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The Callisto Protocol


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First impressions (PS5 version) after a couple of hours: yeah, it's definitely Dead Space meets Prison Break.

Performance mode looks good enough but fidelity mode clearly has better AO, and has RT (or pseudo-RT) reflections (EDIT: and shadows, it seems), but 30fps is a bit choppy imo. Still Performance mode (seemingly at 1440p) has great SSR implementation. Faces look amazing and voice performance from all characters are great so far (except when Jacob keeps saying "Nice!" when you find an item, it's annoying).

I've been switching between 60 and 30RT every so often, I don't know what to settle on yet. But probably 60fps. Game still looks great in that mode, quite frankly.

Combat is harsh. Monsters hit HARD, sometimes simultaneously, and often in groups of 2 to 4. I'm playing in Normal mode and getting my ass wrecked many times. The beginning, before you get a gun, can be tough, because enemies are hit sponges in the beginning (and I have some trouble getting used to the dodge system with the left stick). They are also bullet sponges if you only use bullets (I only have the one gun, so later weapons might kick a bigger punch). However, if you take advantage of the "weakness" system where you melee until a weak spot appears for you to shoot, they're not all that resistant and it's just the right amount of tension imo.

Sound design is great, headphones recommended ! Music is okay. Very Dead Space-ish.

There are no manual saves whatsoever it seems, only autosaves (they tell you when the last autosave was when you press start, like in Naughty Dog games). It's fine, but sometimes the gaps between them are pretty long, especially when you need to fight 4 enemies again (before the having the gun) because you died a stupid death. It's not dreadful though.

There are some accessibility options too, such as dyslexia subtitles, high contrast, hold button with a single press, that kind of thing.

Minor gripes:
- You can't move while in the inventory or listening to audio logs (you could in Dead Space so...????)
- Inventory is full quickly (for now, haven't had any potential upgrade yet)
- I miss Dead Space's locator, but it's okay

I think that's it for now. If you have a specific question I'll try to answer it. I'm so into it, can't wait to jump back in.


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Odnośnik do komentarza
2 godziny temu, Wredny napisał:

O ch#j, pralka się nie doczytała :shok:

Będzie czerwono na metacritic.

Czezky, proszę o zwrot kasy :tokar:

Digital Foundry ich rozjedzie. :D Gotham Knights 2.0


Recenzje dopiero w dzień premiery, dziwne. Gra pewnie będzie ok, ale widać, że do końca patchowali i bali się puszczać przed releasem do wszystkich (a i tak wyciekło ;D). 

Odnośnik do komentarza
53 minuty temu, Donatello1991 napisał:

Ghotam by miało 60 fps I już by lepszy odbiór był. 30fps rozpoczęło bezlitosne dominio.


Tutaj oceny będą pewnie 84-85.

Optymalizacja powinna być ok, przecież to korytarzowka.

Obstawiam podobnie, może delikatnie wyżej jak Plaga - 86, w końcu nowe IP i te sprawy. Myślę, że zawodu nie będzie. Nie wiem kiedy to ogram i czy uda się w grudniu, ale biorę na premierę, jak tylko zobaczę recki i przede wszystkich optymalizację na PS5 lepszą od Gotham.

Edytowane przez KrYcHu_89
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