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Hybrydowe sterowanie na Kinekcie domowej roboty


O tym, jak pewien facet poradził sobie ze zrobieniem domowej hybrydy dwóch kontrolerów. Fajny pomysł, mam nadzieję, że u dużych developerów już dawno pomyśleli o tym :) W sumie całe GoW: Exile mogłoby tak wyglądać, o ile okaże sięgrą na Kinecta :potter:

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Odkad kupilem Kinecta po cichu liczylem wlasnie na polaczenie go z Lipsami, ktore sa dosc czesto u mnie uzywane :) Mam nadzieje, ze przyloza sie do tego i wymysla cos ciekawego. Pewnie i tak bedzie to wygladac tak, ze nagle w trakcie piosenki trzeba bedzie zrobic jakis ruch, kamerka pstryknie fotke i bedzie mozna sie nia delektowac w menusach ...

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Gość donsterydo

Yebniecie :P



"Twisted Pixel has announced The Gunstringer, a game featuring an undead cowboy in both 2D and 3D for Kinect.


This was the game the studio planned to announce before March’s PAX East.


According to the game’s lead designer, Dan Teasdale, The Gunstringer is a Kinect game where you get to “marionette a kick-ass undead cowboy puppet through action packed stage performances.”


It is played like an “actual play performance, complete with hand crafted actors and props,” and it all takes place through a western-themed revenge story filled with action, drama, and mildly creepy puppet love.


“Being able to perform this story with puppets and stage props lets us get away with some pretty far out characters, settings, and plot twists that would just seem insane in a straight western story,” said Teasdale on the game’s official website. “The Gunstringer marries all of this with really fresh and fun gameplay mechanics.


“From the start of this project, we’ve focused on getting across the feel of marionetting a puppet’s movement through a 3D world, then mixing that with the fun and mayhem of targeting-focused shooters like Rez. One minute you’ll be navigating the Gunstringer over tricky ravines or towards secret paths, the next you’ll be ducking behind cover to take out a half-dozen clockwork alligators with your six shooter.”


Teasdale goes on to say that there are no “minigames, forced gestures, or end of level photos of you in your underwear,” in the game, and that players can stand or sit while playing the game with “precision not seen in any of the Kinect launch titles, and with a speed and feel that’s just not possible with a traditional controller.”"

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