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Devil May Cry 5


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5 minut temu, Frantik napisał:

Próba łączenia ognia z wodą, IMHO. Mi akurat reboot się całkiem podobał, no ale jestem z tym w mniejszości :) 

Mi też się bardzo podobał, ale ten Dante jest jeszcze bardziej emo :)
Jednak tak jak w tamtym przypadku, tak w tym nie mam zamiaru oceniać książki po okładce, bo gameplay prezentuje się zayebiaszczo.


Ogolnie to rozpier.dol mocno, z bratem jak ogladalismy to o mało sie nie posra.lismy w gacie.


Widac, ze beda trzy postaci i teraz pytanie - Dante to Dante, ale jesli glowny protagonista to Nero to czemu nie ma łapy tylko mechanicznego grapling hooka? Odcieta zeby Demon nie przejal nad nim kontoli? To w takim razie kim jest typ w kapturze - czy to jest wlasciwy Nero czy moze Vergil w formie Demona?



Tak, gosc z łapą to Vergil, w formie z corrupted




Posted (edited)

ok, troche trzeba naprostowac


-powiedzieli ze to sequel do 4

-nero byl pokazywany najwiecej

-to jest dante



wyglada troche jak Ozzie Osbourne xD


jedyneczka to miala ost. ciezkie riffy, polamane breaki. no, ale mamy w koncu 2018, wiec musi byc bezpiecznie, bo jeszcze kogos ten 'metal' moglby obrazic i  odstraszyc od slashera...

Edited by Najtmer





nie ma co cisnac na razie na wyglad bo to render - to samo bylo z pierwotnym wygladem Dantego w DMC4

1 minutę temu, Ficuś napisał:

Cudowne, piekne ale ten design i muza totalnie mi nie siadly



mi sie muza podobała, ale przy wjezdzie Dantego juz o wiele bardziej tradycyjny dla serii riff wchodzi wiec bedzie dobrze, człowiek

Dawac tylko info ze bedzie 60 klatek i zamawiam 10 wersji.

Posted (edited)
Several years have passed in Devil May Cry 5 and the threat of demonic power, long since forgotten, has returned to menace the world once again.
This hellish incursion attracts the attention of the young demon hunter, Nero, an ally of Dante who now finds himself without his demonic arm, the source of much of his power.
As Nero heads to Red Grave City in his motorhome named “Devil May Cry” with his partner Nico
The loss of his demonic arm, the demonic invasion, and Dante’s unknown whereabouts. Things must be settled once and for all.
featuring ground-breaking graphics that utilise photorealistic character designs and stunning lighting and environmental effects.

The game features three playable characters, each of which offer a radically different stylish combat play style as they take on the city overrun with demons.
Adrenaline-fuelled boss fights play out against destructible environments in the striking streets of Red Grave City.
Edited by XM.
  • Upvote 2

Silnik RE7 to kawał świetnego narzędzia, jedyny minus: nacisk na fotogrametrię, co równa się w zasadzie pełnym skanom aktorów i konieczności podobieństwa do zeskanowanego modelu.  Mniej inwencji designerskiej, co w przypadku znanych postaci ze starszych gier może po prostu przeszkadzać komuś.


jeszcze troche official info:

A brand new entry in the legendary over-the-top action series comes to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in Spring 2019, complete with its signature blend of high-octane stylized action and otherworldly and original characters the series is known for. Director Hideaki Itsuno and the core team have reunited to create the most over the top, technically advanced, utterly insane action experience of this generation. 
Years have passed since the legions of hell have set foot in this world, but now a new demonic invasion has begun, and humanity’s last hope will rest in the hands of three lone demon hunters, each offering a radically different play style. United by fate and a thirst for vengeance, these demon hunters will have to face their demons if they hope to survive. 

• Legendary action series returns – The 16 million unit selling series is back with original Director Hideaki Itsuno at the helm of development. 
• A battle of good and evil – A demonic invasion begins with the seeds of a “demon tree” taking root in Red Grave City. This hellish incursion attracts the attention of the young demon hunter, Nero, an ally of Dante who now finds himself without his demonic arm, the source of much of his power. The supernatural family drama also continues as Dante, the Son of Sparda, seeks revenge for his brother’s corruption and mother’s murder. 
• High octane stylized action – Featuring three playable characters each with a radically different stylish combat play style as they take on the city overrun with demons.
• Groundbreaking graphics – Developed with Capcom’s in-house proprietary RE engine, the series continues to achieve new heights in fidelity with graphics that utilize photorealistic character designs and stunning lighting and environmental effects. 
• Take down the demonic invasion – Battle against epic bosses in adrenaline fueled fights across the over-run Red Grave City.
• Demon hunter - Nero, one of the series main protagonists and a young demon hunter who has the blood of Sparda, heads to Red Grave City to face the hellish onslaught of demons, with weapons craftswoman and new partner-in-crime, Nico.


w ogole Nero bedzie mial chyba wymienne te łapy - raz grapling hook, raz bullet time.

Guest aphromo

Design Dantego najlepszy w serii, Nero taki Scalebound ale daje rade w koncu iles lat minelo w grze od 4, nie moze wygladac zbyt chlopieco, laska ok, Vergil wreszcie ma mroczny design ktory pasuje do charakteru a nie Dante w innym kolorze i fryzurze.

Grafika zrywa pape z dachu.

9 minut temu, XM. napisał:

jeszcze troche official info:

A brand new entry in the legendary over-the-top action series comes to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in Spring 2019, complete with its signature blend of high-octane stylized action and otherworldly and original characters the series is known for. Director Hideaki Itsuno and the core team have reunited to create the most over the top, technically advanced, utterly insane action experience of this generation. 
Years have passed since the legions of hell have set foot in this world, but now a new demonic invasion has begun, and humanity’s last hope will rest in the hands of three lone demon hunters, each offering a radically different play style. United by fate and a thirst for vengeance, these demon hunters will have to face their demons if they hope to survive. 

• Legendary action series returns – The 16 million unit selling series is back with original Director Hideaki Itsuno at the helm of development. 
• A battle of good and evil – A demonic invasion begins with the seeds of a “demon tree” taking root in Red Grave City. This hellish incursion attracts the attention of the young demon hunter, Nero, an ally of Dante who now finds himself without his demonic arm, the source of much of his power. The supernatural family drama also continues as Dante, the Son of Sparda, seeks revenge for his brother’s corruption and mother’s murder. 
• High octane stylized action – Featuring three playable characters each with a radically different stylish combat play style as they take on the city overrun with demons.
• Groundbreaking graphics – Developed with Capcom’s in-house proprietary RE engine, the series continues to achieve new heights in fidelity with graphics that utilize photorealistic character designs and stunning lighting and environmental effects. 
• Take down the demonic invasion – Battle against epic bosses in adrenaline fueled fights across the over-run Red Grave City.
• Demon hunter - Nero, one of the series main protagonists and a young demon hunter who has the blood of Sparda, heads to Red Grave City to face the hellish onslaught of demons, with weapons craftswoman and new partner-in-crime, Nico.


w ogole Nero bedzie mial chyba wymienne te łapy - raz grapling hook, raz bullet time.

Widać jak ta laska sprzedaje mu chyba nową rękę,  a w tym pomieszczeniu mielismy chyba scene gdy ten  zakapturzony mu ją obcina.

Posted (edited)

Zakapturzony to Vergil:





Nie wiem jakim cudem nie zauważyłem, że już XM to wrzucał ... 



Edited by Ins

Ukończyłem  wszystkie DMC oprócz dwójki także pojawienie się tak odwalonej piątki to dla mnie coś wspaniałego. Wszystko na tym pokazie ryje beret.

5 godzin temu, Ins napisał:

Zakapturzony to Vergil:





Nie wiem jakim cudem nie zauważyłem, że już XM to wrzucał ... 




A ten koleś z FFXV co tu robi? ;)


Wygląda jak Corrupted pod tym kapturem. Jeśli tylko nie będzie takiego backtrackingu jak w DMC4 to jestem kupiony i rzucam pieniędzmi w Capcom choćby za chwilę.

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