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Monster Hunter World


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W dniu 3.09.2019 o 10:32, Shen napisał:

LS jest popularny bo jest latwy w uzyciu, spory dmg i nie jestes powolny jak z GS. Proste. 


No konca. LS jest latwy w uzyciu na slabym poziomie, czyli takim, na jakim gra nim pewnie z 95% populacji - czyli przez 90% jada na bialym pasku i robia goow,niany dmg, klepiac "combosy". Zeby LS byl top tierowa bronia, to trzeba utrzymywac go na czerwonym, ewentualnie zoltym najdluzej jak to mozliwe i ma na to taniego, latwo spamowalnego sposobu. Trzeba caly czas kontrolowac, co sie robi i konczyc round slashem zeby nabijac pasek. Helm splitterem jest trudniej dobrze trafic niz jakimkolwiek innym super atakiem i trzeba trafiac w weak spot, bo inaczej dmg jest marny. Kontra ma bardzo duze okno (bedzie mniejsze w iceborn), ale skuteczne stosowanie jej oznacza ZAKAZ MASHOWANIA. 

Zabilem dzis temp teo ponizej 4 minut dualami spamujac taniec non stop (energy drink). LSem zrobie ja pewnie w 8min, a gram ta bronia najdluzej i najlepiej. 

Nie chodzi mi o spieranie sie, ktora bron jest lepsza, fajniejsza i ladniejsza, tylko o wyrazenie dezaprobaty w sprawie powielanego wszedzie mitu, ze LS jest prosty, bo jest cool i flashy. Na pewno jest jedna z lepszych broni dla poczatkujacych (noob friendly), bo jest mobilny, zasiegowy i zeby robic nim cokolwiek, wystarczy robic "combosy". 


Chowajcie potworki w spoilery. Chcialbym sie jeszcze czyms zaskoczyc.


Devil ? Yano ? Jolly coop ?

Edytowane przez Kazub
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Opis endgame z artykułu. Zapowiada się za(pipi)iście.


While Iceborne’s story is only slightly shorter than the base game's, the post-game has been overhauled and is now significantly more interesting. No longer will you just be grinding the same Tempered monsters upon the stories completion for decoration drops. Instead, the majority of Iceborne’s endgame revolves around The Guiding Lands – a new location that is split into 4 sections, representing biomes for the Ancient Forest, the Wildspire Wastes, the Coral Highlands, and the Rotten Vale. With the exception of a few post-game Assigned Quests, every time that you visit the Guiding Lands will be as an Expedition – each region has a level attached to it, and hunting monsters from each of these biomes will inevitably strengthen the monsters that will spawn from that particular biome, with the caveat that leveling one region will weaken the others.

While hunting in The Guiding Lands, you’ll occasionally find Special Tracks, either by killing monsters or by discovering Signs of a Turf War while exploring the environment. These tracks can be any monster that could potentially spawn in the Guiding Lands, based off of the levels that you have reached for each biome – and will require you to “analyze” them by hunting monsters that closely match their species, such as Bird Wyverns, Fanged Wyverns, Elder Dragons, and more. This includes monsters that you simply do not see before the post-game. There’s about half a dozen of them, and unsurprisingly – they’re brutal to fight. Some of them won’t begin to spawn until you’ve increased a region’s level past the point when Elder Dragons will begin to spawn, and many of them you won’t even have the chance to face until you’ve raised your Master Rank to a cap, and then cleared an Assigned Quest to uncap it again, raising the maximum level obtainable for each region.


Even if that was all that Capcom added to Iceborne’s endgame, it would already be a significant enough improvement to drastically impact how Monster Hunter: World is played once the credits roll. You’ll still inevitably reach a point where the new monsters stop, and you’re just hunting monsters you’ve already fought before – but there are two things that the Guiding Lands offer that means that even once you’ve exhausted the new content, it won’t end up feeling stale.

Monsters hunted in the Guiding Lands drop unique materials, most of which are used when augmenting weapons. Tempered Monsters, for the first time ever, will also drop their own materials – which, of course, are also used when augmenting weapons, usually when upgrading an Augment’s level. Different weapons will require different monster parts, which is specially compounded for weapons without unique models. Those weapons can take advantage of Custom Upgrades, which incorporate parts from entirely different monsters to augment them in a way that won’t use precious slots that determine how many, and which type, of augmentations a weapon can hold at once.

The way that these slots work for Augmenting weapons, and how many each weapon can hold, has seen a few changes as well. Different augmentations require different numbers of slots, and one new upgrade that you can apply to augmented weapons is to increase the number of slots a weapon can hold. Since one weapons augmentations will require parts from multiple monsters, even endgame gear will have players tackling more than just Elder Dragons in order to level them up. There's more of a metagame when it comes to augmentation now, which ultimately allows for your weapons to get stronger than ever. However - the full process, while longer in some ways, isn't nearly as frustrating; you're rarely beholden to RNG drops to actively upgrade your weapons.


Instead of slogging through monsters, hoping to get a specific Streamstone drop for a specific class of weapon in order to Augment it, you now only require more general materials that drop from specific monsters. You still have decorations that you can grind, but now not only is there a lot more freedom for what builds you’d want to make at endgame - partly because of the increased variety in weapon trees – but you also aren’t beholden to nearly as much RNG while upgrading weapons. Now the only things that are truly RNG are decorations, and with increased slots on Master Rank gear, new Level 4 decorations that incorporate a wider variety of skills (including some new ones), and more – there are so many more ways of strengthening your character than before. Add in the dynamism that the Guiding Lands offer for the endgame, in addition to the returning Investigations, and hunting retains its luster for far, far longer than what was originally present in World.

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Garsc pytan do weteranow poprzdnich gier


1. Master rank bedzie wtloczony progresem w story ? W sensie, ze dostep do powiedzmy master nerga bedzie ograniczony progresem ?

2. Aktualne armor sfery beda nadawac sie do ulepszania ciuchow czy pojawi sie od razu kolejny ich tier ktory zdeklasuje poprzednie ?

3. Armory z ze stworkow tier1 i 2 beda mialy wiecej defa niz obecne meta armory ?

4. Jakie skille przewidujecie w secie zinogre ? Czy ta zbrojka bedzie najpiekniejsza z pieknych ? A nargacuga ?

5. Jak szybko master bronki zaczna przewyzszac potencjalem obecne meta bronki ? Biorac pod uwage ogolnego buffa do elemental dmg 

6. Dlsczego nie widze postow janusza ?

Edytowane przez Kazub
Odnośnik do komentarza
6 minut temu, Kazub napisał:

Garsc pytan do weteranow poprzdnich gier


1. Master rank bedzie wtloczony progresem w story ? W sensie, ze dostep do powiedzmy master nerga bedzie ograniczony progresem ?

2. Aktualne armor sfery beda nadawac sie do ulepszania ciuchow czy pojawi sie od razu kolejny ich tier ktory zdeklasuje poprzednie ?

3. Armory z ze stworkow tier1 i 2 beda mialy wiecej defa niz obecne meta armory ?

4. Jakie skille przewidujecie w secie zinogre ? Czy ta zbrojka bedzie najpiekniejsza z pieknych ? A nargacuga ?

5. Jak szybko master bronki zaczna przewyzszac potencjalem obecne meta bronki ? Biorac pod uwage ogolnego buffa do elemental dmg 

6. Dlsczego nie widze postow janusza ?


1. Oczywiście. Będą ranki questów tak jak na HR czyli MR.

2. Aktualne na bank będą się nadawały ale pojawią się lepsze sfery zwiększające bardziej.

3. Już pierwsze armory Bone z Master ranku mają więcej defa od engamowych HR i wypada je od razu złożyć. Stare armory pewnie będą się sprawdzały przez MR 1-2 i tyle.

4. Zbroja z nargi bezie cool ninja. Nie wyobrażam sobie monsterhunterowego nooba bez zestawu zbroja z nargi + LS :thumbsup:

5. Bronie z HR upgradujemy dalej do MR. Progres jest wolny i trzeba dużo leveli questów MR nabić żeby zdobyć części z potworów zamkniętych na wyższych MR.

6. Yano nie pisze na forum od roku.


Są recki bez spoilerów:




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