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Halo 4 - Linkowanie/spoilerowanie przed premiera = ban


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Forward Unto Down będzie pięknym wstępem fabularnym do H4.


Jeśli chcecie, by scena ożyła to musicie włożyć coś od siebie. Nie wiem jak reszta, ale ja jestem na przykład o jakieś 7 lat starszy niż wtedy, gdy zacząłem tu uczęszczać i nie za bardzo mam już tyle czasu by organizować / uczestniczyć w tylu przedsięwzięciach, ilu bym chciał.

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Takie potwierdzenie tego, ze H4 ma nadal sandboxowy charakter:




no rails, no scripting, no quicktime events, and no need to worry


i jeszcze wypowiedz jednego z pracownikow 343 na NeoGafie:


the demo is a tight, constrained and dense set of encounters to introduce new elements - in the shipping game those events will have more air. Encounters will often be as big, sometimes bigger than traditional Halo areas. Lots of exploration and biiiig spaces for vehicles - also true for Spartan Ops.




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YouTube user Tridyrium has collected all the Halo 4 music heard so far into a single playlist - while you've probably listened to the older stuff by now, the newest finds (recorded off Halo Waypoint's Xbox 360 portal) are quite possibly new for you. Requiem, in specific, is spectacular. Go explore!

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wywiad z Franciszkiem




i nowy Spartkast


a dla tych którym się podcastu słuchać nie chce :)

- We saw the majority of the basic premise of the new character class at E3.

- There are different variants of the classes that we saw, but the main characters were covered.

- We did not see the potential of interactions between Covenant and Prometheans in the demo.

- "Silentium" is the working title of new Greg Bear novel.

- The Promethean Knights originally sounded like the Forerunner version of Master Chief.

- Codenames of Prometheans: Crawlers - Pawns, Watchers - Bishop, Knight - Knight.

- Watcher is a support class that the Promethean Knight releases on the battlefield, supports and protects the other Prometheans.

- Crawlers are used to "Flush things out", move as a pack/flock and attack as such.

- Crawlers are intended to be Fodder, they pop when shot as we saw in the E3 demo. Will be dangerous in large numbers.

- "Incredibly satisfying to shoot, I've never had more fun shooting a bad guy" - Frankie Hyperbole.

- "The Crawlers are not organic, we're not going into the rest of the classes, but specifically the Crawlers are not organic"

- The Crawleres were used to fight the Flood as they could not be infected.

- World Exclusive - Halo 4 has ceilings.

- Crawlers move slower on walls and ceilings, to make them easier to shoot when they're not in your typical line of sight. They mention that they don't want them to be annoying like the Buggers in earlier Halo games.

- There is no best way to deal with the Prometheans, different situations will call for different strategies, it's not always a case of "kill the watcher first" or "kill the Knight first".

- "Can't get into too much detail, but there's a matrix for how the Covenant interact with Prometheans which gets really interesting later in the Campaign and Spartan Ops."

- Worked to add personality to each of the characters, that makes them unique from one another.

- Prometheas were intended to fight the Flood, the Knights can move and close distances very fast. They have "tells" to give an indication of what they're about to do. A pose before a leap and a tell for which direction they go when "teleporting". In playtesting players were able to predict where he'll reappear and drop a grenade.

- Regarding the visual characterisation: "The Knight is part Predator, part Alien, part our own twist on cool"

- The Knights are 12-13' tall

- Loads of resonance and reference to the Karen Traviss and Greg Bear novels in Halo 4

-"Hopefully the Forerunner trilogy won't be Greg [bear]'s only work on Halo"

- The TV cameras missed the beginning of the E3 demo.

- Sony complained about the

- Halo 4 will be a AAAA "Quad-A" game ! [jokes]

- Will be at RTX showing some "never before seen" stuff

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Gość Szprota
Ciekawe czy dadzą wreszcie polskie napisy czy kolejny raz MS pokaże gdzie ma Polskę.


Nie no bo Halo czy inne FPSy mają tak rozbudowane dialogi że te polskie napisy to MUST HAVE w Halo 4 ;)


Nawet jak w Halo 4 nie ujrzymy PL napisów to żadna wielka strata

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