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Xbox One: komentarze i inne rozmowy


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Gość DonSterydo

Masakra, usunęli mi snapowanie TV. 


Say wuuut? Pewnie dodadzą później, ten update ma być publiczny na wiosnę dopiero, czyli jeszcze ponada dwa miesiące.

Edytowane przez DonSterydo
Odnośnik do komentarza

Jeśli ktoś chce testować nowe wersje systemu przed ich oficjalną premierą, ale obawia się ciągłych update'ów, to właśnie pojawiło się rozwiązanie tej kwestii. Od tej pory można wybrać, z jaką częstotliwością otrzymuje się aktualizacje (z jednym zastrzeżeniem podkreślonym poniżej).. Podobne rozwiązanie istnieje w programie Windows 10 Insider (Fast Ring & Slow Ring). Poniżej oficjalna wiadomość na ten temat:



Welcome to the new year, Xbox Insiders! In 2016 we introduced the Xbox Insider Program and the new Xbox Insider Hub app, which allows anyone to parti(pipi)te in game and app betas and give us feedback on the latest Xbox One features. We also received a great deal of feedback about the system update preview on Xbox One. We heard from new Xbox Insiders who wanted to preview system updates, but were unable to join, and from veteran Xbox Insiders, who had concerns about the frequency of system updates, network data caps, and interruptions.


Well, we listened, and now that 2017 is upon us, we have some exciting announcements to share about previewing system updates on Xbox One.
First, beginning soon, all Xbox Insiders will be eligible to join the Xbox One Update Preview and check out the latest Xbox One features and fixes before the public! Second, we heard your feedback about receiving too many system updates. We’ve taken action by dividing the Xbox One Update Preview into four rings, allowing you to select the Preview ring which best fits your playstyle. We’re eager to make previewing system updates on Xbox One a better experience for all Xbox Insiders in 2017, and look forward to your feedback!
Here is a brief overview of the four Preview rings:
Xbox One Update Preview Alpha – The first Preview ring, this group typically receives 2-3 new system updates per week during a Preview Update wave. Preview Alpha is the cutting edge, and users in this group receive access to new features and fixes as soon as possible at the expense of potential bugs.
Xbox One Update Preview Beta – The second Preview ring, this group typically receives 1-2 new system updates per week during a Preview Update wave. Preview Beta users receive frequent system updates and early access to new features and fixes, with somewhat less risk of encountering bugs.
Xbox One Update Preview Ring 3 – The third Preview ring, this group typically receives 2-3 new system updates per month during a Preview Update wave. Preview Ring 3 users receive infrequent system updates, and is suited for users who want early access to new features and fixes with less risk of encountering bugs.
Xbox One Update Preview Ring 4 – The fourth and final Preview ring, this group typically receives new system updates about once per month. Preview Ring 4 users receive system updates which are almost ready for public release, and thus receive the fewest system updates and are least likely to encounter bugs. In some cases, Preview Ring 4 users may also receive updated versions of the current publicly released build incorporating new fixes.
NOTE: When a system update is nearing public release, it’s normal for all Preview rings to receive multiple updates per week
The three advanced Preview rings (Xbox One Update Preview Alpha, Xbox One Update Preview Beta, and Xbox One Update Preview Ring 3) have limited capacity, and access is restricted to the most active Xbox Insiders. Xbox Insiders earn the right to parti(pipi)te in the respective Preview rings based on their activity, which is judged by Xbox Insider XP, forum activity, and overall console usage.
To move up and get access to earlier Xbox One Update Preview builds:
• Complete Quests, Surveys, Quick Polls, and Ratings in the Xbox Insider Hub.
• Parti(pipi)te in any game and app betas available to you via the Xbox Insider Hub.
• Provide feedback on the official Xbox One Preview forums.
• Report bugs via Report a problem.
• Use your Xbox One console regularly.
Thank you so much for your suggestions, feedback, and passion. Please continue telling us what you love, what you like, and what could be improved, and we’ll ensure Xbox One and the Xbox Insider Program keep getting better in 2017!



  • Plusik 1
Odnośnik do komentarza

Masakra, usunęli mi snapowanie TV. Mam nadzieję, że zamiast tego dojdzie jakieś PiP, np. na wzór tego okienka z osiągnięciami :( Bez podglądu aktywnej gry/apki w Home też jakoś dziwnie.

W filmiku który wrzucił Don w 2:27 widać, jak wyskakuje snap okienka twitcha, także chyba jednak będzie nadal ta funkcja. No chyba, że gdzieś pisali/mówili, że ją całkowicie usuwają. :dunno:

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Uwaga: Twój wpis zanim będzie widoczny, będzie wymagał zatwierdzenia moderatora.

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