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Street Fighter V


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Kuźwa jaki jestem słaby:D Już z tydzień siedzę w tej brązowej lidze, co dobije do okolic 900lp, to dają mi gościa co ma 1500 i jest lipa, kilka porażek i wracam do punktu wyjścia:D:D:D

Ale fun jest, wczoraj udało mi się zrobić niezły comeback, ja niewidoczne życie, gościu z 2/3 paska, i udało się wygrać :P Jak obejrzałem sobie powtórkę, to miałem niezły ubaw, pojedynek gigantów po prostu:D:D:D:D hehe


IMO grając rankedy niewiele idzie się nauczyć gry. Najwięcej daje granie długich setów w battle lounge np first to 5 i ogrywanie się w ten sposób na postacie.

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Jak dla mnie rankedy/player matches ze względu na większą różnorodnosć. Jak gram długie sesje z jednym przeciwnikiem łapię się na tym, że przestaję mysleć i robię na pałę to samo.


edit: o (pipi)ens! znalazłem na forum srk


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Kuźwa jaki jestem słaby:D Już z tydzień siedzę w tej brązowej lidze, co dobije do okolic 900lp, to dają mi gościa co ma 1500 i jest lipa, kilka porażek i wracam do punktu wyjścia:D:D:D

Ale fun jest, wczoraj udało mi się zrobić niezły comeback, ja niewidoczne życie, gościu z 2/3 paska, i udało się wygrać :P Jak obejrzałem sobie powtórkę, to miałem niezły ubaw, pojedynek gigantów po prostu:D:D:D:D hehe


IMO grając rankedy niewiele idzie się nauczyć gry. Najwięcej daje granie długich setów w battle lounge np first to 5 i ogrywanie się w ten sposób na postacie.



Heh, może racja;) Generalnie jednak największą korzyść osiągnę jak znajdę więcej czasu, bo teraz z tym mam największy problem. Bez regularnego granie nic nie pomoże, wpie(pipi)ol i tak będzie regularny;)

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Zeby puszczac "jeden za drugim", to trzeba pamietac, ze 


1. Nie mozna puscic dwoch pociskow na raz. Ten pierwszy hadoken musi byc w trakcie hit/block stuna, zeby zaliczylo input kolejnego 

2. Trzeba wyczuc timing, bo bufforowanie kolek w tej grze ma male okno, wiec animacja pierwszego pocisku musi byc na finiszu 

3. Ogolnie po wpisaniu specjala nie mozna opozniac buttona, czyli po QCF dajemy punch relatywnie szybko, zeby wszedl hadoken 


Mi na przyklad nie zawsze siedzi command throw laury (QCB) po LP lokciu na hicie, kidy chce go zrobic szybko, czyli zaczac animacje jeszcze w trakcie hit stuna lokcia. Przez to czasem go spozniam, albo robie za wczesnie i nie liczy inputa. Czyli podziwiam ludkow grajacych (dobrze) zangiefem  

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Strona nie dziala, wiec ponizej copypasta patch notes






In Street Fighter V, Alex returns as a powerful grappler that can inflict big damage with his close range Power Bomb command grab and his long limbs to fight from midrange distances. The threat doesn’t end there however, as Alex has a variety of special attacks that can cover a large portion of the screen for those times when the opponent keeps him out. Players looking for a methodical grappler who can do big burst damage up close, yet still do well at midrange, will find themselves perfectly at home with Alex.

V-Skill: Overhaul

Alex stretches and gets ready to land the next killer blow. Once Alex finishes his animation, the very next attack he pulls off will count as a hard hit and damage the opponent as if they were counter attacked. If that attack misses or is blocked however, he loses the hard hit bonus.

The update also comes with a slew of new modes and content, as well as bug fixes that are designed to improve the overall gameplay experience. Check out all the new modes and content below!

V-Trigger: Rage Shift

Alex channels his wrestling training and gains access to a brand new clothesline attack. This attack can be charged and during that time, it can parry an attack. Upon full charge, if Alex makes contact with a blocking opponent, he will break their guard, leaving them open to an immediate attack.

Critical Art: Heavy Hammer

Alex hits the opponent with a thunderous chop that knocks the opponent around. He then grabs them and takes them up to the highest of heights in a crucifix hold, only to viciously drop them down on their heads at the fastest of speeds.

Alex will become available when the update is scheduled to go live later this month. Remember, by playing through all Character Story Mode content, you will earn more than enough Fight Money to buy Alex for free!

The update also comes with a slew of new modes and content, as well as bug fixes that are designed to improve the overall gameplay experience. Check out all the new modes and content below!

Challenge Mode

Demonstrations: Learn the ins and outs of Street Fighter Vthrough helpful demonstration and tutorial content. Contains content for each of the 16 characters, as well as advice geared towards players of all skill levels:

Beginner Tutorials: 12 lessons covering, movement, normal attacks, special attacks, V-System, throws, counter hits, chip/recoverable damage, etc.

Intermediate Tutorials: 11 lessons covering projectiles, invincibility frames, armor and armor break, recovery, cross-up attacks, anti-air options, etc.

Advanced Tutorials: 4 lessons covering back dashing, frame advantage/disadvantage, combo potential, button priority, etc.

Character Tutorials: 16 lessons covering each individual character.

Trials: Put your skills to the ultimate test with combo trials for all 16 characters, ranging from basic to pro combos. Completing Trials will also earn you some extra Fight Money.

In-Game Shop

Fight Money Expenditure: Spend your hard earned Fight Money to purchase extra game content, such as DLC characters and the Story Mode Costumes.

Online Rematch Option

Salty from a close loss online? Want revenge? Players can now play a 2/3 set in Ranked Match, provided both players accept the rematch.

Battle Lounge Improvements

Enjoy up to 8 person lobbies, complete with match spectating.

Bug Fixes

Bug: Sometimes you don’t get EXP from casual matches

Bug: On a rare occurrence, if you restart the game after you unlock colors, the colors you unlocked will disappear

Gameplay Changes


If you hit V-Trigger Bloody Kiss (anti-air) in certain situations, Vega will no longer continue to rise off the top of the screen.

M. Bison:

If M. Bison is interrupted by an opponent’s V-Trigger or Critical Art during his invisible frames of Double Knee Press in V-Trigger mode, M. Bison will no longer remain invisible until his next move.


Rashid will no longer float in the air for a moment if you perform his V-Trigger after he touches the ground upon a missed Eagle Spike.


During V-Trigger activation, the hit stop and block stop has been made the same for multi-hitting moves (medium or heavy attacks for both normal and special moves).

She was previously able to perform option selects involving standing HP into Houyokusen, so this has been removed.

Vertical and Back Jump Frames

All characters except Birdie and Zangief: Vertical jump and back jump frames have changed from 3f->4f.

Birdie: Vertical jump and back jump frames have changed from 4f->5f.

Zangief: No changes to jump frames.

These changes reduce the effectiveness of throw tech option selects involving jumping (also known as “jump grab”). Changing forward jump frames would affect the game balance too much so those remain unchanged.

Throw Escape Change

If you push buttons during the normal throw delayed tech window you are unable to escape throws for 2 frames.

Prevents using light attacks to option select with throw escapes.

If you execute specific special moves during the normal throw delayed tech window you are unable to immediately escape throws.

Each characters V-skills, V-triggers, V-reversals, critical arts, and moves have been set individually.

Prevents throw escape option selects involving specific moves such as Shoryuken, etc.


All of these new SFV features and game improvements are planned to be ready later this month and we’ll share an exact date soon. More new content, including the Cinematic Story Mode, and game improvements are in the works and we’ll provide those specifics as soon as we can.



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Marcowa aktualizacja.




  • Samouczki:
    • Samouczek dla początkujących: 12 lekcji z ruchu postaci, ataków, V-Systemu, rzutó, kontr itd.
    • Samouczek dla średnio zaawansowanych: 11 lekcji z klatek niewidzialności, atakó armor break, recovery opcji anti-air itd. and armor break, recovery, cross-up attacks, anti-air options, etc.
    • Samouczek dla zaawansowanych: 4 lekcje z dashingu i przewagi jaką to robi, potencjał combo itd.
    • Samouczki postaci: 16 lekcji, jedna dla każdej postaci
  • Próby: Próby pozwolą nam zdobyć dodatkową kasę wewnątrz gry za wykonywanie zleconych nam wyzwań o różnym poziomie trudności.

Sklep wewnątrz gry

  • Dodano opcję wydawania zarobionej waluty wewnątrz gry

Opcja rewanżu sieciowego

  • Dodano opcję błyskawicznego rewanżu w trybach sieciowej gry rankingowej

Poprawki lobby

  • 8 osób w lobby, razem z trybem obserwatora

Poprawki błędów:

In addition to all of this new content, the following bugs will be fixed in the update:

  • Bug: Sometimes you don’t get EXP from casual matches
  • Bug: On a rare occurrence, if you restart the game after you unlock colors, the colors you unlocked will disappear

Oprócz tego, część postaci zostanie zbalansowana. Mowa tutaj o Rashidzie, Chun-Li, Bisonie i Vedze.

  • Plusik 1
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