanaście godzin na wygranie we wszystkich trybach, kilka na pobicie czasów ekipy R* plus pomniejsze wartości na inne duperele. Dlatego nie wierzę w te trofea, bo wiązałoby się to z koniecznością wielkiego resetu w multi, no chyba, że przeceniam możliwości deweloperów i jednak obędzie się bez wyzerowania.

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