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w psx extreme, masz 10 zł drożej niż ustalona cena przedpremierowa, niewiem za co sobie naliczyli tą marże, w ultimie masz 189 zł, ale nimi jak nie potrzepiesz, to nieraz zapominają o wysyłce i idei preordera, więc różnie może być. Ja będe miał wersje z giełdy katowickiej pewnie w okolicach 160-180 zł dwa, trzy dni po premierze, zależy jak weekend wypada ;)

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Co jak co, ale w tym roku chyba się pokuszę o właśnie Fifkę, szczególnie, że takie świetne ceny były i teraz prawdopodobnie też będą.


Ta gra wyprzedza PES'a, dosyć powiedzieć, że wersja 2008 stoi u mnie na półce i mam jej dosyć (to jest to samo co w 3 części z nową grafiką), zaś kiedy patrzę na 09 u kumpla nadziwić się nie mogę, jak w to się dobrze gra. Na dodatek polski język i komentarz zachęcają aż do wydania tych 170+ zł.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Widzieliscie jakies filmiki z custom free kicks ?

Ja widzialem tylko jeden na youtubie.

Moim zdaiem to jest bardzo fajna opcja.

Jakby co chodzi o to,ze na arenie podczas rzutu wolnego usawias taktyke kto gdzie ma pobiec po wykonaniu wolnego(droge rysujesz chyba prawa galka),taktyke przypisujesz pod jakis kierunek ,strzalke.Potem w meczu podczas wolnego wybierasz dany kierunek i juz.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Moze boi sie, ze ktos znajdzie takiego customa, ze zawsze bedzie bramka padala ;)




Hey guys,


first of all, sorry for my english, I'm german and I'm trying my best here .


I live in Cologne so I obviously had to visit the gamescom and play FIFA10, because hands down, it's this time of the year again where casual gamers like I would describe myself turn into nerds, trying to absorb as much information about upcoming football titles as possible.


1. "There's too much chipping in the game, plus it looks far too easy."


When standing in line waiting to play the game with a friend I could watch a lot of games with players ranging from absolutely unskilled to very good, even some "abusers" of leaks, so basically the kind of mixture you would expect in online games.


I was very surprised how even bad players would fire some great lobs when making it into the box. How was that possible, are they not so bad after all? Is the game so hard to control now, that skilled players would look like starters? Well. Some thirty seconds into my first self-played game, my friend (a rather bad player ) dribbles alongside my box and fires one hell of a lob at my goal. I stare at him in shock and he smashes the Xbox-Pad. "The hell, I wanted to SHOT, not cross!" - what was going on? About ~50% of the players actually hit the cross button instead of the shot button, because some people adjust the controls the way they like it, others just start to play and everything gets mixed up.

Plus, you can't spam the keeper button and expect the goalie to hover back magically into his goal if you release it anymore.. a lot of players, including me, just press it way to often and the keeper stands too far away from the goal - lobs are as easy or hard as in Fifa 09.


2. "It's too easy to ping-pong-pass and get into the box."


That's crap. First of all, which teams parti(pipi)ated in the current gameplay videos? Barcelona, Munich, Chelsea ... you would expect teams like that to play some good one touch football. The new 360° movement in defence is worth gold. My friend likes to ping-pong and I never could put a stop to that in 09, but now I can actually move where I want, so good-bye getting the ball to your fast forwards from the defence with three quick passes in the midfield. When playing a game with Toronto against Marseille this became even more obvious, because the players in Marseille's midfield can't pass as fast as Ribery or Messi, so the ball jumps away or a player misses entirely.. and even if he gets to pass it, I could stop it if it wasn't a move that he thought through and didn't just hit LB+pass for a one-two spam.


3. "Noone can play Fifa, the videos suck."


Well, a lot of the available footage actually is ruined by bad plays. This is easily explained by the following facts. The controls are changed almost every game, and this is Germany, and you don't want 10 angry Germans behind you when you are setting controls and stuff like manual shooting, passing.. "Oh so now he ees changink ze controlls, plees, zees ees just to test ze game!" ... so you basically play with mixed up buttons and actions. Plus, the triggers and RB/LT tend to get stuck fairly often because they are extremely worn out (on the second day of four!).

Also, the game speed is often set to fast by a few guys and this is unnoticed by the next ten or more couples playing, so if they film it, another false impression is on tape and ready to hit the forums.


So far, this is what I read in this forum a lot and just wanted to clarify some of it. I am not paid by EA or something for writing this. My personal game history is FIFA 96-2002 on PC, then changed to PES 3 until PES 6, bought an Xbox 360 and continued playing PES 6 until FIFA 09 was finally a great EA product again while Konami messed up big time.. and now I am waiting for FIFA10.




No i troche na temat tego co mozemy na nich zobaczyc, a nie zawsze sie nam podoba



Mysle, ze wobec nowych mozliwosci blokowania pilki zagrania ping-pong przy odpowiednim kontrolowaniu przestrzeni miedzy dwoma zawodnikami tak zagrywajacymi pilke, beda znacznie latwiejsze do wyeliminowania. Zreszta w nowej FIFie jest cos fajnego, mianowicie fizyka pilki jest oddzielona od zawodnikow, wiec i wiecej swobody jest w obronie.


Co do lobow, to tez bym sie specjalnie tym nie martwil, tymbardziej ze teraz mozna nakazac bramkarzowi pozostac na linii (czy tez najpierw zrobic kilka krokow do przodu i dopiero sie wycofac), czego pewnie wiekszosc tych noobow ktorzy non stop tracili takie bramki tego nie wie.

Edytowane przez easye
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