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Ninja Blade


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Oprócz tego trailera pokazano też scenę z samej gry. Niejaki Aokage spisał swoje wrażenia na NeoGAFie:



Just got back from this thing. My God, what blahness. I was expecting more than a single new game announcement.


Ninja Blade does look legitimately radcakes, though. I interviewed Norhiko Hibino several months ago and he was raving about the game, which didn't have a title yet. Now I see why he was so excited. Made Ninja Gaiden II look like a first-gen Xbox game.

Yeah, there was a brief CG trailer and then an in-game one. Very short, but awesome. The main character leapt out of a helicopter, fell hundreds of feet, smashed through plate glass windows into a skyscraper, then continued the battle inside. Totally seamless. The From guy said it wasn't a cutscene and was all playable. Graphics were hugely impressive and everything looked to be 60fps. Lots of destructable elements in the background. "From Software Ninja Action Game" just went from "huh, might be cool" to "GOD DAMN".
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Ciekawe, jak z gameplayem - jesli i rowniez tutaj mamy miec chocby przecietna kalke NG2, to chlopaki i tak musza sie niezle postarac zeby dorownac Team Ninja, ktore kilka ladnych lat doswadczen w dziedzinie bijatyk ma juz za soba.

Edited by komar737
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IGN miał okazję porozmawiać z producentem świeżo zapowiedzianej gry Ninja Blade - Masanori Takeuchi. Główną kwestią towarzyszącą temu tytułowi jest oczywiście podobieństwo do Ninja Gaiden. W rozmowie z serwisem Takeuchi stwierdził jednak, że inaczej niż w przypadku innych gier, Ninja Blade nie będzie połączeniem scenek przerwynikowych w zwolnionym tempie z zacinającą się (w sensie tempa) rozgrywką. Gra From Software ma oferować filmową akcję bez niepotrzebnych przestojów. Przez całe 12 godzin kampanii.

Wiemy już również nieco o głównym bohaterze gry. Nazywa się Ken (Ken i Ryu [Hayabusa...] - czy to aż tak popularne imiona?) i w trakcie gry będziemy mogli dopakować go kilkoma umiejętnościami, o których jednak nic na razie nie wiadomo. Takeuchi wspomniał jedynie o Ninja Vision, które ma ujawnić nam słabe punkty wroga, czy podpowiedzieć, gdzie powinniśmy się udać. Cieszy fakt, że autorzy nie postawili krzyżyka na wersji demonstracyjnej Ninja Blade. Własnoręczne testy na pewno pomogą graczom wydać werdykt, bo na razie naprawdę trudno jest mi uwierzyć, że Ken pokona Ryu. Zobaczymy, co będzie się mówiło po TGS…

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Wrażenia z dema:


This weekend at their Tokyo Media Briefing, Microsoft announced Ninja Blade, an action game being developed by From Software for the Xbox 360. While at the time of this writing, the Internet is already picking apart the trailer (featured above) and whispering about the game's striking similarity to a certain other demon-chopping ninja franchise, producer Masanori Takeuchi took some time at the media briefing to talk a little bit more about his product and show off some very brief in-game footage that sets it apart.


The game is being classed as a "cinematic action game," meant to thrust the player into their own personal movie. It has an extremely urban feel, with many settings being taken from real-world locations in Tokyo like Shinjuku Station. In keeping with the title's blockbuster ambitions, Ninja Blade has you free-falling from airplanes, slicing up demons a mile above the city, and grinding down the side of buildings using your katana as a glorified handbrake. None of this would be half as exciting if it weren't for the fact that the game never seems to slow down; cutscenes blend right into the action and then back into cutscenes.


In the additional footage from today's event, Takeuchi showed a continuation of the trailer in which the hero dives from the aforementioned airplane, slashing up monsters, and crashing into the ground, only to continue the battle in what was clearly real-time gameplay. To be honest, it was hard to tell where the cutscene ended and the action began, but we kind of get the feeling that was the whole point. If the entire game plays that way uninterrupted, it really could make for an intense experience. The game's graphics, lighting, and effects were stunning, and Takeuchi promises they have more tricks up their sleeves.


The game will also feature lead character design by Lost Planet designer Keiji Nakaoka, a soundtrack by Norihiko Hibino of Metal Gear Solid fame, and storyboards and animation support from Production I.G.


Ninja Blade is due out in early 2009. Thankfully, Ninja Blade will be playable at next month's Tokyo Game Show, so we can see for ourselves whether it delivers on its promises. Stay tuned for further impressions then.


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