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RETROARCH czyli emulator wszystkiego na Xboxie Series X/S.

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Nie oplacajcie tego patreona i nie ściągajcie narazie nic. Są pierwsze potwierdzone bany dla normalnych userow:



Hello! I'd like to ask you read this carefully before forming an opinion!


We have heard reports (specifically 3 people) who have received a temporary suspension, and we're trying to determine if this is related to us or not. Neither of us two behind the retail uploads, who have had every package installed and for far longer than anyone else, have been suspended. I haven't read anything from anybody on our patreon who has received any kind of suspension either.


We know two of these cases are from content creators, and initially assumed it was simply due to promoting the packages, which obviously Microsoft will not like! The third report was from a normal user, though they have an active suspension from before retail already, they received another on the 11th.


The suspension emails cited 'Promoting, playing, or appearing to be playing inappropriate or illegitimate applications on Xbox'


Three users makes up 0.22% of our whitelist which is miniscule, so we would like to confirm if these are isolated, or if anybody else can corroborate and since running our package have received a suspension citing the above. Please DM us if this has happened to you!


In order to ensure the safety of our community, we're delaying Operation Rat Control by a day to gather more information. I am personally of the opinion that this is far too isolated to be directly caused by simply running the packages, if Microsoft wanted to, they could have setup an automatic suspension system anytime in the last 2 years of retail uploads, and we would have seen a porportional number of suspensions subsequently.


Thank you everyone.


Odnośnik do komentarza

Korzystałem z emulacji na XSX, ale po zablokowaniu przeprosiłem się z PC. Kupiłem za grosze HP Elitedesk G4, wrzuciłem na niego Batocerę i wszystko śmiga, praktycznie do Wii U. Trochę nawet żałuję, że wziąłem taki kompaktowy sprzęt, gdzie nawet grafiki nie dołożę, ale niech będzie. Ryzen 5 daje radę w emulacji.

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12 minut temu, Czoperrr napisał:

Na pewno? Gościu uploadował te pliki z konsoli Xbox, że mu konsole banują? Na jakiej zasadzie to się dzieje?

Nie mam dla Ciebie więcej odpowiedzi niż to, co wrzuciłem, bo sam zainteresowany nie napisał nic więcej. Zdanie "Microsoft are console banning people caught uploading retail mode emulators, don't take that risk for yourself, and don't put others at risk either." dość jednoznacznie wskazuje, że ban na konsolę jest za upload emulatorów do sklepiku, natomiast "A significant amount of users have been receiving 15-day suspensions as a warning shot from Xbox." dodatkowo pozwala myśleć, że za używanie emulatorów kara jest mniejsza i nie tak dotkliwa. W jaki sposób wrzucają to do sklepiku i na jakich zasadach? Nie wiem, nikt z ekipy emulgatorowej nigdy nie uzewnętrzniał się na ten temat.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Ludzie używający dostali ale czasowe. 

Jak ktoś chce więcej to wrzucam to co napisali dla patronów:



I regret to inform you that Microsoft has played the card we hoped they never would. User suspensions. It appears that accounts who have used the packages are receiving 14 day suspensions. This hasn’t happened before in the 2 year history of retail emulators.


Suffice it to say, despite any ideas we possess for uploading emulators undetected, we are not willing to risk the accounts and consoles of our community should the package eventually become discovered. 




Our personal accounts have been hit as well, Microsoft aren’t playing around anymore, they’re capable of detecting uncloaked emulators even without links to them, and repeated suspensions will result in a permanent ban. Rest assured any suspension you may receive will be temporary and we apologise for the inconvenience. Luckily we paused billing/new patrons after the last package went down over a week ago.




It was a short run but fun, we put in a significant amount of work behind the scenes doing this, we began working nearly a month before we opened the patreon, from designing La Bomba, to the new ftp server to the new frontends. Operation Rat Control was using a ton of accounts per release, each emulator was recompiled for each and every upload per account and modified for retail purposes (minor edits but open source on our Github). 




Thank you all so much for your support and kind words. 


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